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1、虚拟语气虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望、猜疑、建议或与事实不符的假设等,而不表示客观存在的事实。虚拟语气是由句中的谓语动词的特殊形式表现出来的。一、虚拟语气谓语动词的几种表现形式1. 用在虚拟条件句中虚拟条件句及其主句的谓语形式可归纳如下从句谓语主句谓语与现在事实相反were,didwould (should, could, might) +v与将来事实相反(可能性极小)should do, were+to+vwould (should, could, might) +v与过去事实相反had donewould (should, could, might) + have d one例 1: I

2、would certainly go if I had the time.例 2: How nice it would be if you could stay a bit Ion ger.例 3: She would have come if we had invited her.注:如果条件从句中包含有were, had, should或could,有时可把if省略掉,但这时要把 were,had, should或could放在主语前面(这种结构在口语中较少使用)。例如:1) Had we made (= If we had made ) adequate preparatio ns, w

3、e might have succeeded.2) Were there no gravity, there would be no air around us.3) Should it rain tomorrow, the meet ing would be put off.2. 用在含蓄条件句中句子中,假设的情况不用条件从句表示出来,而是用一个介词短语来表示,句子的谓语形式也可遵循上表的规则。这种用法也常见于 or, or else, otherwise和but后面的分句中。例如:"Without music, the world would be a dull place.2)

4、 But for your help, we would have failed.3) She would have gone with us, but she didn ' t have time.4) He must have had an accide nt, or he would have bee n here the n.3. 用在错综时间条件句中这时,谓语动词的形'此句为时1交ym的虚)有时候,条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作发生的时间并不一致, 式要根据表示的时间来调整,这种句子可称作错综时间条件句。例如:1) If you hadn ' t watc

5、hed television so late, you wouldn拟条件句,从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句则假设与现在情况相反2) If you were in better health, we would have allowed you to join them in the work.( 从句表示与 现在事实相反的假设,主句则表示一种与过去事实相反的设想 )4.用在 wish 后的宾语从句中这种句子主要表示愿望, that 常省略。 若指现在或将来的愿望, 从句用过去时 ; 若指过去没有 实现的愿望,从句用过去完成时。例如:1)I wish I had learned to pl

6、ay chess.( 与过去事实相反 )2)I wish I remembered his address.( 与现在事实相反 )3) I wish he would try again.( 对将来情况的假设 )若 wish 后的宾语从句中用 would ,可以表示请求, 通常意味着说话人的不快或不满。例如:1)I wish you would help us.2)I wish you would stop asking such silly questions.5.用在 if only 感叹句中当表示 但愿” 要是就好”时,它的用法和 wish基本相同,只是更富有感情色彩,表示 一时很难实现

7、的愿望。例如:1) If only I knew what you wanted.2) If only you hadn't told him what I said, everything would have been all right.6. 用在以 as if (as though) 引出的方式状语从句中当表示过去想象中的动作或情况时,用过去完成时;当表示和现在事实相反或对现在情况有所怀疑时,用一般过去时。例如:1) The old couple loved the orphan girl as if she had been their daughter.2) It seem

8、s as if it were spring.7. 用在某些虚拟的定语从句中例 1: He was the very person I should have been wished to see.例 2: It 's (high) time that we went to class.8. 用以表示说话人的主观愿望或选择,仅用在一些惯用句型的从句中例 1: I 'd rather they came tomorrow.例 2: He'd rather I went to Fuzhou by sea.例 3: I 'd just as soon you didn

9、't watch television this evening.但 had rather, would rather, would just as soon, would sooner 等惯用语如用在简单句中, 其后都 用不加 to 的动词不定式。例如:1) I ' d rather die than give up my principle.2) I ' d just as soon (would sooner) resign than take part in such dishonest deals.、用固定的情态动词表示的虚拟语气1. should +动词原形

10、(有时省略 should)(1) 用在动词女口 advise, comma nd, dema nd, desire, in sist, order, propose, recomme nd, request, require, suggest, urge 等后的宾语从句中。例如:1) They requested that we (should) send a delegati on to their coun try.2) She urged that he write and accept the post.(2) 用在 it is suggested, it is desired, it

11、 is required, it was ordered, it was proposed, it has beendecided, it is necessary (essential, imperative, important, desirable) that等弓丨出的主语从句中。例如:1) It is desired that we (should) get everyth ing ready by toni ght.2) It is necessary that the teacher (should) have a thorough knowledge of the subject

12、 he teaches.(3) 用在 suggestion, motion, proposal, order, recommendation, plan, idea, requirement 等弓丨 起的表语从句和同位语从句例如: He put his coat over the child lest he should catch cold.2. 用在表示比拟的方式状语从句中例如: They talked as if they had bee n friends for years.3. 用在表示虚拟情况的定语从句中例如:It is high time you handed in your

13、test paper.4. 用在某些表示主观愿望的名词从句中例 1: I wish I were as strong as you.例 2: He insisted that we (should) take up the matter at the meeting.5. 用在婉转的请求、建议、批评等句子中例 1: Could you spare me a few minutes?例 2: You might have told me earlier.例 3: Hadn ' t you better go and see you dentist about that tooth?6.

14、用在表示祝愿的简单句中例 1: Long live world peace.例 2: May you succeed.虚拟语气的专项训练1、If my brotherhere last Sun day , heme from going.A. had been ; would have preventedB. had been ; would preventC. were ; would preventD. were ; would have prevented2、The judge ordered that the thiefpunished.A. would beB. should beC

15、. were to beD. must be19403、If the Un ited States had not en tered the Seco nd World War, probably the un employme nt rate of 14%still further.A. would riseB. would rise nC. would have rise nD. had rise n4、He talked as iffor many years.A. is living thereC. has lived thereB. was livi ng thereD.had li

16、ved there5、I wish Iyou yesterday.A. sawB. did seeC. had see n D. were to see6、The riceif you had been more careful.A. would n't be bur ningB. would not burnC. would not have bee n bur nedD. would n't be bur nt7、Without electricity , human being lifequite different today.A. wouldB. will beC.

17、would have bee n D. would be8、rd rather youanything about it for the time being.A. don't doB. did n't doC. had n't doneD. wo n't do9、If hein a day or two , I would wait for him.A. retur nsB. should have retur nedC. were to return D. have returned10、I would go to the concert but Ino t

18、ime.A. had B. had hadC. haveD. have had11、How nice itif Ia sister like you !A. should be ; had beenB. would be ; had beenC. would be ; hadD. were ; had12、in your position , I would go.A. If IB. Were ID. If was ID. If I am13、five minutes earlier , you could have seen them off.A. If you should arriveB

19、. If you arrivedC.Had you arrivedD. Should you arrive14、I am glad we had a map. I am sure weif weone.A. would have got lost ; had n't hadB. would get lost ; had n'tC. could n't have get lost ; had hadD. may get lost ; don't have15、The doctor insisted that this patientseriously ill an

20、d heon.A. should be ; should be operatedB. should have been ; had been operatedC. had been ; should operateD. was ; should be opearated16、I wish my husbandas well as.A. will dress ; youB. be dressd ; youC. dressed ; youD. dress ; you17f wehard in the past few years , thingsso smoothly now.A. had'

21、;t worked ; had goneB. had n't bee n work ing ; would n't be goingC. did n't work ; were n't goingD. had n't worked ; would have gone18、Ieach of the group leaders immediately work out a practical plan of study.A. hopeB. exceptC. wishD. suggest19、Without the air to hold some of th

22、e sun s heat. the earth at,nigh! cold for usto live.A. would be freez ing coldB. can freeze coldlyC. will be freezi ng coldlyD. would be froze n cold20、-you booked the tickets in advanee , we would have left for Italy.-If so , wethe ball and failed to see a lot of interesting people there.A. had ; should missB. should ; might have missedC. should ; had missedD. had ; would have missed参考答案1 - 5 ABCDC6-10 CDBCC11-15 CBCAD16-20 CBDAD


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