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1、牛津高中英语教学设计教材:牛津高中英语(模块六)高二上学期文档内容:教学设计教案单元:Unit 1 Laughter is good for health 板块:Task 作 者:刘 青Thoughts on the design: 本节课主要是在上一节课的基础上针对学生所收集的信息进行写作指导,让学生在课后作业已经成句的基础上根据教师的指导成文。课堂上课选择学生的习作进行展示,便于当场发现问题,让学生在课后更好的完成任务。Teaching aims:After this class, the students will be able to 1. know how to answer que

2、stions in certain sentence patterns;2. write a complete passage about crosstalk.Teaching procedures: Step 1 Homework checking (PPT4)1. Ask the Ss to share the information about their favorite crosstalk performers.2. Ask the Ss to read their answers to the whole class in complete sentences. Explanati

3、on通过检查作业的形式确保学生已经完成写作的前期准备,只要他们能以完整的句子说出答案,其实已经列好了写作提纲。如果有些学生不能用完整正确的句子写,那么着又是一次纠错和学习的机会。Step 2 Composition (PPT 5-7)1. Ask the Ss: “How can we put all the sentences into a whole passage? Can we just put the answers together one by one?” 2. Guide the Ss to use certain sentence patterns to organize t

4、heir language. You wanted to know Since you asked about I know you need/want/would like information about You asked me about Regarding your question about In answer to/ In reply to/ In response to your question about Make a conclusion that when you answer a question, you have to mention it. Then the

5、 reader will be clear which question you are talking about.3. Give the Ss example sentences to make sure they know how to do it. (1) In reference to your question about famous performers, Id like to say something about Ding Guangquan. He is (2) You wanted to know what different parts a crosstalk per

6、formance contains, and I would say it involves talking, imitating, singing and telling jokes.(2)判断表4. Practice2、逻辑模型 Ask the Ss to choose one or two questions to answer, using the sentence patterns.Explanation【解析】:这一环节对学生如何成文进行指导,Email的格式和一般写作要求学生在高一就有过多次接触,因此本课只要针对Email内容的写作进行指导就可以了,然后提醒学生注意整体格式是Em

7、ail即可。给出例句后没有马上让学生写作,而是先让学生选一到两个问题尝试一下,循序渐进,更利于学生接受。【答案】Step 3 Writing (PPT 8-10)贷:未分配利润 6480 Write an e-mail to the foreigner, and you should include in your e-mail:1.2. 借:应收账款坏账准备 20The answers to questions 1,2,3 and 5;3. Add the information you get after class about your favorite crosstalk perfor

8、mer;4.5. 对损益调整的确认即期末应确认的投资收益=(1200-500-1000/56/12)20%=120(万元)Choose another 2 questions to answer. If possible, choose the emails of one or two students who finished early to read to the class. Ask other Ss to give comments.三、综合题(本题型共4小题。第l小题可以选用中文或英文解答,如使用中文解答,最高得分为10分;如使用英文解答,该小题须全部使用英 文,最高得分为l5分。

9、本题型第2小题至第4小题,每小题20分。本题型最高得分为75分。要求计算的,应列出计算过程。答案中的金额单位以万元表示,有 小数的,保留两位小数,两位小数后四合五入。在答题卷上解答,答在试题卷上无效。) 甲公司适用的所得税税率为25,在本题涉及的相关年度甲公司预计未来Explanation 让学生在指导下进行句子的组合,形成文章,如果可能让早完成的学生显示一下他们的作品,让其他学生评论一下,可以给其他学生启发。体检:急性重病容。T40,P130次/分,R30次/分,深大,BP0mmHg。昏迷,口唇紫绀,四肢湿冷,巩膜及全身皮肤黄染,颌下可触及肿大的淋巴结,活动。双肺呼吸音粗糙。心率130次/分,律齐,未闻明显杂音。腹较平坦,剑突下及右上腹肌紧张。肝在右肋下约2cm,中等硬度,脾未及。Step 4 Homework (PPT 11)After class, complete and improve your email.


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