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1、阿甘正传影评英文版阿甘正传影评英文版(一) :电影阿甘正传英文影评Mr。 A Gan is a man who is short in intelligence but rich in mind! It is impossible for us to make the wildest guess at what achievements he could fulfill 。 History does not recount whether a man regarded as stupid can do so many amazing things , but the fact is that

2、he does gains a great deal of unexpected fame and success 。The deep impression that the movie give meis that he just keep running all the time 。 Mr 。 A Gan , it seems , has run into the university , the White House and even the whole continent 。 Sometimes I wonder if we all misunderstand the true me

3、aning of smart and clever, for Mr 。 A Gan hastaught us a very different lesson 。 From my point of view , kindness and simplicity is the cleverest wealth that God has given us。But of the human beings , unpredictable Nature selected only Mr 。 A Gan, one wonders also why Nature , with Mr。 A Gan, made i

4、t possible that people who was treated as a fool can surely make a difference 。 Mr 。 A Gans success is no accident 。 There is no doubt that ordinary people like you and me can live a rich life by perseverance!阿甘正传影评英文版(二) :阿甘正传英文影评My favorite movie is Mr。 A Gan, which I have being moved and inspired

5、 by the male leading characterForrest Gump 。At the beginning of the movie , following the beautiful music , there is a beautiful feather dancing with the breeze。 Finally lighting at thefoot of Forrest Gump 。 The man who sits on the bentch and tells his life experience to the strangers 。Forrest Gump

6、is unfortunately to be born with a low IQ and musele problem 。 Generally speaking by most people , this kind of person couldnt be successful in doing anything 。 However , he es very successful through his struggling。What he narrates reflectthe social changes 。 Manyimportant events and people of Amer

7、ican from the 1950s to the 1970s are shown fluentlyin his description of his lifeexperience 。 So the film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life hasreflected every aspect of U 。 S。 A。 s life , important incident of social political life make and represent to these de

8、cades such as U。 S。 A。 from one unique angle 。 Film adapt Winston novel of the same nameof Groomsince 。His mother had been playing a very important role in his life。 whenhe sat on the bench on the side of the road , talking with the strangers , he would often start his theory with my mother saidDeat

9、h is just a partMy mother said Life is like a box of chocolates , Forrest , you never know what you are going to get 。My mother said Dont you be afraid sweet heart of life 。 Something we are destined to doGumps mother is a cleverwoman。 She can earn enough money to supporther one parent family 。 She

10、I is also optimistic 。 She never feels ashamed of her son 。 She is proud of her son。 She never thinks Forrest is a fool 。 She wants her son can lead a life as an ordinary person。 In order to lethim study into school , she has sex with the headmaster 。 She is also intelligent 。 Every night she reads

11、some books for Forrest and tells some simple truths to him 。 Gump was an extra docile child and he had kept all his mother words 。 He said apple head had his own ways of dealing with all kinds of things in life 。 Gump actually didnt have much ambition and he also lostmany valuable things 。But he did

12、nt abandon himselftodesperation 。 His love eternally continued 。 He already had a small Gump after all 。 So although he was not smart , he knew how to keep life hopeful and dynamic 。when we say that Forrest Gumpis a lucky guy。 I think most of you may think that he is so lucky to escape much trouble,

13、 but the luck is thathe is so lucky to have such a good mother by my means。 Gump has his ownperseverance , keeping on running without of any reason , JUST RUNS。 He said: Man has look forward , and never encumbered by foretime 。 I thank that's the meaning of myrunning 。 Say goodbye to foretim

14、e and don't stay in-place 。 Although so many people in the world are used to follow others and few people can stick to one thing, Gump does and bees GOD 。There is another character Captain Dan。 Dan lost his legs in Vietnarm War。 He said that his fate is death in war。 However , Forrest Gump s

15、aved himand let him be alive 。 After losing legs , Dan was decadent and disgusted with life, plaining that Gump shouldnt save him 。 When he adjusted his。 Rainbow is always aftermind , living on fishing with Gump , he started to enjoy the wonderful life and thank Gumps help 。 The movie is intended to

16、 tell peoplethat life is wonderful by this charactercloud 。 The key point is that whether we have a good mind and an opportunity to ourselves to change bad situation 。 The movie is also sent such a message to us: do well what we should do , and life will return us well。 Therewill be a miracle if onl

17、y there is perseverance。There are full of philosophy in the movie。 Many lines in this movieare classical 。 For example , life is a box of chocolates , you never know what youre gonna get 。 In addition , the sentence that death is just a part of life , something were all destined to do is also of wis

18、dom 。 They make us think of life profoundly 。On every stage of life , Gump had merely one target as his guidance of that temporary period 。 But he would strive persistently to acplish it 。 I thought that must be his charm of personality。However, most of the time , we just couldnt be able to find the

19、 reason for what we had did or what we are doing now 。 And what seemed regretful was that we just resigned ourselves to giving up half the way。 Life isthat way 。 you dont have to calculate the amount of your acquisition but just do it to the best of your ability。Then you will flyhigher andhigher。I b

20、elieve firmly the higher you fly,the less far you willbe away fromthe paradise in your heart 。Thus,do not plain that youdo not havesomething 。 Just like yourselfandmake your advantagesbetter andbetter。So I think his success is by his sheer hard struggle instead of luck。Last but not least , the pictu

21、res and the music in this film are rather beautiful 。 It begins with the beautifulscene: A white feather dances inthe wind with the music gradually from soft to strong。 In the sky , thefeather is shinning brightly。 At the end of this film , the feather appearswith the wonderful music again 。 It crea

22、tes a pure and peaceful world to us。 In my view , life is just like a feather, which can be changeablewith the breeze in the sky 。 We cannot control the breeze 。 What we can do is to adjust to the environment。 We should take advantage of ouradvantages 。 And try our best to makeus dancing more beauti

23、ful in the blue sky。 Our IQ is higher than Forrest Gump, so we have ability to live better than Forrest 。 Just seek for a better life through work hard。On the whole , this movie is special , inspiring , educational , philosophic and moving 。 I enjoy it every much 。 It is worthy of our appreciation f

24、or many times。阿甘正传影评英文版(三):Forrest Gump Film reviewForrest Gump who is unfortunately to be born with a lower IQ and themuscle problem , usually , people always think this kind of person can't be successful in doing anything 。 But , instead , this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible s

25、uccess , he is a football star , a war hero , and later a millionaire!In the contention of the best pictureof the 67th Oscar Award in 1995 ,film Forrest Gump Have got six Grand Prixes , such as the best pictureadapting drama ,the best actor , the best achievement in directing the best achievement in

26、 film editing and the best visual effect bestly etc 。 at one blow 。 The film was passed to a intellectual disturbance person the description of life has reflected every aspect of U。 S。 A。 's life important incident of social political life make and represent to thesedecades such as U。 S。 A。

27、from one unique angle 。 Film adapt Winston novel of the same name of Groom since 。 Only the original work is that one is full of fantastic novels with a satiric flavour, but the film modifiesand beautifies the story 。 Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes mean

28、ing, have added a kind of tenderfeeling for the film 。 This undoubtedly makes the film suit audience and judging panel's taste even more , but has sacrificed the struggle spirit of the rebel of the original work, make the film bee one kindand idealize ethical symbol 。Forrest Gump mould incar

29、nation of virtue is honest keeping one's word , conscientiously , brave paying attention to emotioning amongfilm 。 In the film , Forrest Gump is a very pure image , but Jenny has bee the degenerate symbol 。 And write the great discrepancy originally in this。To all that narrated , since begin

30、ning all behave with a kind of tender feeling and well-meaning attitude after all for the film, having evenjoined poesy position , this makes the film seem soft and have no injury 。 The film advocates to traditional moral concept and embodiment 。 Make film apt to accept by people , director superb l

31、ay out skill and film application of language make the film very attractive too。 Success with mercial forfilm content of the film has given security , and the treatment on director's art makes the film more excellent , this is reason that the film succeeds 。 It was the box-office hits the mo

32、st in that year to bee U。 S。 A。 in Forrest Gump 。Tom Hanks very much sincere naturally performance having amongfilm 。He has obtained the laurel of the best actor of Oscar for the behavior inthis film 。 This second movie emperor's money already whomhe obtained in succession looks like 。 Succe

33、ss of Forrest Gump , make Tom Hanks bee one of the most popular movie stars in Hollywood too 。 To TomHanks, those two years are the luckiest period of time in his performing art careers中文对照:阿甘正传影评阿甘是一个出生很不幸的人, 通常人们总是认为这种人不能成功, 在做任何事情过程中。 但是,相反,这个不幸的人已经取得许多难以置信的成功,他是一个橄榄球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁!1995 年的第六十七届


35、甘是十分纯洁的形象,而珍妮则成了堕落的象征。这与原著有着极大的出入。对于所叙述的一切,影片自始自终都是以一种温情和善意的态度来表现的,甚至还加入了诗意化的成分,这使得影片显得柔和而无伤害性。影片对传统道德观念的宣扬和体现。使影片变得易为人们所理解,导演高超的编排技巧和电影语言的运用也使影片十分吸引人。影片的资料为影片商业上的成功带给了保证,而导演艺术上的处理也使得影片更加精彩,这就是影片成功的原因所在。 阿 甘正传成了美国当年最为卖座的电影之一。汤姆汉克斯在影片中的表演十分朴实自然。他以在此片中的表现获得了奥斯卡最佳男主角的桂冠。 这已是他连续获得的第二个影帝金像。 阿甘正传 的成功,也使汤姆

36、汉克斯成了好莱坞最受欢迎的影星之一。对汤姆汉克斯来说,那两年是他演艺生涯中最为幸运的一段日子。阿甘正传影评英文版(四) :阿甘正传观后感英文版Review On Forrest Gump评福雷斯特甘I've never met anyone like Forrest Gump in a movie before, andfor that matter I've never seen a movie quite like Forrest Gump。 Any attempt to describe him will risk ma-ki-ng the movie s

37、eem more conventional than it is , but let me try 。 It's a edy , I guess 。 Or maybe a drama。 Or a dream 。我从没见过像福雷斯特阿甘在电影之前,和这个问题我从来没有看过电影很像福雷斯特甘。 任何企图描述他将风险ma-ki-ng 电影似乎较传统的比它, 但让我试试。这是一个喜剧,我猜。也许是一个戏剧。或一个梦想。The screenplay by Eric Roth has the plexity of modern fiction, notthe formulas of mod

38、ern movies 。 Its hero , played by Tom Hanks , is a thoroughly decent man with an IQ of 75, who manages between the 1950s and the 1980s to bee involved in every major event in American history。 Andhe survives them all with only honesty and niceneas his shields。剧本由罗斯已经复杂的现代小说,不是现代电影的公式。它的英雄,由汤姆汉克斯扮演,是

39、一个彻底的正派人的智商为75,谁管理之间的50 年代和 80 年代参与每一个主要事件在美国历史。他却都只有诚实和 niceneas 他的盾牌。And yet this is not a heartwarming story about a mentally retarded man。 That cubbyhole is much too small and limiting for Forrest Gump。 The movie is more of a meditation on our times , as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks

40、cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are 。 Watch him carefully and you will understand why some people are criticized for being too clever by half 。 Forrest is clever by just exactly enough。然而,这不是一个感人的故事一个弱智的人。这是十分小的和限制小福雷斯特甘。这部电影是更多的思考我们的时代,透过眼睛看到一个人谁缺乏玩世不恭和思考的事情正是他们。仔细观察他,你会理解为什么一些人批评为太

41、聪明了。福雷斯特很聪明,只是不够准确。Tom Hanks may be the only actor who could have played the role。汤姆汉克斯可能是唯一的演员谁能够发挥的作用。I can't think of anyone else as Gump, after seeing how Hanks makes him into a person so dignified , so straight-ahead 。 The per formance is a breathtaking balancing act between edy and sad

42、ness , in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths 。我不想别人看到阿甘,汉克斯使他为人凝重,所以勇往直前。绩效是一个惊 人的平衡之间的喜剧和悲伤,在故事的丰富大笑着安静的真理。Forrest is born to an Alabama boardinghouse owner (Sally Field) whobut who nevertries to correct his posture by ma-ki-ng him wear bracescriticizes his mind 。 When Forrest is called st

43、upid , his mother tells him , Stupid is as stupid does , and Forrest turns out to be incapable of doing anything lethan profound 。 Also , when the braces finally fall from his legs , it turns out he can run like the wind。福雷斯特是天生的一个公寓业主阿拉巴马州(仙场)谁试图纠正姿势的 ma-ki-ng 他戴上牙套,但永远不批评他的心。当福雷斯特被称为愚蠢的,他妈妈 告诉他, 做

44、傻事的才是傻瓜, 福雷斯特原先是做不了什么事, lethan 深刻。 此外, 当括号最后从他的腿,原先他能跑得像风一样。That's how he gets a college football scholarship , in a life story that eventually bees a running gag about his good luck 。 Gump the football hero bees Gump the Medal of Honor winner in Vietnam , and then Gump the Ping-Pong champio

45、n , Gump the shrimp boat captain , Gump the millionaire stockholder (he gets shares in a new fruit pany named Apple Computer),and Gump the man who runs acroAmerica and then retraces his steps。那就是他怎样得到大学的足球奖学金,在生活的故事,最终成为一个插科打诨他的好运气。阿甘的足球英雄成为阿甘荣誉勋章获得者在越南,之后阿甘乒乓球冠军,阿甘虾船的船长,阿甘百万富翁的股东(他在新的果品公司命名的苹果电脑) ,

46、和阿甘跑步的人是谁,然后acroamerica 追述他的步骤。It could be argued that with his IQ of 75 Forrest does not quite understandeverything thathappens to him 。Not so 。 He understandseverythinghe needs to know, and the rest , the movie suggests , is justsurplus 。 He even understands everything that's important abo

47、ut love , although Jenny , the girl he falls in love with in grade school and neverfalls out of love with , tells him , Forrest , you don't know what love is 。 She is a stripper by that time。能够说,他的智商为 75 的福雷斯特不太明白所发生的一切,他。不是这样。他明白他所需要明白的一切,和休息,电影证明,只是盈余。他甚至懂得一切的爱,虽然,他爱上的女孩在学校和没有不爱,告诉他,福雷斯特,你

48、不明白什么 是爱。她是一个脱衣舞娘的时光。The movie is ingenious in taking Forrest on his tour of recent American history 。 The director , Robert Zemeckis , is experienced with the magic that special effects can do (his credits include the Back to the Future movies and Who Framed Roger Rabbit) , and here he uses puterized visual legerdemain to place Gump in historic situations with actual people。影片巧妙的以福雷斯特之行最近的美国历史。导演,罗伯特泽米吉斯,是经验丰富的魔法特效能够做(他的作品包括回到未来的电影,谁陷害罗杰兔) ,在那 里他使用了计算机视觉骗术地方历史状况与实际人甘。Forrest stands next to the schoolhouse door with George Wallace, heteaches Elvis how to swivel his hips , he visit


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