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1、Module 2 Me, my parents and my friendsUnit 2 These are my parents.课 型Reading and writing教材分析This is the second lesson in Module 2. The topic is about how to introduce parents, include their jobs, workplaces and abilities and so on.知识目标Key vocabulary: factory, hotel, university, hospital, office, doc

2、tor, worker, manager, secretaryKey structures: This is my friend, Tom. These are my friends Tom and Jack. Whats your fathers name? Whats your fathers job? Can he speak English? Is your mother a teacher?能力目标1. To understand texts concerning introduction of jobs 2. To process information of jobs in re

3、ading3. To train the basic writing skill of capitalization情感态度We should respect each other when we talk.教学方法Bottom-up教 具Tape recorder, PPT 教学过程Step 1: Revision1. The teacher shows a picture of a family and give an introduction.2. The students introduce their own families by showing their family phot

4、os to all the students.Steop 2: Warming up 1. Match the words with pictures.2. Lable the people in Activity 1.3. Work in pairs and talk about “What are your parents job?”e.g. My father is teacher and my mother is a doctor.Step 3: Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage and lable the pictures.

5、2. Read it again and complete the tables, then check in pairs.3. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat it.Step 4: Language pointsThe teacher will explain the main and difficult language points to the whole class. (On the PPT)1. These are Bettys parents. 这是贝帝的父母。 these是指示代词,是this的复数形式,用来指代较近的人

6、或物,意为“这,这些”,其对应词是those,用于指代较远的人或物,意为“那,那些”。16、在可行性分析中,经济可行性分析的主要任务是( ) Bettys 贝帝的,是名词的所有格形式。名词所有格通常在后面加s。如:15DIC患者外周血涂片中可出现裂体细胞。( ) Tonys friend 托尼的朋友。2.3. (4)10月22日,甲公司与戊公司合作生产销售N设备,戊公司提供专利技术,甲公司提供厂房及机器设备,N设备研发和制造过程中所发生的材料和人工费用 由甲公司和戊公司根据合同规定各自承担。甲公司具体负责项目的运作,但N设备研发、制造及销售过程中的重大决策由甲公司和戊公司共同决定。N设备由甲公

7、司 统一销售,销售后甲公司需按销售收入的30支付给戊公司。当年,N设备共实现销售收入2 000万元。甲公司会计处理:200年,确认主营业务收入2 000万元,并将支付给戊公司的600万元作为生产成本结转至主营业务成本。My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing. B宫内死胎 E器官移植我母亲是北京一所大学的英语老师。 贷:应付利息 400an, a是冠词。a用于以辅音音素开头的名词前,如:a banana。而an用于以元音音素开头的词前,如:an hour, an old man。句中university开头字母u的第一

8、发音为/j/,故前面用a表示“一所大学”。4.5. 1、管理信息系统My mother is a doctor at the hospital. 我的妈妈是医院里的医生。 从患儿的临床表现看患儿有可能发生了DIC,为了确诊,应进一步检测血小板计数,凝血酶原时间,进一步检测纤维蛋白原含量。DIC患者血小板计数通常低于100109/L、凝血酶原时间延长(14秒),血浆纤维蛋白原含量低于1.5g/L。at the hospital表示“在医院”。 at 和in 都用来表示地点。in用来指较大的地方或不具体的地方,at用于指较小或具体的地方。如:at Beijing International sch

9、ool 在北京国际学校(在具体学校)3试述休克与DIC的关系in a university in Beijing 在北京一所大学里(第一个in表示非具体的地点,第二个in表示较大的地方。)6. This is a photo of Miss Li. 这是李小姐的一张照片。 of为介词,常用来表示所属关系,构成of所有格,意为 “ 的”,例如: a map of China 一张中国地图Step 5: Writing1. Do activity 6, write sentences with full stops and capital letters.2. Do acitivty7, writ

10、e your answers in the table.Step 6: Task-based activities借:主营业务收入 5 600万元Task 1: 近似家庭D3400万元请同学们运用本课所学知识问一下谁的父母的职业与自己父母职业一样的,然后组成近似家庭。Task 2: 职业调查 请同学们根据表格中的内容调查本班同学中谁的父母是这些职业,然后请大家把调查结果汇报一下。JobMumDadTeacherWorkerDoctorManagerDriverSecretaryStep 7: TestStep 8: Homework板书设计Module 2 Unit 2This is my f

11、riend, Tom.These are my friends Tom and Jack.Whats your fathers name?Whats your fathers job?Can he speak English?Is your mother a teacher?作业布置1. Read and learn the new words.2. Write a short passage for you.3. Do WB. Exx. 5-9教学反思The students can get information from the reading material about personal information.


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