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1、人教版英语八年级下册综合填空专练10篇(附答案)(一)DO you know SOmething about the moon? YOU Can(seeing) it at night.SOmetimeS it IOOkS round and(brightly). It also IOOkS quitenear.the moon is Very far from the earth .If you takeSPaCeShip,you WiIl get there in more than three days The SPaCeShiP(go) Very fast,at 11 kilomete

2、rs a SeCOnCl .In 1969 two(AmeriCan) got On the moon bySPaCeShiP.There are no IiVingthingS On the moonthere is no air Or Water there.That's Why PeOPle Carrt(IiVeness) there. BUt you may know you Canjump much higher there thanthe earth .It's fun, isn°t it?I hope SOme day w ChineSe(get) to

3、 the moon, too.答案:See bright but a goes AmenCans because IiVe On WiIl get(二)ChiIdren today have many things to Play with. They Can WatCh television,SUrfInternet, Or Play VideO games. BUt What do you thinkChiIClren(do) for fun IOng ago? They read booksSOme Of you might ask, HAre books(real) fun?” Bel

4、ieVe it Or not, booksPrOVide many things that television Or COmPUterS cannot. SinCe books USe OnIy WOrdS(tell) a story, they Can improve your imagination.YOU Can PiCtUre the CharaCterS and background in your head and you Can also imaginethe CharaCterS feel.The WOrdS and SentenCeS that are USed in St

5、OryteIIing are also Very interest!ng and USUalIy CannOt(find) Often On televisiOn Or On WebSiteS. They areSOmetimeS SO beautiful and touchingthey Canbring tears to your eyes.BOOkS also help US to think harder and(deep). AS We COntinUe to read,We ask(OUr) questions and try to find answersTheSe are SO

6、me Of the(reasOn) Why books are SO fun to read.Remember: the more you read, the more you grow.答案:the did really to tell how be found that deeper OUrSelVeS reasons(三)Dear Alice,WelCOme to my home townWenzhou. Wenzhou is a City With a IOng history. It isthe SOUth Of Zhejiang ProVince. It has a(POPUlar

7、) Of 9million.My home town is a POPUlar tourist attraction. It is(especial) famous formany PlaCeS Of interest,as NanXi River, Yandang MOUntain, YUliaOBeaCh and SO on. The Weather here is not too hottoo cold, and you CanCOme here any time Of the year.In recent years, my home town(have) SOme great Cha

8、nges. A Iargenumber Of PeOPle have moved here WhO are now called New WenZhOUnese, SO the POPUlatiOn is much(Iarge) than before. With thefast(develop), more and more hills are replaced by tall buildings. MOreand more factories are built, WhiCh(CaUSe) a IOt Of environmentalPrOblemS. I hope my home tow

9、n WiIl become better and better.I am IOOking forward to(hear) from you.答案:in POPUIatiOn especially SUCh Or has Iarger development CaUSeS hearing(五)Great inventions Change the WOrlel. They help PeOPle IiVe a(good) lifethan before. One Of the(great) inventions is ballpoint pen. Maybe youdon,t know WhO

10、(invent) it, but you PrObably use it every day.LaSZlO BirO WaS the(invent) Of the ballpoint pen. He WaS(bear)in BUdaPest, HUngary .In the 1930s, he WOrkeda n ewspaper editor. Hefound the fountain Pen he USed almost every day WaS not(PraCtiCe) atall. SO he decided(develop) a new type Of pen.the help

11、Of hisbrother George, the ballpoint Pen WaS invented and it became a great success.AIthOUgh LaSZlO BirO is not as famousEdison, people Will alwaysremember him for his invention.答 案:better greatest invented intvenor bom as PraCtiCal to develop With as(六)Wang Damin is a fisherman. He USeS COrmOrants,

12、a kind Of Iarge blackbirds,(CatCh) fish. COrmOrants are good(help) because they CanSWim Well and Can Stay Under the Water for UPtwo minutes. DaminUSUally SetS Off in the Iate afternoon and then gets the COrmOrants(ready) for WOrk. First, he ties a PieCe Of grass around their necks to StOP them from

13、eating fish. When his boat reaches the right place, he PUSheS them into the river. In Order to(attract!On) fish, he jumps UP andOn hisboat in the day time and hangs a Iight On a POSt Of the boat in the evening Then the COrmOrantS take the fish to the boat and the fish(throw) into abig basket by Dami

14、n. FOr this type Of fishing, nets are not(require).OnCe COrmOrant fishing(PraCtiSe) in many PlaCeS Of SOUth-EaSt China,but few young PeOPle are interested in it now. PerhaPS it may not be(See) any more in 50 years What a pity!答案:to CatCh helpers to ready attractdownare thrownrequired WaS PraCtiSedSe

15、en(七)The Panda is One Of(CUte) animals in the WOrIcI, but it is alsoan(endanger) animal. Nowadays, there are Only IeSS2,000PandaS in the WOrlCl.Pandas IiVe in the forests in the(SOUthWeSt) Part Of China. They mainlyIiVe On bamboo. Many years ago, there Were much more bamboo forests and PandaS in Chi

16、na. BUt then humans StarteCl to CUtthe forests. AS theforests get Smaller and Other human activities CaUSe more PrOblems, Pandas are having more and more trouble fin ding food to eat and PlaCe to live in. TO make things worse, they are having fewer babies and even more babies die from(ill).ChineSe g

17、overnment has realized the SitUatiOn is getti ng Very serious .It has made rules On Panda(PrOteCt) and many natural ParkS have beenbuilt,these are not enoUgh. MOre nature ParkS and bamboo forests areneeded SOPandas Can have enough PIaCeS to IiVe in and enough foodto eat. We hope that in the future t

18、here Will be a IOt(much) Pandasthrough OUr efforts.答案:the CUteStendangeredthan SOUthWeSterndown illnessPrOteCtiOnBUt that more(八)(COmmUniCate) is more than just SPeaking. BOdy Ianguage is important too. It's the Way you Stand and SiLlrS your gestures and the(express)On your face. YOUr WhOle(appe

19、ar) COmmUniCateS things. BOdyIanguage Can really makebig difference to PeOPle.Debbie and SimOn are StUdentS. They both have Part-time jobs at a travel COmPany. SimOn o社en IOOkS down, never SmileS and doesn,t turn his headthe CUStOmerS SO he does n't give PeOPle a good(impress).However, Debbie Of

20、ten holds her head up. She enjoys(SmiIe) andalways IOOkS(friend). Her body IangUage makes PeOPIe feel welcome,SO they go to her for help.Mr. Yang, the CIireCtOr Of the travel COmPany, reminds SimOn that he ShOUId make SOme ChangeS. Simon decides(improve) his body Ianguage. Hetries to Sit Straight an

21、d Smile at PeOPle. SIOWly PeOPle begin to ask himfor help.答案:COrnrnUnicatingexpress!OnS appearance a toimpressiOnSmiling Friendly to improve UP(九)There WaS a farmer IOng ago and he has(WOrk) in a field for manyyears. He got UP early every morni ng and bega n to WOrk.he did n't IiVe arich Iife. H

22、e hoped that he COUld meet a miracle One day,his Way to thefield, he found a rabbit(run) SO quickly that it hit the tree SUddenly. Soon,it(die). The farmer WaS SO glad(get) a rabbit easily WithOUt anyWOrk He took it home and had a great meal at night. SinCe then, he didn't doanything but Iie nea

23、r the tree. He believed that he WaS able(PjCk)another rabbit easily. BUt day by day, he didn't get anything.(year) later,his field has(become) a WaSteIand HOW StUPid he was! ThiS StOry tellsUS that it is impossible for you(get) SOmething for nothing.答案:WOrked BUt On run died to get to PiCk YearS

24、 become to get(十)Mike and Clare are from AmenCa. They IiVe in Cairo, the CaPital Of EgyPtltheir father WOrkS there now. SO far, they(be) to manyPlaCeS in Egypt. FOr example, they(See) the PyramjdSf and they haveViSited the ancient PaIaCeS Of the(king) and queens Of Egypt. Besides,Mike and CIare have

25、 Iear nt a Iittle(Arab). ThiS Ian guageis(difference) from English When they SPeak it, they Often mix itWith(Germany), FrenCh and ChineSe It's really fun. ReCently, theirfather,s COmPany has asked him to goto the US. SO they are movingagain. Theymade many friends in Egypt, but they also miss theirfriends in the US. Mike and Clare are COUntingthe days.5答案:becauseGerma n backhave been have dow nhave Seen kings ArabiC different


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