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1、2020年人教版小学三年级英语上册期中综合测试试卷及答案为下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。(10分))1. noseA 嘴B 鼻子)2. yellowA 黄色B.粉色)3. bookA 书B.尺子)4. bodyA.身体B.黑色)5 faceA手B.脸二.给下列单词分类。(10 分)A. faceB. penC crayon D.redF. yellowG handH. gree nI. eyeC 耳朵c.紫色c.学校c.棕色c.手指E. whiteJ. pencilK. mouthL ora ngeM. brown N leg O.eraserP. rulerQ.noseR. earS. bla

2、ckT.arm1身体部分:2 .文具:3 .颜色:三.看图片选单词。(10分))1. Show me yourA. penB. pencil)2. Look at myA. bookB. bagC cap)3. Touch yourA. eyeB.earC. leg)4. I have aA.rulerB. mouthC.arm)5 Clap yourA. handsB. headsC. fools四、把短语和它对应的翻译连接起来。(10分)()1. a yellow bodyA.棕色的鼻子)2. blue armsB.黄色的身体)3. a red mouthC 蓝色的胳膊()4. orang

3、e eves()5. a brown nose五、单项选择。(10分)()1.- Are you Zoom?D 红色的嘴巴E 橙色的眼晴A. No! L m Zip! B Goodbye!()2. -What"s your name?A. Hello!B. Bye !C. Yes, T m Zip.C My name's Lucy.)3. -Good after noon.A. Good afternoon.B. Good morning.C.Good evening.)4. -Show red.A.IB. meC your)5. -How are you, Miss Whi

4、te?A. I'1 m Miss WhiteB. Look at me.C.Fine, thank you六、看圏片,选择对应的句子,并将其宇母标号写在括号中。(10 分)A. Show me a flower. B Stamp your foot. C. I have an eraser.D. Good morning! E. Wowr a nice gift!七、连词成句。(10分)1. Showruleryourme (.)2. isWhatn ameyour (?)3. atLookmyface (.)4. yellowseeI ()5. makepuppetLetnsa (.

5、)八、情景交际。(10分)()1.当你想让对方看你的耳朵时,你说:C Look at myA. Look at my noseB Look at it.ear.)2当你看见一只白色的小猫时,你会说A. I see a cat B. I see a white cat cat.()3.当你想表达认识对方的高兴心情时,A. Nice to meet you. B. See you.C. I see a red你会说:C Howare you?()4当你上午见到朋友时,你对朋友说:_C. Nice tomy mother.A. Good after noon. B Good morning meet

6、 you.()5.当你想把Kate介绍给妈妈时,你会说A. Mum, it"s Kate.B. Kate, this isC. Mum, this is Kate.九、补全对话。(10分)A: Good afternoon.B:l.A: What"s your name, please?B: My namens Sarah. 2.A:Iz m John. 3.B:Nice to meet youz too. 4.A:Great !B:First make the head.A:5B:Let"s play with the puppet.A.What" s

7、 your name?B. Then, make the body.B.E.Let" s make a puppet.D. Good afternoon!Nice to meet you.十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)I have a eat. Is very cute(可爰的)? Its (它的)ears are orange Its mouth is red Its face is brown. Its legs arewhite. Its body is yellow and black Its tail(尾巴)is black and white.)1. I

8、have a cat.)2. Thecathas(有)a green mouth)3. Thecathasorange ears.)4. Thecathasblue leg.)5. Thecatis very cute参考答案l.B2.A3.A4.A 5.B二、l.AGI KNQ RT2.B CJ0p3.D EF H LMS三、l.B2.B3.B4.A5.A四、1-B2-C3-D4-E5-A五、l.A2.C3.A4.B5.C六.l.D2.C3. E4. A5. B七X1. Show me your ruler.2. What is your name?3. Look at my face4 I see yellow5. Let"smake apuppet八、i.c2.B3.A4.B5.C九、l.D2.A3.E4.C5.B十、l.T2.F3.T4.F5.T


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