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1、教学内容八年级(上)Unit10( Section A1a 2c)课时Period 1教学对象八年级学生执教者胡仁金一、教材内容分析本节教材是八年级上册第十单元第一课时,通过对教材内容的整合,本节教学内容是Section A 1a 2c 的内容,主要任务是:学习 If 引导的条件状语从句,先初步了解条件状语从句,领会句型的含义,口头上初步运用条件句谈论将来要做的事及其可能造成的结果。二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度与价值观)(一). 知识目标1): Key vocabulary; organize, video2): Target language If you go to the part

2、y, you ll have a great time! What will happen if they have the party today? Half the class won t come.(二) . 能力目标1): Learn to use the first conditional to talk about the consequences.2): Be able to listen for the information of consequences in the listening materials.(三)、情感态度与价值观 通过活动帮助学生根据计划找到合适的结果,

3、从而明确计划合理性。三、重点、难点重点:理解If引导的条件状语从句难点:初步学会用 If 引导的条件状语从句谈论计划及可能产生的结果。条件句中的条件要用一般现在时表达一般将来的意思。四、教法选择、学法指导与教学评价教法选择:任务型教学法、情景视听法、听说法,小组合作法学法指导:自主学习与小组相结合,听说练习法。教学评价:通过眼神、手势、激励性语言、奖品等方式,通过检查学生排序、填空、表演、写作等途径,对学生进行恰如其分的过程评价。五、资源准备1、多媒体教室及相关音响设施。2、录音机3、相关实物。4、卡片。六、教学过程教学任务教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备step1:1、Play an En

4、glishsong towarmListento thesong热身和导入新课. 由听Warming-upandup the students.and learn to singIf you are happy导入eading in( 32、 Greet the Ss. Then show a.新课,这首歌节奏感强,分)picture on screen to lead in.又和即将要学的条件状误从句有关,听让学生思维活跃起来step2:Show somepicturesthatLookatthe出示图片, 帮助学生回presentation(5studentsareinterestedpi

5、ctures ,答这两个贴近生活的问分)in ,thenleadintargetFollowtheT to题,在闲聊的轻松环境languages.learnthetarget下引出目标句型在大脑language.中初步形成If句型结构。Step3 :1. Play the recording for theListen and try to通过听力,让学生补充Listening.first time, Ss only pletethe合理的结果,既巩固了(5 分)2. Play the recording againresponses.本节课的目标句型,又the try to complete

6、 the能使所学知识融会贯通responses.的一个综合性练习。3. Check the answersTask4.Game1.Have the Ss work ingroups of1. Let s see:在游戏中习得语言,提( 15 分钟)2(boysVSgirls),trytomakeWhichgroupcan高学习兴趣;同时引导sentences as many as possible.makethemost学生熟练掌握制作步2.Ask Ss to work in groups ofsentences?骤。4trtry to make chain story.2.Four stud

7、ents agroupplaythechain stiry game.Task5.Please writedownyourownI am a student.I通过写的操练,培养学Writingfunnystoryusingusuallugetto生书面表达能力,与知(5 分钟)"if.will",you should writeschoolat seven in识的灵活运用能力。at least 4 sentences.themorning.IfIgetup at 9:00nextMonday.Task6.Summarize the lesson.ReviewtheSum

8、maryand Show the homework:1.Rememberlesson.Finish thehomeworkthe expressions with "if" andhomework on time.(5 分钟)"will".2. Finishyour ownfunnystoryusing"if.will",you should writeat least 6 sentences.七、板书设计Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!If I am happy, I will play basketballIf you go to the party, you will have a great time.If I have a robot, I will play with it .If it rains this Sunday,he will watch TV.If it doesn't rain this Sunday,he will go hiking."主将从现 "八、反思及改进总结与归纳本课所学的知识,同时帮助学生养成课后复习的良好习惯。


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