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1、精品资料欢迎下载二一般过去时定义:表示在过去的时间发生的事情或者存在的状态句型结构一:主语+ 系动词 + 表语系动词:be 动词: was, weream wasis wasare were* be 动词的搭配: I 用 am, you用 are , is 分给 he,she, it ;复数全部都用are。例 1: I was a middle school student.例 2: You were from China.例 3: She was the best student in our class.例 4: We were close friends.句型转换:变为否定句: I wa

2、s not a middle school student.(在 be 动词后加 not)变为一般疑问句:Were you a middle school student?(be 动词提前,其它不变)回答:Yes, I was.No, I was not.句型结构二:主语+ 谓语动词 + (宾语)谓语动词:动词过去式动词过去式的变化规则:1. 在词尾 +ed ,如 watch watched;2. 当动词以“辅音 +y ”结尾时,改“ y”为“ i”并在词尾 +ed, 如 study studied;3.当动词以“辅音 +e ”结尾时,直接 +d, 如 like liked;精品资料欢迎下载4

3、.当动词是重读闭音节结尾且词尾只有一个辅音时,双写最后一个辅音+ed ,如stop stopped;5. 不规则变化: have had do did go went例 5: My mum came home late last night.例 6: I had many friends in my hometown.例 7: Lily watched TV with her family yesterday afternoon.句型转换:变为否定句: My mum did not come home late last night. (在谓语动词前加did not,动词变成原型 )变为一般疑

4、问句:Did your mum come home late last night?(在整个句子前加Did, 动词变成原型 )回答:Yes, she did.No, she didnt.特殊疑问句的变化规则:三步走,一换二代三提前例 1: Martin was in the park just then.(对划线部分提问)一换:换成一般疑问句Was Martin in the park just then?二代:把划线部分用特殊疑问词代入Was Martin in the park just then?where三提前:把特殊疑问词提前Where was Martin just then?精品资料欢迎下载练习一:请把例2、 3、4、 6、7 改成否定句、一般疑问句及其回答。练习二:请把下列句子改成特殊疑问句(写出变化步骤 )1.You were from China.2.The students played football on the playground last weekend.练习三:请写出下列单词的一般过去式1. finish6. cook11. clean2. wash7. like12. start3. watch8. dance13. pick4. live9. learn14. plant5. play10. want15. listen


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