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1、营山职高(三中)2015年秋季期中考试英语(15级1班)I. 单词辨音(1 10每题2分共20分)选出与划线部分读音相同的一项。1. putA. sunB. shutC.stude ntD. full2. habitA.whiteB. honestC. hourD. hair3. hostA. lostB. costC. JoseD. post4. kissA. busyB. fistC. resultD. rose5. waveA. ofB. leafC. laughD. rough6. editorA. eventB._excit ing C. degreeany7. moustache

2、Achemistry B. cha nge C_checkD. mach ine8. woode n A. school B. foolish C. good D. zoo9. dry A. weekly B. comedy C. reply D. lorry10. cow A. know B. grown C. show D. down11. 单项选择(1125每题2分共30分)找出句中划线的单词或词组的意义。(11-15)11. I saw her in the street last Tuesday.A. 星期二 B星期三 C星期四 D星期五12. - Can I take those

3、boxes for you?- No, tha nks. I can manage it myself.A管理 B搬动 C应付 D办到13. Many smokers have tried more than once to give up smoking.A曾经 B 一次 C 一旦 D努力14. As soon as I get to Beiji ng, ' write to you.A尽快 B尽量C 一就D当时候15. He was brought up by his un cle after his pare nts died.A带走 B抚养 C教育 D虐待16. Please

4、give me answer quickly.A. the B.a C.a n D./17. My sister is very good at play ingpia no.A.thethe B.athe C./ D.an18. How is the pen?A.ma ny B.much C.a ny D.some19.lt makeangrythi nk about the matter aga in.A.me to B.l / C.him of D.me that2O.She isthird winner of the game.A.the B.a C./ D.a n21.A nn is

5、 than I am.A.a year older B.older a year C.shorter a head D.a head tall.22.lt is really ki ndA.for you to say soB.of say ing soC.for you say ing soD.of you to say so23.She is more diligent than allstudents in her class.A.a no therB.any other C.the other D.other24. He is,but his wife is .A.awake asle

6、epB.awake sleepC.wak ing asleepD.wake asleep25. There areof stude nts in the big hall.A.hundredB.two hundredsC.hundreds D.two hundredIII. 阅读理解(20分)Miss Gorgers taught physices in a NewYork school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how suc

7、cessful she had bee n in her expla nati on. She said to them,“ Now I have a brother in LosAngeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the sametime you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?

8、”Tomat once answered, “Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves. ”“That' s very good, ” MissGorgers an swered; but the n one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gorgers said, “Yes, Kate? ”“I disagree, ” Kate said. “ Your brother would hear you earlier because when it&

9、#39;s 11 o 'clock here it 's only 8o' clock in Los Angeles. ”1. Miss Gorgers was teaching her class .A. how to telephone B. about electricityC. about time zone( 时区 ) D. about sound2. Miss Gorgers asked this question because she wanted to know whether .A. it was easy to phone to Los Angel

10、esB. her student could hear her from 75 feet awayC. her students had grasped(理解 )her lessonD. sound waves were slower than electricity3. Tom thought that electricity was .A. slower than sound waves B. faster than sound wavesC. not so fast as sound waves D. as fast as sound waves4. Kate thought Tom w

11、as wrong because .39.a kilo of pork40.shopping mallA. clocks in Los Angeles showed a differenttime from thosein New YorkB. electricity was slower tha n sound wavesC. Tom was not good at physics at allD. Tom' s answer had nothing to do with sound waves5. Whose answer do you think is correct acoording to the law of physics?A. Tom' s B. Kate ' s C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor BVI.英汉互译(30分)31 .降价32.环顾四周33.很愿意34.我到家了35.我祝福你36.bakery37.chemist ' s 3 8.butcher' s营山职高(三中)2015年秋季半期考试答题卷英语(15级1班)班级姓名考号分数12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940


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