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1、课时分层作业(十三)I 单词拼写1 AS We all know, rabbits multiPly rapidly.2 DO not blame your food because you have no appetite.3. Her mot her moved to Shi j iazhua ng SUbSeqUe rit I y (随后)4. HOW much do I OWe you for the grocer ies?5 HOW do you eva IUate the impact Of thi S incident () ?6. The governor Cal Ied fo

2、r an inqUiry intOthe mOtOrWay' S COl IaPSe (僅U塌)7 The SeCOnd ha I f of the game WaS du I I by COmPar i SOn (比较)With the f i rst.8. They had rece i Ved no news Ofhim S i nce h i S depar ture from the i s I a nd. 9 He had fa I Ien into a trap Set by One Of the hunters10. HeaVy SnOW has CaUSed tota

3、l ChaOS (混乱) On the roads11 .阅读理解AI don't think I Can recaI I a time When I WaSrt aware Of the beauty Of the OCea n. GrOW ing UP i n AUS tral ia, I had the good for tune Of having the Sea at my Side .The f i rs t time I Wen t to HalfmOOn Bay. I SUddenly had the feel ing Of not being able to feel

4、 the ground With my feet anymoreFOr my IOth bi rthday, my SiSter and I Were taken OUt to the Great Barr ier Reef. There Were f iSh in different colors, CaVeS and Iayers Of COraI. They made SUCh an impressiOn On me. When I Iearned that OnIy 1 PerCent Of AUStral ia, S COraI Sea WaS PrO tect ed, I WaS

5、ShOCked .Aus tralian mar i ne (海 洋的) I i fe i S Part i CUI ar I y important because the reefs have more mar i ne SPeCieS than any Other COUntry On earth.But Sad Iy, On I y 45% Of the WOr Id's reefs are COnS i dered heaI thy.ThiS StatiStiC is depressing, SO it's important for US to do everyth

6、ing to PrOtect them The hope that the COra I Sea rema i ns a COmP I ete eco- SyStem has Ied me to take action. I've become invoIVed With the PrOtect OUr COraI Sea activity, WhiCh aims to Create the IargeSt mar ine Park in the WOr ICl It VVOUld SerVe as a PI ace Where the OCear S SPeC i es Wi I I

7、 a I I have a Safe PI ace foreverTOgether, AngUS and I Created a Iittle VideO and We hope it Wi I I inspi rePeOPIe to be a Part Of the movement. AngUS a I SO ShareS many beautiful Ch i I dhood memor ies Of the OCean as a young boy, WhO grew UP Sa i I ing, admi r i ng the beauty Of the OCean, and try

8、ing to find the SeCrets Of OCean SPeCieS【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章向我们介绍了澳大利亚的海洋生物面临 的危机以及作者为此所做的一些努力。1 FrOm the Under I i ned Sentence i n Para 1, We Can I earn the author A Se I dom WerIt SUrf ing at the SeaB forgOt his exper iences aboUt the OCeanC never Went back tOhiS hometownD had a WOnderfUI impressiO

9、n Of HaIfmoon BayD 句意猜测题。根扌居第一段中的"I don, t think I Can reca I I at ime Whe n I WaSn, t aware Of the beau ty Of the OCea n. V 和 "I had the good for tune Of hav i ng the Sea at my side.,可知,作者认为大海很美,自己很幸运能经常看到海,故画线 句应是对半月湾的赞美。D项符合文意。故选D。2 ACCOrding to the SeCOnd paragraph, AUStralian mar ine

10、IifeA is escaping from the COraI Sea graduaI IyB. depends On reefs for IiVing greatlyC. may be faced with dangerD is PrOtected better than that in Other OCeansC 推理判斷题。根扌居第二段 UWhen I Iearned that Only 1 PerCent Of . . . areCOnSidered healthy.',可推知,澳大利亚的海洋生命可能而临危险。故选C。J3 The PrOtect OUr COraI Sea

11、activity is intended toA COntr ibute to a COmP Iete eco- SyStemB. PreVent more mar i ne SPeCieS from be i ng endangeredC. Set UP a Iarge natUre reserve for reefsD raiSe more teenagers, enVi ronmentai awarenessB 推理判斷题。根据第三段 “I've become involved. a Safe PIaCe forever.,可推知,这项活动的目的是创造一个为海洋生物提供永久安全的

12、地方,阻 止更多的海洋物种灭绝。故选B。4 Angus and the author Created a littie VideO to A Urge more PeOPIe to take action to PrOtect the mar i ne SPeCieSB.inSPi re more PeOPIe to explore the SeCret Of the OCeanC.Share the i r ChiIdhOOd exper iences aboUt the OCeanD.br i ng back to PeOPIe the i r memory Of OCean SPeCie

13、S细节理解题。根扌居第四段UTOgether, AngUS andI Created a Iittle VideOand Wehope it Wi I I insp i re PeOPIe to be a Part Ofthe movement”可知,扌白摄视频是为了激励人们去釆取行动保护海洋生物。故选A。Why Chinese PeOPIe I OVeA Br itish fr iend told me he COUldrt UnderStand eating SUnf I OWer SeedS (嗑瓜子)as a Sn ack SO much "Tve met a IOtOf O

14、lderCh i n ese and many have a CraCk i n the i r fro nt teeth: I be I i eve that, S from CraCk i ng the seeds,M he said.I had never notiCed the habit, but OnCe he meritiOned it, I SUddenIy became more aware I rea I i Zed that Whenever I , m VVatCh i ng TV Or typ i ng a report, I a I WaySStart mindle

15、ssly CraCking SUnflOWer SeedSMy fr iend doesn,t Iike SUnf IOWer seeds, and, tOhirT, it SeemS UnneCeSSary to WOrk SO much just to get One SmaI I seed.When We Were young, the WhO I e fami I y WOUld USUa I I y get together for Ch i nese NeW Year Then, WealI I iVed CIOSe to One another, USUaI Iy in a Sm

16、aIICity, and SOmetimes even neighbors v/ou I d go door door On ChineSe NeW Year , S EVe to CheCk OUt What every household WaS making.I remember my Parents WOUId be in the kitchen COOking.Out in the IiVing room, a Iarge table WOUId a I ready be Iaid out, COnlPIete VVith fancy tab IecIoth, ready made

17、dump I ing f i I I i ngs, and d i SheS fu I I Of Can dy, f ru its and SUnfl OvVer SeedS SOme Of the d i SheS Were to be OffereCl to OUr ances tors I at er, While Ot hers Were for neighbors and ChiIdren to eat before the evening feast I must have IearDed how to CraCk SUnfIOWer SeedS back then.I don&#

18、39; t think it's r ight to Cr it iCiZe One, S ChOice in food Or eat ing habits, no matter how Strange they may SeemIt's IIOt Only i n China .When I Wen t abroad, I found PeOP I e had a I I SOr ts Of Strange habits When it Came to food In Denmark, they PUt Sa I ted red fi Sh On bread and eat

19、it for dinner, no matter how much it ruins your breath. They think it, s a de I icacy (美味佳肴),and it's COrIneCted to t hei r Cer tain CUIt Ure I think it's a WOnderfUI tradition.【语篇解读】 本文用中国人喜欢嗑瓜子和丹麦人喜欢吃面包配咸红鱼来证明饮 食习惯来自特定的文化。5 What did the Wr iter become aware of?A. She had ever tyPed a repor

20、t aboUt SeedSB. She had Var ious Snacks WhiIe WatChing TV.C. She damaged her teeth by eating SUnflOWer SeedSD She had a hab it Of CraCki ng SUnflOWer SeedSD 推理判斷题。根据第二段中的"I had never notiCed the habit, but OnCe he mentiOned it, I SUddenly became more aware I reaIiZed that Whenever I,m WatChing

21、TV Or tyPing a report, I aIWayS Start mindlessly CraCking SUnfIOWer seeds.,可知,作者意识到自己有嗑瓜子的习惯,故D项正确。6. Wha*t does the Wr i ter PrOVe by menti Oni ng Ch i nese NeW Year?A. The traditiOnS Of CeIebrating it diSaPPear.B Eating SUnfIOWer SeedS i S re I ated to it.C. The famiIies get together for it.D Chil

22、dren Can eat delicious food On that day.B 推理判斷题。根据第四段中的 MOUt in the I iving room, a Iarge table WOUld a I ready be Iaid out, COmP I e te VVith fancy t ab I ec I Oth, ready- made dump I i ng fill ings, and diSheS fuI I Of Candy, fruits and SUnfIOWer SeedS whi Ie Others Were for neighbors and ChiIdren

23、 to eat before the evening feast I must have Iearned how to CraCk SUnfIOWer SeedS back then. 可知,春节的时候桌子上会 摆放很多美食,其中就有瓜子,小孩可以在年夜饭前吃,作者就是在那时学会了嗑 瓜子,由此可知,作者提到春节是为了证明嗑瓜子和春节有关,故B项正确。7 The Wr i ter's attitude to Denmark'S Way Of eating bread i SA. neutraI (中立的)B. CritiCal (批评的)C acceptableD. doubt

24、fulC 推理判斷题。根据文章最后一句话“I th i nk it' s a WOnderfUl trad i t ion.'' 可知,作者认为丹麦人吃而包配咸红鱼是一个很好的传统,由此可知,作者接受这种 吃法,故C项正确。8 What IeSSOn Can We Iearn from the Story?A One kind Of food doesrt necessar iIy SUit everyoneB It is good to form heaI thy eating hab its.C. Eating habits COme from a Certain

25、CUltUreD Changing your eating habits Wi I I Change your IifeC 推理判斷题。根据最后一段中的“They think it's a de I icacy, and it's COnneCted to thei r Certain culture. V可知,丹麦人认为这样吃而包是美味的, 这 和他们的特定的文化有关,正如作者喜欢嗑瓜子和春节文化有关,由此可知,饮食习 惯来自特定的文化,故C项正确。Ill.阅读七选五Can We humans avoid war? Can War be PreVented?1 ThrOUgh

26、OUt the ages, from the StOne Age to the AtOmic Age, men have been fighting, f i rst VVith SWOrdS and shields, then VVith PinS and CannOUs, and nowt hydrogen bombs and missi IeS are USed for mi I it ary PUrPOSe .But, in SP i te Of a I I these, it is Still be Iief that War Can be PreVented and PeaCe C

27、an be won, but it requi res the effort Of every One Of us.2 If it ever happens, two - thi rds Of the WOr Id and much Of the CiViliZation WhiCh men have gained through time, Patience and effort Wi I I be destroyed.Will then the remaining One- thi rd Of the WOr Id be able to SUrVi Ve On its OWri?OUr t

28、ask now is not to bIame the PaSt, but to PI an for the futUreIf there i S PeaCe in the WOr Id, men Can USe thei r rockets to exp IOre the my s tery Of space, the i r SUbmar i nes to exp I Ore the dep th Of the sea, the i r mi ss i Ies to de I i Ver to mails and t he i r fine equ i Pmen t to Penetrat

29、 e(穿透)jungles Of Afr ica, instead Of USing them mi IitaryGOVernments Can USe thei r money tObUild more SChOOls, SO that more Chi Idren Can be educated to be USefUI Cit izens. 3 They Can a ISO desi gn new mach ines to increase the PrOdUCtion Of goods and thus improve the Way Of the PeOPIe4 It requ i

30、res, in my opinion, the UnderS tan ding and f r ie ndship bet Ween a I I PeOP Ie from a I I nat iOns. Let no One SUffer d i SCr iminat iOn by reason Of color, race, re I i- gion, Or national Or igi n. Let the r ich SUPPOr t the POOr and the StrOng help the weak.We know that neither PeaCe nor SUCh a

31、dream WOr Id Can COme true in a day Or mon th. 5 BUt Iet US PI an and beg in now.A HOW Can a PeaCefUI WOrId be achieved?B. The PrOCeSS may even take decades Or CerltUrieSC PeaCe Can be WOn through the efforts Ofall human be i ngs.D Things for mi I itary USe Can be transformed to PeaCefUI USeE SCient

32、ists Can USe atomic energy to POWer SteamShiPS and PIanes.F I am SUre that We WOUld not Iike to exper ience another WOrId WarG History tells that there Were wars, great Or SmaI I y in every CerltUry, in every decade【语篇解读】 文章介绍了人类如何才能避免战争。1 G 根据空后的"Throughout the ages, from the StOne Age to the

33、AtOmiC Age, men have been f i gh ting, f i rst VVith SWOrdS and ShieldS " 可知,M 戈争贯 穿着整个人类历史,故G项符合语境。2 F 根据空后的'Tf it ever happens, two thi rds Of the WOr ICl and much Of the CiViIiZation WhiCh men have gained through time, PatienCe and effort Wi I I be destroyed. 可知,如果这种情况发生,世界上三分之二的地区以及人类通

34、过时间、耐心和努力所获得的文明将被摧毁。空处应该会提到一场战争,故F项符合 语境。3. E 根据空后的 “They Can a I SO des ign new machines to increase the PrOdUCtion Of goods and thus improve the Way Of the PeOPleM 可知,他们还可 以设计新的机器来增加商品的产量,从而改善人们的生活方式,They表明空处应该会 提到表示人的复数名词,故E项符合语境。4. A 扌艮据空后的 "It requ i res, in my opinion, the UnderS tanding and fr i endship between a I I PeOPIe from a I I nations. 可知,在我看来,它需要所有 国家的人民之间的理解和友谊,故A项符合语境。5 B 根据空前的 4fcWe know that neither PeaCe nor SUCh a dream WOr Id Can COme true in a day Or month. 可知,我们知道,和平和这样一个梦想的世界都不 可能在一天或一个月内实现,故B项符合语境。


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