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1、为 G20 整理出来的 100 句英语快速记忆. Hangzhou , the most beautiful city in China. 杭州,中国最美丽的城市。2. Welcome to Hangzhou. 欢迎您来杭州。3. Hangzhou, a paradise on earth. 人间天堂杭州。4. Hangzhou, one of the eight ancient capitals in China. 中国八大古都之一杭州。5. West Lake , the best attraction in Hangzhou. 杭州最美在西湖。6. World Cultural Heri

2、tage West Lake and Beijing-HangzhouGrand Canal.世界文化遗产杭州西湖和京杭大运河。7. Ten Scenes of West Lake : Dawn on the Su Causeway in Spring 苏提春晓Curved Yard and Lotus Pool in Summer曲院风荷Moon over the Peaceful Lake in Autumn平湖秋月Fish Viewing at the Flower Pond花港观鱼Remnant Snow on the Broken Bridge in Winter断桥残雪Leifen

3、g Pagoda in the Sunset雷峰夕照Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon三潭印月Two Peaks Piercing the Clouds双峰插云Evening Bell Ringing at the Nanping Hill南屏晚钟Orioles Singing in the Willows柳浪闻莺Part 第二部分8. Hangzhou Olympic Sports Expo Center, the NewLandmark of Jiangnan.杭州奥体博览城,江南新地标。9. Come this way, please.请往这边走。10. Ple

4、ase have a seat.请坐。11. Please deliver a speech on .请您就XX主题发言。Part3 第三部分12. Hi / Hello !您好!13. Morning / Good morning !早上好!14. Good afternoon!下午好!15. Good evening!晚上好!16. How are you?您好吗?17. Fine , thank you.我很好 , 谢谢。Part4 第四部分18. May I have your name, please请问您叫什么名字?19. My name is Li Hua.我叫李华。20. Wh

5、ere are you from? 您来自哪里?21. I 'm a native of Hangzhou. 我是杭州本地人。22. Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到您。23. Same here. 我也是(很高兴见到您)。Part5 第五部分24. Have a nice day!祝愉快!25. You too. 您也是(祝愉快)。26. Have fun.玩得高兴。27. Take care.保重。28. Bye / Good bye!再见!29. See you.再见。Part6 第六部分30. Thanks.谢谢。31. You are welcome.不用谢。3

6、2. Thank you.谢谢你。33. Not at all.不客气。34. It 's very kind of you. 您真是太好了。35. My pleasure.愿意为您效劳。Part7 第七部分36. I 'm sorry.对不起。37. That ' s all right . 没事儿。38. Excuse me.抱歉,打扰了。39. That ' s Ok.没关系40. I 'm sorry to bother you. 对不起打搅您。41. Not at all.没关系。Part8 第八部分42. May I help you ? 需

7、要帮忙吗?43. Yes , please.是的。, please?44. Where 's the toilet / restroom / washroom 请问洗手间在哪里?45. It 's over there. 在那边。46. Where am I on this map? 我现在处于地图上的什么位置?47. You are right here. 您在这儿。48. Is there a subway entrance near here? 这附近有地铁口吗?49. Go straight , then turn left / right.直走,再左拐 / 右拐。50

8、. Is it far ?到那儿远吗?51. Yes. You 'd better take a taxi. 是的,您坐出租车去。52. Where can I exchange my money? 请问哪里能够兑换钱?53. There is a bank around the corner. 拐角处有一家银行。54. Where is No. 188 bus stop?请问 188 路公交车站在哪儿?55. I will walk you there. 我陪您过去吧。56. Sorry, I have no idea. 对不起,我不清楚。57. Thank you anyway.还

9、是要谢谢您。Part9 第九部分58. Please come on in.快请进。59. Sit down, please.请坐。60. What would you like to drink? 您想喝点儿什么?61. Tea is fine with me.喝茶就行了。62. Would you like one more cup of tea? 您要再来一杯茶吗?63. No, thanks.不用,谢谢。64. Would you like some rice?您要吃米饭吗?65. A small bowl, please.请给我一小碗。66. Help yourself to som

10、e fruit. 请吃点儿水果。67. Cheers!干杯!Part10 第十部分68. Get in, please.请上车。69. Where to go, please?请问您要去哪儿?70. The airport, please.去机场。71. Here we are.我们到了。72. This is the West Lake. 这就是西湖。73. It 's beautiful.好美。74. Could I take a photo with you? 我能跟您合影吗?75. Sure, go ahead.当然 ,请便。76. I 'm afraid not.恐怕

11、不行。77. Is WIFI available here ? 请问这里有 WIFI 吗?78. Yes , there is WIFI. 是的,有 WiFi 。79. Scan the QR code, please. 请扫描二维码。Part11 第十一部分80. What can I do for you?您想买点什么?81. I 'm looking for silk, the specialty of Hangzhou.我想买杭州特产丝绸。82. How about this one?这个怎么样?83. Could I try it on?我能试试吗?84. Yes , of

12、course.当然能够。85. How much is it?多少钱?86. Any discount ?打折吗?87. No bargain.不讲价。88. I'll take it.我买这个。89. Here's your change.这是找您的钱。90. Please keep the receipt. 请保管好发票。Part12 第十二部分91. What would you recommend? 您有什么推荐菜吗?'s Chicken.92. You must try Dongpo Pork and Beggar 您一定要尝尝东坡肉和叫花鸡。93. Sounds great.听起来不错。94. May I have some serving spoons? 能够给我一些公勺吗?95. Please wait a moment.请稍等。96. Bill , please.劳驾,结账。97. Can I pay by credit card? 我能够刷卡吗?98. Of course, sir. 当然能够,先生。99. Sorry , we only accept cash. 不好意思,我们只收现金。,thanks.100. We don 't accept tips


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