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1、Unit 6 Business Presentation 商务报告Dialogues 1A: What we 've got here is the sales trend for the last six months. 这就是最近六个月来的销售趋势。B: Really, what does this chart mean? 是吗,这个图形是什么意思?A: Yes. As the bar chart shows apparently, sales have risen dramatically. 十点。这棒形图清楚地表明,营业额有显著的上升。B: That sounds promis

2、ing. 听起来前景不错。Dialogues 2A: How would you sum up the present situation then? 你怎样总结目前的情况?B: Well, we've certainly got a problem and it will get worse if we don't act. 目前的确存在问题,如果我们不去解决,问题便会恶化。A: What do you suggest? 你有什么建议?B: In a nutshell, we need to streamline our operations as soon as possi

3、ble. 简而言之,我们必须尽快改进我们的运作。Dialogues 3A: What has the company's performance been like over the last year? 去年公司的表现如何?B: We've suffered a great deal from the downturn in the market. 我们因市场不景气而大受打击。A: Do you expect this to continue?你预计这会持续下去吗?B: Maybe, but we've managed to stay profitable by re

4、ducing our overhead and streamlining our production process.可能会,不过我们减低了经常开支也改善了生产过程,所以勉强有利润。A: How long do you think we can remain profitable in a shrinking market? 在不断萎缩的市场内,我们继续赚取利润的局面能够维持到什么时候?B: It depends on how well we can market our products. We must increase sales to have any chance of survi

5、ving.那要看我们推销产品的手法有多成功。我们一定要提高营业额,才有机会生 存下去。Dialogues 4A: So, what are your company's plans for the future? 那么,你们公司未来有什么计划?B: well, we 're keen to promote our range of financial services. 我们希望推广我们的各种金融服务。A: Will the focus be on Shanghai? 会集中在上海发展吗?B: Our immediate aim is to secure a good shar

6、e of the Shanghai market. 我们当前的目标是要在上海市场中占有可观的比率。A: What would you call a “good share” ? 多少才算是“可观的比率” ?B: Although we 're a new company, we believe that we should be able to secure a 5% market share in the short term.虽然我们是新公司,但相信在短期内应该可以争取到 5%的市场份额。A: What are your long-term plans? 你们有什么长远的计划?B:

7、 We see ourselves opening offices in Beijing and Guangzhou within the next five years.我们预期会在未来的五年内在北京和广州开设分公司。Vocabulary1.presentation绍,陈述18.share份额2.trend倾向,趋势19.bar条,棒,酒吧3.chart图表20.worsebad 的比较级 更差的4.apparently显然地21.suffer遭受,经历5.dramatically戏剧性地, 引人注目地22.continue持续6.promising有希望的, 有前途的23.manage管理

8、,经营,设法 .7.sum up概括,总结24.process过程,进程8.streamline使效率高的25.increase提高,上升9.operation运转,操作26.promote促进,提升,推销10.downturn低迷时期27.range范围,幅度11.profitable有利可图的28.financial金融的12.reduce减少,缩小29.immediate直接的,立即的13.overhead企业一般管理费用30.aim目标14.shrink收缩31.although尽管15.survive幸免于,幸存,生还32.long-term长期的16.focus集中,焦点33.se

9、e看见,预期17.secure保护关键句型Visual information 展示直观信息As you can see from the chart, this is the area w'ere concerned about. 你们在图中可以看到,这就是我们所关注的部分。As you will notice from the diagram, the new layout is much more efficient. 你们从图中可以看到,新的设计使用起来效率更高。You'll be able to see what I mean if you take a look a

10、t this bar chart. 如果你们看看这个棒形图,便会明白我的意思。Let me show you what I mean. Take a look at this graph. 让我解释一下我所讲的意思,请看这张图表。Just let me run over this chart with you. 让我简单说明一下这张图表吧。This table gives a breakdown of the figures we have available at the moment. 这图表显示我们目前所有分成细目的数据。If you look at the shaded area at

11、 the top of the chart, you will notice that we 're talking about net profits.如果你们留心看看图表上方的阴影部分,你们便会明白我们所谈的是纯利。The colored area to the right represents the previous ye'asr plan. 右边颜色的部分代表去年的计划。The area at the top represents next ye'asr forecast. 上面的部分代表了对明年的预测。If you begin in the top left

12、-hand cover, you can see that May was an excellent month.如果你们从左上角开始看,你们可以看到五月是一个表现非常卓越的月份。At the bottom, you can see that we've established three problem areas. 在底部,你们可以看到我们确定了三处有问题的地方。The overall trend can clearly be seen in this chart. 我们可以从这张图表把整体趋势看的一清二楚。This map should make the changes'

13、 mI talking about a little easier to understand. 通过这张地图,你们更容易明白我所说的变化。Talking about future 谈论未来计划So, what are your company's plans for the future? 那么,你们公司未来有什么计划?Well, we're keen to promote our range of financial services. 我们希望推广我们的各种金融服务。Although we're a new company, we believe that we

14、should be able to secure a 5% market share in the short term.虽然我们是新公司,但相信在短期内应该可以争取到 5% 的市场份额。 What are your long-term plans?你们有什么长远的计划?We see ourselves opening offices in Beijing and Guangzhou within the next five years.我们预期会在未来的五年内在北京和广州开设分公司。So you see yourselves in the Mainland of China, do you?

15、 那么你们预期会在中国大陆发展,对吗?We believe there's a lot of potential in this market. 我们相信这个市场有很大的潜力。Things are looking good for your product? 你们的产品前景不错吧Comparing figures 比较数据When compared to last year, the figures look quite healthy. 与去年相比,今年的业绩看起来不错。Are there any special reasons for this ? 有什么特别的原因导致这种情况的出

16、现?Last year, we recorded an overall decline, but this year, there has been a significant increase. 去年我们的整体业绩下降了,但今年却有显著的增长。Can you quote me some figures? 你可以给我举一些实际的数字吗?This marks a 25% increase in volume when compared to last year. 这标志着今天的营业额与去年相比,有 25% 的增长。Describing trends, increases and decrease

17、s 讲解趋势,升势与跌势Sales have shot up over the last two year. 在过去的两年内,营业额有急剧的增长。We've witnessed a significant increase in sales recently. 我们看到最近营业额有显著的增长。Over the last twelve months, the unit price has plunged. 在过去的十二个月以来,单价急剧下降。If this trend continues, we can expect a 10% increase by the end of the ye

18、ar. 如果这趋势持续下去,我们可以预期在年底有 10% 的增长。How do you see things developing over the next twelve months or so ? 你怎样看未来十二个月的发展趋势。I have to say that I 'm very optimistic. We should be able to consolidate our position in the market.我对前景非常乐观,我们应该可以巩固我们的市场地位。Solving problems 解决问题Surely there are other ways to

19、solve this problem. 一定会有其他解决这个问题的办法。We could try bringing in more staff. 我们可以试试多聘些人手。The only way to resolve this problem is to employ more staff. 解决问题的唯一办法是增加人手。May I put forward a suggestion that may solve this problem? 我可以提出一个解决这个问题的办法吗?I think the best course of action would be to restructure th

20、e department. 我认为最好的办法是重组这个部门。If we do that, it 's bound to cause more problem in the long run. 如果我们这样做,长远来说,一定会引起更多问题。That would create more problems than it solves. 这办法不但解决不了问题,反而会引起更多问题。The only problem with that idea is the cost. 这办法的唯一问题是费用太贵了。It sounds very convincing, but it just wouldn&#

21、39;t work in practice. 听起来好像很有说服力,但实行起来是行不通的。If action is not taken immediately, the results could be very serious. 如果不立即采取行动,后果会非常严重。Concluding a presentation结束表述To wrap up, I 'd just like to say that we must all work together to achieve these results.结束前,我想说,为了获得这些结果,大家一定要同心协力去干。I'd just l

22、ike to leave you with one thought before I finish. 结束讲话前,我还想留一句话让大家思考。 In conclusion, I'd like to add one final point. 作为总结,我想补充最后一点。Let me wind up by saying a few words about benefits to the staff. 结束前,让我谈谈有关员工福利的问题。I'd like to sum up by saying that this is the only reasonable conclusion. 总

23、体来说,我认为这是唯一合理的结论。My conclusion lead me to one recommendation: the relocation of the warehouse. 根据我所做的结论,我有一个建议:就是搬迁货仓。From this, I think our potions are quite clear. 通过以上讨论,我相信大家很清楚我们所做的选择 。定语从句 在复合句中, 修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。 它的作用相当于形容词。 被定 语从句修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句一般要放在先行词的后面。例如: This is the teacher who teache

24、s us English.这就是给我们上英语课的老师。上句中 who teaches us English 是定语从句,修饰先行词 teacher。刑拘中的 who 是 关系代词, 由它引导定语从句。 它一方面其连接先行词和定语从句的作用, 另一 方面它在从句中作主语。 引导定语从句的有: 关系代词 who(whom,whose), which, that 和关系副词 when, where, why 等。有 who, whom, whose 引导的定语从句, who 在从句中作主语, whom 在从句 中做宾语, whose 在从句中做定语。This is the doctor who sa

25、ved the gir'ls life. 这就是挽救了这个女孩生命的医生。Who is the student whom Professor Chen praised at the class? 谁是陈教授在课上表扬的那个学生。I know a girl whose boyfriend is very rich. 我认识一个女孩,她的男朋友很有钱。由 which 引导的定语从句Which 在从句中做主语或谓语动词的宾语。This is a book which tells a bout internet technology. 这是一本有关网络技术的书。Modem is a compu

26、ter accessory which we use to get online. 调制调节器是我们用来上网的计算机配件。若 which ( whom)在从句中做介词的宾语,这样的介词一般可以放在 which (whom)之前,也可以放在从句原来的位置上,但如果是含有介词的固定动词 词组,则介词只能放在原来的位置上,而不能放在 which (whom)之前。The house in which I have lived for ten years is rebuilding now.The house which I have lived in for then years is rebuil

27、ding now. 我已经住了 10 年的房子现在正在重修。Please tell me from whom you borrowed that book.Please tell me whom you borrowed that book from. 请告诉我你是从谁那里借到这本书的。The little boy whom my aunt takes care of is very clever. 我阿姨照看的那个小男孩很聪明。take care of 是固定词组,不能分开。由 that 引导的定语从句, that 可以用来代替 who,whom , which ,在从句中作 主语或谓语动词

28、的宾语(不能做介词宾语)The man that (who) is speaking at the meeting is the general manager. 在会上讲话的人是总经理。Is that the person that (whom) you talked about yesterday? 这就是你们昨天谈论的那个人吗?The letter that(which) I received yesterday was from my pen friend. 昨天我收到的信是我笔友寄来的。要注意的是,先行词为序数词或形容词锁修饰时, 只能用 that引导从句。先行词 为 all , e

29、verything, nothing,something, anything 等不定代词是,也只能用 that 引导。The first English movie that I saw was Gone With the Wind. 我看的第一步英语电影是乱世佳人 。Is there anything that you want to buy in town? 你在城里有什么东西要买吗?由 when,where ,why 引导的定语从句I will never forget the day when I entered the university. 我永远忘不了我进大学的那天。Is thi

30、s the company where you once worked. 这是你曾经工作过的公司吗?We don't know the reason why they didn't complete the task on time. 我们不知道他们为什么没及时完成任务。限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 定语从句可以分成限制性的和非限制性的。 以上所说的和所举的例子都是限 制性定语从句。 限制性定语从句不可缺少先行词, 如果没有他它, 主句的意思就 不完整,主句和从句之间不用逗号分开。 非限制性定语从句是限定词的补充说明, 没有它并不影响主句意思的完整, 一般要用逗号分开。 关系代词 that 不用非限制 性定语从句。Last Sunday they reached Shanghai, where a conference was to be held. 它们上周日到了上海,有一个会议在那里举行。She has two brothers, who are both doctors. 她有两个兄弟,他们都是医生。


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