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1、Unit11A boy and a girlTeaching content : PartATeaching aims,1. 听懂,会说My name is ./ I m /I m not /I m from /My is /are2、 听懂、会说 : hair, eye, Chinese, English3、 掌握最简单的自我介绍方法。Teaching mainpoints and difficulty pionts,1、能听懂、会说My name is /I m /I m not /I m fromis /are/My 2、能听懂、会说hair, eye, Chinese, English

2、3、培养学生的交际意识和合作精神。Teaching procedures,Step1 Free talkHow are you?1. Listen and answerWhat's your name?What's your English name?How old are you? Are you nine or ten?新授Are you a boy or a girl?(揭题 )Step2 Presentation and practice1. Play a gamenine 和ten1)A boy and a girlT: Now let's play a ga

3、me. Look, (出示刘涛的头饰 )I'm a boy, I'm not a girl. (出示南希的头饰 )I'm a girl, I'm not a boy. Who can try?S 男: I'm a boy, I'm not a girl.S 女 : I'm a girl, I'm not a boy.2) Tall and shortT: *, come here. I'm tall. You should say.S: I'm not tall. I'm short.新授I'm./

4、 I'm not.T: I'll ask two of you. 请两个同学面对面进行对话:I'm tall. / I'm not tall. I'm short.3) Thin and fat(出示四组小动物,让学生来比较胖瘦)T: Look, I'm a cat. I'm fat. Who would be acat?学生们扮演动物,进行对话。(-I'm fat. I'm not thin.-I'm thin. I'm not fat.)T: 在英语表达中要尽量避免用 fat 形容人。我们可以用 chu

5、bby 来形容胖嘟嘟的样子。4) Long and shortT: Look, this is my hair.新授“ hair”My hair is long. How about you?(老师和学生示范is short.): -My hair is long. -My hair请两个学生对比着说5) Big and smallT: This is my eye. Is it big or small?新授“ eye”S: Big.T: My eyes are big. What about you?S: My eyes are small.请学生对比着说。2. 揭题 Unit11 A b

6、oy and a girlT: Today we will learn Unit11 A boy and a girl.(带读课题)3. PartA Learn to say1) T: Today I will intriduce some firends to you. Who is this boy?S: He's Paul.请 Paul 起立,请 Paul 说: I'm Paul. I'm tall.T: Who is this girl?S: She is Jean.T: Where are you, Jean? Stand up, please. 请 Jean

7、带读句子: I'm Jean. I'm thin.T: Now read after me, please. I'm Paul. I'm tall.I'm Jean. I'm thin.T: Look, what's this?Ss: It's a dog.T: The dog's name is Tong. 老(师拿着小狗玩具,扮演 )My name's Tong. My hair's long.T: Look, is this a dog? What is it? Ss: It's a cat.

8、T: This cat has a name. Its name is Ball. Look at her eyes. Big or small? Ss: They are small.S: My name's Ball. My eyes are small.(头戴小猫的头饰进行表演 )T: Paul, Jean, Tong and Ball are our friends. Listen to me老.师示范 Chant.学生与老师一起Chant:2) T: Who is this girl? (PPT 中呈现南希的图像 )S: She's Nancy.T: Yes. Nan

9、cy is our friend, too. Let's listen. What is she saying? Listen to Nancy.(听南希的课文录音)T: Are you clear? Let's try to listen and repeat(.听第一句话)S: My name is Nancy Black.T: Good. That's Nancy's name. Now my name is Bessie. What's your name? Please tell me your English name.S: My name

10、is *( 多请几个同学进行回答 )T: What is her name?(指着 Nancy 问)S: Her name is Nancy.T: Yes, her name is Nancy Black. (Nancy是她的名 ,Black 是她的姓。而在中国我们习惯是先说姓再说名。 )Read after me, My name is Nancy Black.(听第二句话)T: Who can repeat it? 让(学生模仿录音朗读 )T: Nancy is a girl. She is English. So she is an English girl.新授English(用国旗表

11、示)What about you? Are you an English girl? Tell me, please.S 女 : I'm a Chinese girl.新授 Chinese(用国旗表示)S 男 : I'm a Chinese boy.T: Let's go on.(听第三句 )T: Who can try? 领读句子 I'm from London.新授 London。呈现五幅具有代表性的伦敦的建筑物。 Tip: 伦敦是英国的首都。T: Are you from London?S: No.T: I'm not from London. I

12、'm from Nantong. Where are you from?听第四 , 五, 六句话 ,齐声跟读T: Let's listen and repeat again.T: Let's read together.T: What is she saying? You can guesss. S1: I like hamburgers.S2: My eyes are big.S3: My hair is yellow.S4: Look at my skirt. It's nice.3) T: Nancy is saying sth, to you. But

13、now look, she's saying, Look, this is my friends.Do you know them?S: Mike, Helen, Wang Bing and LiuTao.T:Let's look at Liu Tao first. (出示刘涛的个人信息表Name, Age, Nationality,Hometown, Appearance)Look, what's his name? How old is he? Listen. 听(刘涛的录音 )T: Listen to LiuTao. What is he saying?T: Th

14、is is the first time. Now listen again.(再听一遍 )T: What's his name?Liu TaoWhat nationality is he?ChineseWhere is he from?How old is he?What is he like?ShanghaiTenthinsmall eyesT: 领读以上答案T: This boy is . He is a . boy.He's from . He is . He is . And he has .老(师点着答案,让学生说出省略号里面的答案。 )T: LiuTao want

15、s to introduce himself. What dose he want to say? You can gusee. Ss 根据刘涛的信息表格说出句子,老师根据学生所说的句子,呈现课文部分的文字。T: Let's listen and repeat.T: Read together.4) T: Open your books.Look at your books, listen and repeat. Read the text by yourselve.Girls, you read part of Nancy. Boys, you read part of LiuTao

16、.5) T: We know a lot about Nancy and her friend Liu Tao. How about Mike, Helen andWang Bing? You can act one of them.假如你是他们,你能来介绍自己吗?1. Take out the paper and your pencils. Let's do some listening exercise. Listen and circle.(Tip: 1. 小朋友在做听力之前,要先浏览题目大意,做到心中有数;2. 在听的时候一定要专心听,尽量找出和题目有关的关键词。)2. T: Look at this. 我们学校的红领巾广播站要招聘一批英语播音员,欢迎同学们报名参加面试。面试时间:2010 年 12 月 30 日。面试地点:天元阶梯教室。面试内容:自我介绍。我们看看哪组小朋友说的多,哪组就获胜。


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