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1、_Springwas coming . And the snow beganto melt. The frog mother has slept for a wholewinter,shewokeup.cameoutfromthehole,jumped into the pond ,and birth a lot of eggson the water plants.Afterafewdays,eachoftheseeggshatched out into a tiny tadpole.Thebabytadpoleslivedinthepondhappily. Onedaytheysawadu

2、ckmotherswimming in the pond with her baby ducks . Andthen they thoutht ,baby tadpole1:“Everyonehas a mother,butwho is our mother ?”baby tadpole 2 : “Yes ,who is our mother?”baby tadpole 3 :“lwant a mother. ”精品资料_baby tadpole 4 : “me , too ! ”baby tadpole 5:“why not look for our mother?”baby tadpole

3、 1: “Good idea! Let s go! ”And then they asked the duck mother what doestheir mother look like . Theduck mother said,“yourmother has a big mouth and two big eyes on herhead . ”baby tadpole 2 : “thank you , duck mother”.duck mother :“You are welcome,hope you luck”.Then the baby tadpolesswam happily t

4、o look fortheir mother.The baby tadpolesswam around. Then a big fishcame towards.She had a big mouth and two bigeyes on her head .The baby tadpoles was so happy .精品资料_baby tadpole 1: “yeah we found her, she mustbe our mother ”.baby tadpoles: “Mother mother mother .”fish mother :“no no no . Im not yo

5、ur mother,Im afishs mother . ”baby tadpole 2 :“No? Eh.have you ever seen ourmother ? what does she look like ?”fish mother : “your mother has a big white belly”baby tadpole 3 : “oh thank you , fish mother”.fish mother : “It is my pleasure. ”Then the baby tadpoles swam away. Then they meta crab She h

6、ad a big mouth, a big white belly andtwo big eyes on her head.The baby tadpoles was so happy .精品资料_baby tadpole 4: “yeah we found her, she must beour mother ”.baby tadpoles : “Mother mother mother .”crab mother: “no no no . I m not your mother ,Ima crab mother . ”baby tadpole 1 :“No?But who is our m

7、other ? haveyou ever seen our mother ?”crab mother:“your mother has a big mouth , a bigwhite belly,two big eyes and four legs”baby tadpole 1 : “thank you , crab mother”.crab mother: “Do not mention it ”Thenthe baby tadpolesswamaway.Thena bigtortoise came towards. She has a big mouth, a bigwhite bell

8、ytwo big eyes on her head ,and fourlegs ”精品资料_The baby tadpoles was so happy .baby tadpole 3 : “yeah we find her, she must be ourmother ”.baby tadpole s: “Mother mother mother .”tortoise mother : “no no no . Im not your mother ,Im a tortoises mother . ”baby tadpole 3 : “5 5 5 5 .where is our mother

9、? Wecan find her ,have you ever seen her ?”tortoise mother :“yes ,your mother has a big mouth ,a big white belly,twobig eyes and four legsshecan sing a guagua song too”The baby tadpoles was so upset.They met a lot ofanimals but none of them is their motherbaby tadpole 3 : “where is our mother?Why we

10、 arenot around her ? ”精品资料_baby tadpole 4 : “She abandoned us? ”baby tadpole 5 : “555 no it is not true ”They swam here and there.Then theysaw a frog sitting on the lotus leaf. Andthe baby tadpoles asked the frog :“have you everseen our mother ? She has a big mouth , a big whitebelly,two big eyes an

11、d four legs and she can sing aguagua song. ”The frog laughed and said :“hehe.silly boys, I amyour mother. ”After listening to the frog thebaby tadpoles allfeelstrange. “but why we don tlook like you ? ”The frog replyed : “you are still young, you will has abig mouth , a big white belly,two big eyes

12、and four精品资料_legs when you grow up. And you can sing a guaguasong ,too. ”Thebabytadpoleswassohappytofindtheirmother .They learned the power of the insist .Theyalllovedtheirmotherverymuch.Theyswameverywhereto enjoy the happy time everyday.Thefrog mother taught them a lot of things about thetadpole and frog. And after few days the tadpolesgrew into frogs and they lived togetherhappily.精品资料_Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料


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