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1、Unit 6 Whose dress is this?第 2 课时Step 1. Preparation1、Greeting2、Free talkT:First,Let s have a free talk.Q:Whose . is this? Its .s.Whose . are these?Theyre . s.(文具、书本、衣服)How nice! Thank you.3、Game-Say or doT:Now,let s play a game. “Say or do”.Look at the screen,if you see a picture,you should say the

2、 word,if you see the orders,you should do the actions,understand?Step 2:Presentation and Practice:1.Let s talk. Look at .It s so/too .Theyre so/too .T:Now, it s talk show now.2.Lead in the main characters.T:Look!Who are they?(Su Yang and Su Hai)Today,Su Yang and Su Hai are going to join a fancy dres

3、s party,lets go with them,ok?S:.T:Let s watch a cartoon.(播放动画)3.Watch and chooseT:1.How many people are there in the cartoon?(4)2What are they talking about?(A.Clothes B.Food C.Seasons)T:I devide this story into two part.Picture 1 to 3 is part A about“before the party”.Picture 4 to6 is part B about

4、“at the party”.Now,please open your books and turn to page 32.First,let s lookat part A“before theparty”.Herere some T or F questions for you.Q:1.Suhais dress is too long.F2.Suyangs trousers are too short.FPlease read the story silently and try to find the answers.4.Read and answer 默读课文找出问题答案。5.Read

5、ing timeT: Now,it 6.Part BT:Now,Su Hai and Su Yang are ready for party.letsturn to part B “at the party”.Herere some questiond for this part.Q:1.Who is wearing gloves?(Su Yang )2.How about the gloves?(so big)3.Whose gloves are these?(Su Yangs fathers)4.Who is wearing dress?(Helen)5.Whose dress is th

6、is?(Helens cousins)7.Reading timeT: Now,it 8.Dub the story.9.根据课文内容填横线.T:Have you learned the story well?Now,please close your books.It s checkout time now!Let s fill in the blanks!Step 3:Consolidation1.划词组T:Are you clear about the story?Now read the stroy again and try to find some important phrases.2.Evaluation


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