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1、冲压专业技术术语( pressing speciality technologylanguage )冲压 press ,模具结构术语: die structure模具 die ,模板(模座) die shoes , 凸模(冲头) punch ,凹模 die ,镶嵌式凹模 button ,镶块 insert ,压边圈 binder(blankholder ), 卸料板一 pad (stripper), 上模一upper die,下模 lower die ,拉延筋一draw bead ,弹簧一spring ,氮气弹簧 Nitrogen spri ng,气弹簧一gas spri ng,透气孑 L v

2、ent,螺钉一screw,销钉一 dowel (用于过渡配合),定位销location pin,顶棒(顶销)pin(用于间隙配合) ,传感器 senser ,斜楔 cam ,吊挂斜楔 flying cam,导板wear plate,导柱guide post,导套guide bush 模 型pattern,切刀cutter, 刀片blade。到底块Bottom block , 定距块 distance block ,平衡块 balance block ,储存块 storage block 。模修金加工: 车 lather ,铣 mill ,钻 drill ,磨 grind ,镗 bone , 研

3、配spot,抛光polishing,焊接weld ,热处理 heat treatment ,火焰淬硬 flame harden ,淬火 quench , 油淬 oil quench ,退火 anneal 。冲压设备:压机 press machine ,拆垛机 destacker ,研配压机 spotting press ,数控铣床 NC milling ,清洗机 wash machine ,起重机 crane ,运模车 transporter 废料线 scrap line ,翻转机 turnover machine ,上料手 loader ,下料手 unloader ,tooling 机械手,

4、 对中台 gauge table ,拉伸垫 cushion ,单动 single action ,双 动 double action ,滑块 ram ,工作台 bolster ,移动工作台 moving bolster,立柱一Column,横梁一beam,线末一end line。在 线 on line , 离 线 off line, 加 紧 器 Clamp, 平 衡 缸 counterbalance 。冲压参数:闭合高度一 shut height ,气垫压力一 cushion pressure , 顶棒布置图一 cushion pin layout ,气垫行程一 cushion stroke,

5、 每分钟 行程次数一 strokes per minutes (SPM).冲压工艺: press process ;工序一 operation ,过程一 process ,数模一 mathdata ,布局(排 样)layout,落料blank,拉伸(深)draw,修边trim,翻边 flange,冲孔pierce,整形restrike,斜楔冲孔(修边、翻边、 整形)一cam pierce (trim、flange、restrike ), 返修一rework,料架 rack,托盘一pallet,检具一checking fixture,薄板零件一 panel , 图纸drawing,审核revie

6、w,调试tryout,验收buyoff,发运 (运输) shipping 。模具维修 die maintenance ,修模 fix die, 裂纹一crack,起皱一wrin kle,凹陷一de nt,擦模一die wipe,停机一 downtime ,正常运行 uptime ,生产能力(产能) throughput ,换 模 die change,裂开(裂口)一 split。To avoid damage to die while in storage,balance upper shoe with urethane storge blocks or nitrogen gas spring

7、s that are large enough to support the weight of the upper die.模具储存时为避免损坏模具,用于平衡上模座的聚氨酯储存块或 氮气弹簧必须足够大以支撑上模重量。Show ( 4) storage blocks for the the following applications :1. ) All cutting dies ( blank dies , trim dies , pierce dies )2. ) form and flange dies that have cams 。3. ) Dies where the top sh

8、oe will not sit level with lower shoedue to extreme die conditions下列用途的模具,提供 4 个储存块: 1)所有冲裁模(落料模,修边模,冲孔模)2. )带斜楔的成型及翻边模。3. ) 上下模座不能保持水平,模具条件极差的模具。Leave all pins in bolster as specified in local press specification manual按照本地压机说明书使用规范手工放置顶棒在工作台内All pins come in standard lengths 。 Do not alter.进入模具内的所

9、有顶棒必须是标准长度,不得改变。按要求提供透气孔。All draw and form dies are to have bottoming markers 所有拉伸及成型模具必须有压足标记。For inner panels ,marker should be in visible aera of finished panel。Outer pan els must mark in aeras of scrap on ly 。 对内板零件,压足标记必须在成品零件的可视区域,对外覆盖件 压足标记只能在废料区域。Flange thickness of lower die fastening area

10、is 65mm +- 1mm。下模夹紧区域的厚度为 65mm+- 1mmNo interference between lower die and lower clamps 下模与夹紧器无干涉Sensors will sense misplaced blank or panel 如板料或零件放置不到位,传感器能及时感应。Condition of welded area, check correct welding rods have been used and welding area do not show air holes.焊接区域条件,检查是否使用了正确的焊条 ,焊接区域是否有气孔Fe

11、ed marks and front mark should be shown. 必须标明送料方向和前后方向Cam pierce holes have droppers fitted 斜楔冲孔安装脱料装置Scrap chute is to extend to edge of bolster废料槽必须延伸至工作台边缘Inserts which have to be removed before pad are identified and painted red在取出压料板前必须移去的镶块漆成红色All edges are chamfered 所有棱角处都倒角。Air hose are colo

12、r coded red in yellow out 排气管用颜色区别:进为红色,出为黄色No scoring on guide pins / bushings 导柱和导套上无划伤。Flange lifting should be smooth. 翻边顶出装置工作自如。Radil of punch and die are finished as std 凸、凹模圆角加工符合标准。Clearance between punch and die is as std 凸、凹模间隙符合标准Hardness of trim edge is 50 HRC or more 剪切刀口硬度需等于或大于 50 HRCNo parallel crack found in welded edge 在焊接刀口上无平行裂纹


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