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1、英文歌曲Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 烟迷你的眼THE PLATTERS派特斯)于六十年代在美国罗省组成,THE PLATTER是流行音乐史上第一支在热门流行榜上拥有冠军歌曲的黑人合唱团体,他们的歌曲流传广远,几 乎已经到了无人不知无人不晓的地步,时至今日,当他们登台时,仍旧骄傲地自我介绍,这是美国献给世人的珍贵礼物。THEP LATTER作品是家喻户晓,无数电影电视都曾套用THE P LATTER所演唱的名曲,在各大卡拉0K也是热门歌曲;经典作品包括"ONLY Y0U SM0KEGETS IN YOUR EYES, "THE MAGIC TOUCH&qu

2、ot; "THE GREAT PRESENDER"MYPRAYER" "UNCHAINED MELOD 等,数之不尽。Smoke Gets In Your EyesThey asked me how I knew my true love was true.I of course, re plied,Someth ing here in side cannot be denied.Oh, they said someday you'11 find, all who love are bli nd.oh. . whe n your heart

3、9;s on fire,You must realize, smoke gets in your eyes,So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed to thinkThey could doubt my love.Yet today my love has flow n away.I am without my love.And now laugh ing friends deride tears I cannot hide.Oh, So I smile and say “ Whe n a lovely flame dies,Smoke gets in yo

4、ur eyes.Smoke gets in your eyes.Smoke gets in your eyes歌词大意烟迷你的眼他们问我如何知道心爱的人真爱我。我说那当然。有些事只存在于心,不能被否认。哦,他们说某日你会发现所有恋爱者都是盲眼。当你心着了火,你肯定会发现,烟迷你的眼于是,我取笑他们,他们竟怀疑我的爱, 我欢快地笑起来。但今天我的爱飞走了,我的爱没有了。此刻朋友们嘲笑我。眼泪我藏不住,于是我笑着说,“可爱的火苗熄灭时,2/6英文歌曲烟迷你的眼。”烟迷你的眼。烟迷你的眼歌词、句型分析1. They asked me how I knew my true love was true=

5、A bunch of my friends asked me why I knew that I was so sure of my true love.他们问我怎么知道我的热爱是真心的。这两行故意突出true :他们问我如何知道我真诚的爱人是真心的。“ask sb+疑问词引导的从句”是常用句型。彳列:They asked me who I was.他们问我是谁。They asked me where I came from.他们问我从哪来。They asked me how I came.他们问我是怎么来的。They asked me why I came.他们问我为什么来。They ask

6、ed me what I wan ted to do.他们问我想干什么。They asked me which hotel I stayed in.他们问我住哪家旅馆。2. I, of course, re plied=of course, I rep lied of course: certa inly, surely, sure3. Someth ing here in side cannot be denied二Someth ing with in the heart cannot be denied.=Love in the heart cannot be denied.二Someth

7、 ing dee p in side my heart tells me that I cannot be denied.deny:否认;否定;不给某人某物;声称不知;拒绝承认例:She denied this to be her words.他否认这是她说过的话。He denied tak ing her book.他否认曾拿过她的书。There is no denying the fact that she came here yesterday.无可否认,她昨天来过这里。He denied her what she wan ted.他没有给她她要求的东西。The leader denie

8、d her the opportun ity of going abroad for further studies.领导没有给她出国进修的机会。He denied any kno wiedge of this matter.他声称对此事一无所知。4. Oh, they said someday you,11 fin d, / All who love are bli nd.="Oh” , they said,“ someday you' 11 find that all who love are blind.”英语中有一谚语:Love is bli nd.与中国的“情人眼里

9、出西施”相对应。blind :瞎的;为盲人的;盲目的例:A blind person is good at hearing.盲人耳聪。They have set up a bli nd school.他们建了一所盲人学校。His faith is bli nd. I don,t think he has any faith at all.他的信仰是盲目的。我想他根本没有任何信仰。He must have bee n bli nd not to realize she hadfalle n in love with him.他肯定是瞎了眼,竟没认识到她爱上了他。bli nd to :(对)视而不

10、见,不以为意,一无所知例如:We cannot be bli nd to her selfish ness.对于她的自私,我们不能视而不见。as bli nd as a bat :看不清;看不见5/6英文歌曲例:He is as blind as a bat without his glasses.他不戴眼镜时跟蝙蝠一样盲眼,看不清任何东西。turn a bli nd eye (to sth):假装看不见例:He turned a blind eye to his wife's behaviour.他对妻子的行为假装看不见。He turned a bli nd eye whe n his son returned very late.他儿子回家很晚,他假装没看见。#/6


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