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1、2013 高考立体设计英语外研版版必修 4 Module 5 A Trip Along theThree Gorges 备选习题1.(2010 ·四川 ) _ I take the book out?I m afraid not. A.WillB.MayC.MustD.Need2. ( 2009·全国) I can t leave. She told me that I _ stay here until she comes back.A.canB.mustC.willD.may【解析 】考查情态动词。句意为:我不能离开,她告诉我,在她回来之前我必须呆在这里。can 表示能

2、够; must 表示必须; will表示将要; may表示可能。【答案】B3. ( 2008·重庆) May I ask a question after class,Sir?_, but not during my lunch break. A.I am sorryB.Anytime C.Certain ly D.Go ahead4. ( 2008·全国) The house still needed a lot of work,but _ the kitchen was finished.A.insteadB.altogether C.at onceD.at least

3、【解析 】本题考查副词和介词短语作状语的区别。句意为:这幢房子仍需大量的工作,但至少厨房已经完成了。 at least 至少,符合句意。 instead 代替;顶替;反而; altogether 总共; at once 立刻,马上;均不符合句意。用心爱心专心1【答案】D模拟质检1.My morning _ includes jogging in the park and reading newspapers overbreakfast.A.drillB.actionC.regulationD.routine【解析 】考查词义辨析。 routine意为“惯例,常规” 。句意为:我早上的日常惯例是

4、在公园跑 步,然后是在早饭期间读报。A 项 drill“训练,程序” ; B 项 action “行为,行动” ;C项 regulation“规则,条例” 。【答案】D2.It s reported that anaturalisthas just discovereda new _ of orchidinthe forest.A.collectionB.diversityC.varietyD.section3.Tom was toblame forthe incident. But_ his positive attitude,we forgavehim because “Every man

5、 has his faults.”A.in spite ofB.in search ofC.in exchange forD.in view of4.With world economic crisis _, people appeal to the government for moreunemployment benefits.A.went badB.gone badC.worsenedD.worsening【解析 】考查 with 复合结 构。 world economic crisis与 worsen 之间是主动关系,故用现在分词作宾语补足语。【答案】D5.Thesoccerteamhasbeendoingwellthisreason,sothey_winthechampionship.A.should用心爱心专心2B.mightC.wouldD.could【解析 】句意为:这支足球队本赛季表现不错,因而他们应该能赢得冠军。should表示确定或可能有的未来或期望,意为“想必会”、“按理应该” ,与语境相符。【答案】A用心爱心专心3


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