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1、单元过关检测 Unit 4 Dont eat in class. (60分)班级 姓名 得分 I单项选择(10分)1. - _ we eat in the dining hall? -Yes, we _. A. Do, dont B. Can, do C. Can, can2. Dont eat in class, Peter! - _. A. Sorry, Mr Wang, I wont. B. That sounds fun. C. Thanks a lot.3. Zhao Pei cant meet her friends _ school nights. A. for B. at C.

2、 on4. I cant go out, _ I have to do my homework. A. so B. because C. but5. Remember _ the rules. A. follow B. following C. to follow 6. He practices _ the guitar after dinner. A. plays B. playing C. to play7. Please dont be _. A. noise B. quietly C. noisy 8. Betty has to _ her bed every morning. A.

3、make B. makes C. making9. I have _ homework to do and Judie has _ books to read. A. many, many B. many, much C. much, many10. Are your parents strict _ you? A. in B. for C. with II. 完形填空(10分)A: Hello, Wang Xue. _11_ are the rules in your school?B: Hello, Lin Jing. We have very strict rules in our sc

4、hool. We cant arrive late _12_ class. We _13_ run in the hallways.A: Can you _14_ in the classroom?B: No, we cant, and we cant eat in the hallways. But we can eat in the _15_.A: Where can you _16_ music?B: We can listen to music only in the music room. By the way, _17_ you have to wear a uniform to

5、school?A: Yes, we do. And we cant _18_ a hat at school. We have to wear sports shoes for gym(体操) class. B: At school, we have to clean the classroom. _19_ boys, they cant have long hair. For girls, we cant wear shorts. I think we have too _20_ rules.A: Yes, I think so.11. A. What B. Where C. When D.

6、 How12. A. at B. for C. with D. on 13. A. have to B. can C. doesnt D. cant 14. A. sing B. read C. eat D. play 15. A. library B. classroom C. dining hall D. class 16. A. listen B. listen to C. look D. look at 17. A. can B. have C. are D. do 18. A. wear B. eat C. play D. see 19. A. To B. For C. In D.

7、Under 20. A. much B. lot C. many D. little III. 阅读理解(10分)There is a big library in our school. There are many books in it. We often read books in it. And we can borrow(借) books and read them at home. But there are some rules in it. All of us have to follow them.(1)Dont talk loudly in the library. (2

8、)Dont eat food in the library. You can eat outside. (3)Dont take your school bag into the library. (4) You cant listen to music in the library.21. There are many _ in the library. A. books B. magazines C. newspapers D. A, B AND C22. What can you do in the library? A. Talk loudly with your classmates

9、. B. Borrow some books.C. Take your bag into it. D. Listen to music.23. _ have to follow the rules in the library. A. Some of us B. A few of us C. All of us D. Girls24. You must _ in the library. A. be quiet B. listen to your MP3 C. eat food D. sing25. How many rules are mentioned(提到) in the passage

10、? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.IV. 句型转换(5分)26. We cant arrive late for class.(改为祈使句) _ _ late for class.27. I have to wear a uniform at school.(改为否定句) I _ _ to wear a uniform at school.28. He can play with his friends.(改为否定句) He _ _ with his friends.29. Leave the dishes in the kitchen.(改为否定句) _

11、 _ the dishes in the kitchen.30. He has to clean his room every Saturday.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ to clean his room every Saturday?V.根据所给汉语完成句子(5分)一空一词31. 请把这些东西带到学校来。 Please _ these things _ school.32. 我妈妈让我留短发。三 、名词解释(每小题2分,共计10分) My mom lets me _ my _ short.X=800 Y=033. 我知道你的感受。 I know _ you _.上述管理用固定资产系甲

12、公司于201年12月购入,原值为3 600万元,甲公司采用年限平均法计提折旧,预计净残值为零。税法规定该固定资产的计税年限最低为l5年,甲公司在计税时按照15年计算确定的折旧在所得 税前扣除。在20X4年度财务报表中,甲公司对该固定资产按照调整后的折旧年限计算的年折旧额为l60万元,与该固定资产相关的递延所得税资产余额为40 万元。34. 不要在教室里听音乐。 Dont _ _ music in the classroom.35. 你经常帮妈妈做家务吗? Do you usually _ your mother _ housework?B对早期疑似DIC者可先用肝素作试验性治疗VI. 根据句意

13、和首字母提示填空完成短文。(10分)Dear Dr. Know,6() 单核细胞内含有较丰富的促凝物质,内毒素可促使单核细胞合成和释放组织因子而加速凝血过程。Im a girl. My name is Grace. There are too many r_ at school and in my home. I have to get up early in the morning. After I get up, I have to m_ my bed. After breakfast, my mom always says, “Dont l_ the dirty dishes in th

14、e kitchen!” So I must do the dishes. After that, I run to school because I cant be l_. At school, we have more rules dont f_, dont eat in class, dont listen to music答题要点 蛇毒含有两种促凝成分,或激活因子,或加强因子的活性;还可使凝血酶原变为凝血酶。 I cant play basketball after school b_ I must do my homework first. I cant go out to meet

15、my friends on school nights. I have to help my mom make dinner when I get home f_ school. After dinner, I cant watch TV before I r_ a book. I have to go to bed b_ half past ten. I cant relax on the weekend. I have to learn to play the piano and chess. I cant go shopping with my friends. Rules, rules, rules! Its terrible for me! What can I do? Can you t_ me, Dr. Know? Yours, Grace或:借:营业外支出 7200VIII. 书面表达(10分)二、名词解释题 假如你是Carol, 请给你的好朋友Susan发一封电子邮件,告诉她你的家规。60词左右。内容包括:1.每天早上6:00钟起床; 2.每天下午6:00之前必须到家;3.平时(上学日)晚上不准看电视和玩电脑游戏;1、下面不属于MIS特点的是() 4.周末打扫房间或去看望爷爷奶奶。或:借:营业外支出 7200_


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