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1、Period ThreeLesson 3 My FavQurite Comedy栏目索引课堂讲义当堂达标课前预习基础落实基础落实 核心突破 检测巩【答案词语识记I 单词释义1. comedy n.branch of drama that deals with humorous events2. purely ar.entirely; completely; merely3> universal .belonging to all, done by all4. seal rLfasten or close tightlyastonish vt.to surprise sb.very muc

2、h6. raw 姉.uncooked7e disgusting .unacceptable and shocking8> desperate .filled with despair and ready to do anything regardless of danger9>obtain rtto get sth.lO.partly advAn some degreecompensate ptmake a suitable payment; give something to make up12>convince rtmake sb.feel certain 13erare

3、ly adv.sMomII 短语自测l.put on 2. turn sb.off3e regardless of4. be best known for anything like6>be in for7. due to假装令人讨厌 不管,不顾因而最出名类似,像 遭受(愉快或不愉快的经历) 由于8. compensate sb.for sth.9. be involved in10. play around11. pull faces 12n the presence of sb.因而补偿某人参与,参加 四处游戏 扮鬼脸 当着某人的面句式背诵l.He constantly gets i

4、nto awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture.他常常陷入笨拙和可笑的情景之中;观众的民族和文化背景尽管各异,却 都会被逗得开怀大笑。2.The humour is always made clear through a series of simple and funny acts that rely purely on body language, which is universaL这种幽默总是通过一系列简单而可笑的、人

5、人都能看得懂的纯粹的肢体语 言动作让观众理解。3He cannot hide his feelings、 except when the waiters ask if everything is all right.他无法掩饰自己的感受,除了当侍者问他是否一切都好时。4.For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who was two years older than him.有一段时间,他与托尼布莱尔上同一所学校,布莱尔比他大两岁。课文预读I 根据Text 1,选择最佳答案l. Mr Bean amuses the audi

6、ence by CA. his humorous wordsB. his words and actionsC. body language答案2. Mr Bean went into a restaurant because A >Aat was his birthday that dayB. he was having a partyC. he often ate there答案3He put the birthday card on the table for everyone to see because he wanted people to think B A. he him

7、self wrote the cardB. someone else sent him the cardC. he gave the card to one of his friends123454. MnBean was astonished and finally chose a steak tartarebecause B >A. he hadn,t eaten this kind of food beforeB. perhaps the food there was expensive and he ordered a cheaper dishC. he liked it ver

8、y much5. What can we infer from the passage?AeMr Bean is polite.B.Mr Bean has a lot of money.C<Mr Bean has few friends.答案CII 根据Text 2,完成下面的表格RowanAtkinson' sstyleHe is best known for the dizzyawkward , clumsy, but always 2. amusing Mr Bean.RowanAtkinson' slifeexperienceBorn on January 63.

9、 1955 , and spent his early years on the family farm.答案RowanAtkinson slifeexperienceAssessment(评价)At 13, Rowan 4> earned a scholarship to a boarding school. While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable 5. acting talent.At Oxford, he 6.obtained his Masters degree in electrical

10、engineering. Rowan' s career change from an electrical engineer to a famous comedian was partly 7. due to some speaking problems he had in his childhood.He is in the presence of 8 genius.He would be more famous than Chaplin.HL课文语法填空Mr Bean is a worldwide 1. recognised (recognise) character on TV

11、 and in films.He constantly gets 2. into awkward and absurd situations3>which greatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture.The humour is always made clear 4> through a series of simple and funny acts thgrely purely on body language, which is universaLRowanAtkinsomdlothe

12、6.(act) who plays Mr Bean.He has created manywonderful characters and is best Wnown 7.the dizzy、 awkward,clumsy, but答案always amusing Mr Bean.Due to some speaking problems in his childhood,Rowan became 8. an electrical engineer.But he faced the challenge bravely and his 9. admirable (admire) acting t

13、alent made him 10. more famous than Chaplin.答案返回重点单词I When he looks at the menu, an astonished look swiftly appears on his face.当他看菜单时,脸上迅速地闪现出一副震惊的表情。 归纳拓展(l)astonished。妙感到惊讶的be astonished to dobe astonished at/by '对(做)感到惊讶be astonished that(2)astonish 使惊讶,使震惊astonishing坳惊人的,令人惊讶的 (4)astonishme

14、nt n.惊讶to one' s astonishment令某人感到惊讶的是(1) During the spring she really astonished me.(2015浙江 f 阅读A) 在春天里她真的令我大吃一惊。(2) Hearing the astonishing news, he felt astonished.听到这个令人震惊的消息,他感到很震惊。即时跟踪用astonish的正确形式填空(1) It will astonish you to hear what I paid for the ring.(2) We were all astonished at th

15、e news that he passed his driving test.(3) To our astonishment, he failed again in the exam.(4) There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.He becomes so desperate in the end that he even hides some insidethe purse of a woman sitting near him and throws some down the trousers of the r

16、estaurant s violinist!最后,他不顾一切了,甚至将一些肉塞进坐在附近的一个女人的手提包 里,将一些肉扔到餐厅小提琴手的裤子里!归纳拓展desperate adj.顾一切的;绝望的;铤而走险的 be desperate foi渴望得到 be desperate to do sth急切地想要做(1) They were sold by families desperate for money to buy food. 它们是由极需要钱来购买食品的家庭出售的。(2) She was desperate to see him again.她非常想再见到他。即时跟踪(1) Thous

17、ands are desperately (desperate) trying to leave their battered homes.(单句语法填空)(2) 医生们不惜一切的奋力抢救小女孩的生命。Doctors were fighting a desperate battle to save the little girP s life.Although his teachers predicted a career in acting, Rowan was notconvinced himself尽管他的老师们预测了他会从事表演事业,但劳恩并不相信他自己 归纳拓展(l)convince

18、祈使相信使某人相信Jof sth. convince sb.(thatconvince sb.to do sth说服某人做 convince oneself of 充分弄明白答案(2) convinced姉确信的,坚信不移的(3) convincing姉令人信服的(1) What he said convinced me that I was mistaken. 她的一番话使我认识到我错了。(2) How can I convince you of her honesty?我怎样才能让你相信她很诚实呢?(3) 1 was convinced that I saw you there, but

19、it must have been someone else我原来真以为看见你在那里,一定是看错人了。(4) 1 had admitted that his argument was very convincing. 我已承认他的观点令人信服。即时跟踪他使我们相信了他的诚实。(一句多译) He convinced us of his honesty. We were convinced that he was honest.(2)He has been convinced the fact that this one is far from being true(单句 改错)convinced

20、后加上ofJohn Lloyd, who worked for the BBC, says, "It was one of those things which happen very rarely in your life, when you realise you are in the presence of genius”在BBC工作的约翰劳埃德说:“这样的事情在生活中很少发生,当你 意识到你正面对着天才的时候。”归纳拓展(l) rarely adv.少,难得rare adj.少的,罕见的It is rare for sb.to do sth某人难得/极少做 rarely作状语

21、置于句首时,句子往往采用部分倒装结构。(1) My mother very rarely wears jewellery. 我母亲很少佩戴珠宝首饰。(2) It s extremely rare for her to lose her temper 她很少发火。答案即时跟踪(1) 他们极少吵架。They rarely quarrel.(2) 他很少迟到。It,s very rare for him to be late .(3) 昨天晚上电视直播的辩论赛怎么样?棒极了!很少有辩论赛这么受媒体关注。Eh一How was the televised debate last night?Super!

22、 Rarely did a debate attract so much media attention.重点短语Can you think of a comedian who puts on different voices?你能想出一个假装不同声音的喜剧演员吗?归纳拓展put on穿上;演出(戏剧),举办(展览);长胖或增加若干体重;put on weighty加体重;假装put forward提出,建议;把向前拨put off延期,推迟put aside节省,储蓄,储存put away放好某物;储蓄put down写下,记下;击败,平定 put out熄灭,扌卜灭 put up举起;张贴

23、,公布;接待,提供膳宿 put up with忍受,忍耐(l) What dress shall I put on for the party? 我穿什么衣服去参加聚会呢?(2) The local drama group are puttinz on a Macbeth ” at the Playhouse.当地的剧团正在普赖豪斯剧院演出麦克佩斯。(3) Don t put on that innocent look; we know you ate all the biscuits. 别装作无辜的样子,我们知道你把饼干吃光了。即时跟踪用适当的介、副词填空(1) Try to put asi

24、de an hour each day for exercise.(2) The sports meeting had to be put off because of the rain.(3) We managed to put out the fire before the firefighters arrived.(4) 1,11 just put down your phone number in my book.(5) He put forward a good plan.Can you think of a comedian who really turns you off?你能想

25、出一个让你反感的喜剧演员吗?归纳拓展turn sb.off令人讨厌turn on打开;使感兴趣;视而定turn down减弱,降低,压低(力量、声音等);拒绝turn up开大;发现;露面二show upturnto翻到;求助于turn away转过脸,不面对或不再看;拒绝帮助,拒绝某人进入某处(1) The salesman,s bad behavior turned the customers off.销售员无礼的举止让顾客们讨厌。(2) The boy wanted to work in this hotel but was turned down because he was unde

26、r age.男孩想要在这家旅馆工作,但因为年纪小被拒绝。(3) We arranged to meet at 7: 30, but she never turned up. 我们约好7: 30碰头,但她根本没露面。答案即时跟踪用适当的介、副词填空(1) Why does Wilson look down these days?I heard his application for the vice managers post was turned down.(2) He often makes fun of others, which turns off all his classmates.

27、He constantly gets into awkward and absurd situations, whichgreatly amuses audiences regardless of their nationality or culture.他常常陷入笨拙可笑的情境之中;观众的民族和文化背景尽管各异,却 都会被逗得开怀大笑O归纳拓展regardless of不管,不顾in spite of尽管despite尽管(后加名词或动名词)(1) He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. 他不顾我在此事上

28、的感情继续往下说。(2) The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion or sex.法律要求不分种族、宗教或性别,对所有人一视同仁。(3) 1 went out in spite of rain.尽管下雨,我还是出门了。(4) He came to the meeting despite his illness.他带病参加会议。即时跟踪(1)尽管他时而不得不做业余工作,但学习成绩总是很好。He always did well at school in spite of having to do p

29、art-time jobs every now and then.(2) 不管花费多少,我们必须救治他的生命。We must save his life regardless of cost.When the waiters are not looking, however, he busies himselfhiding the raw meat anywhere he can reach然而,当服务生不看他时,他就把生肉藏在任何他能够得着的地 方归纳拓展busy oneself (in) doing sth使自己忙于做某事busy oneself with sth.be busy with

30、 sth.”忙于做be busy (in) doing sth.She busied herself (in) tidying up her desk. 她忙着整理桌子。即时跟踪He busies himself in volunteering.(句型转换) -He is busy in volunteering.-He is busy with volunteer activities.If you think that Rowan Atkinson is anything like his famouscreation, then you are in for a surprise.如果你

31、认为罗恩阿特金森就像他塑造的那些著名的角色那样,你肯定 会大吃一惊。归纳拓展be in for注定遭遇,经历(愉快或不愉快的事);参加(1) 1,m afraid we re in for a storm.恐怕我们遇上暴风雨了。(2)What' s up? You look as if you are in for a cold. 怎么啦?你看起来像感冒了。(3) She made a mistake again.She would be in for scolding by the boss. 她又出错了,一定遭老板骂。答案即时跟踪(1)如果你不穿外衣,会感冒的。If you do

32、not put on something like a coat, you will be in for a cold.你参加篮球比赛吗?Are you in for the basketball match?经典句式He cannot hide his feelings ,except when the waiters ask ifeverything is all right.When this happens , he smiles and nods , indicating that everything is fine.他无法掩饰自己的感受。除了当侍者问他是否一切都好时,他微笑着点

33、点头,表不一切都很好O(1) 1 hardly ever get a chance to study, except when the children have gone to bed.我只有在孩子们都睡了的时候才有机会学习。(2) 1,d be glad to help, except that I,m going to be away this weekend. 我很乐意帮忙,只是我这个周末不在这儿。即时跟踪选词填空except for, besides, except, except that/what/when We all came here on time except him.

34、 Ydur article is well written except for a few spelling mistakes. Do you play other games besides tennis? I didn' t tell him anything except that j needed the money. Some people choose jobs for other reasons besides money these days.(2)完成句子 我有一个一模一样的,但我的是银的。I' ve got one exactly the same exc

35、ept that s silver. 除了我在报纸上看的关于此案例的内容外,其它我一无所知。I don' t know anything about the case except what I “ad in the newspaper. 除了有几辆车之外,路面上很干净。The roads were clear except for a few cars.答案For a time, he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who wastwo years older than him.有一段时间,他与托尼布莱尔上同一所学校,布莱尔比他大两岁

36、。归纳拓展(1)本句为复合句,主句为he attended the same school as Tony Blair, who引导的从句为Tony Blair的定语从句。大两岁(2) sb.be two years older than.某人比(3) 有关倍数表达法的常见句型:A + be +倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+ than BA + be +倍数+ as +形容词或副词的原级+ as + BA + be + 倍数 + the size/height/width/length + of +BA + be +形容词的比较级+ than + B + by +倍数(妁谕谶備i命瓠如形郤鼬re

37、staurant we wentto 这家餐馆还没有我们去过的另外那家餐馆的一半好。(2)The output value in the company this year is 52 percent higher than 200&这家公司今年的产值比2008年增长了 52%。(3) The hall is two thirds bi朋er than that one.这个门厅比那个大三分之二。即时跟踪(1) This museum is two times bigger than that one(句 型转换) This museum is three times 竺陛邑 that

38、 one.f This museum is three times the size of that one.This museum is bigger than that one 也 two times.(2) 粗略估计,尼日利亚是英格兰的三倍大。At a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times the size of Great Britain.当堂达标检测巩固I 语境填词A)根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,写出所缺单词。1 .After that, he obtained a teaching post at Beijing University.2.1

39、 tried to convince him of the reality of what had happened.3. Nothing can compensate(补偿)the young mother.4. His novel reflected the human comedy (喜剧)of political campaigns.5Jt is a universal truth that man is the only animal that has the power tospeak and reason.答案I ii mB)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或所提供单词的正确形式

40、。6.When the man came in, gun in hand, we all stood there, astonished (astonish).7.She is desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was.&She is old and rarely (rare) goes out.9. Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting (disgust).10.1 know

41、 nothing about her except that she,s a singer.II 选词填空put on, turn off, be in for, pull faces, play around1. The kids played around jn the pool.2. When he was a child, he liked pulling faces in the mirror. 3He puts on a smile which makes other people feel good.4>I was really turned off by his bad

42、manners.5.1' m afraid we are in for a storm.答案i ii mDL完成句子 l.He is convinced of (相信了)the truth of the report now.2.Tom pretended to busy himself writing (忙着写东西)3. This hall seats three times more people than (能坐的人数是那个大厅的 四倍)that one.4.1 don,t know anything about the case except what(除了) i read in the newspaper.5. He says what he thinks, regardless of other people's feelings(不考虑 别人的感受)答案返回本课结束


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