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1、Unit 13 Rainy days make me sadThe First PeriodTeaching Aims and Demands1 Knowledge Objects( 1) Key Vocabularymake - made, would rather, sad, angry, relaxed, tired , tense, surprised, comfortable, uncomfortable.quiet, loud.( 2) Target LanguageA: I d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I l

2、ike to listen to quiet music while Im eatingB: Me too! Loud music makes me tense A: I agree! Loud music makes me uncomfortable 2 Ability Objects( 1) Memorize the adjectives which can express someone s feelings( 2) Use the adjectives above and the structure “make/makes/made sb adj to express their op

3、inions freely 3 Moral objectsMake students like to be a person who has different kinds of feelings and it s good for the schoolwork and life Teaching Key Pointwould rather do sth;make sb adj (make sb do sth)Teaching Difficult Points1 Make sure students can use “make, makes, made”correctly in the dif

4、ferent sentences.2. Make students understand the adjectives in the real situations.3 Use different ways to help students to express their opinion freely without feeling boredTeaching Methods1 Remind students of key words by showing the pictures and having a discussion.2 Pairwork and groupwork make e

5、very student work in class 3. Make sentences conversations to learn the grammar.Teaching Aids1 A tape recorder2 The multimedia Teaching ProceduresStep1Lead-inIntroduce the title of Unit 13 and the key points in this period by talking about the weather.The following questions may be used: How s the w

6、eather today? How s the weather in the picture?Do you like the rainy days? Why?第1页共2页Step2 PresentationPresent the adjectives which can express different feelings such as sad, happy, tense, relaxed and so on.Play a guessing game and enjoy some pieces of music to make students understand the meanings

7、 of the words above more deeply.Introduce the usage of the key word “make”and ask students to practice it by talking about the pictures as well as asking and answering in pairs.Step 3 1aHave a discussion: Which restaurant would you like to go? Why?(Ask students to pay attention to the persons differ

8、ent expressions and things in the two restaurant.) Step4 1bAsk students to read the instructions Look at the chart and point out the two headings: The Rockin Restaurant and The Blue Lagoon Look at the sample answerLet a student read the completed sentence, and then say, You will hear the missing wor

9、ds on the recording Fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape Play the recording the first time Students only listen carefully Play the recording again This time fill in the missing words Check the answers with the whole class Step 5 1cLook at the sample conversation. Invite a pair of s

10、tudents to read it to the class Note something important such as would rather do sthGo through the instructions with the class Tell students they will talk about their own opinions with a partner Look back at the chart in Activity 1b. Make up a conversation with a partner using words from the chart,

11、 such as awful pictures, loud music and soft musicEg. I d like to go to /I d rather go to because make/ makes me Step 6 ConsolidationEnjoy some ads and tell their feelingsTalk about something in groups.Step 7 SummarySum up the key word, useful sentences and grammar they learned today.Step 6HomeworkWrite down their own conversations or articles about how different kinds of weather make them feel.第2页共2页


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