《A Tiny Family》中英双语绘本pdf.docx

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1、A Tiny Family中英双语绘本pdf<p推荐年龄:<p3-6岁<p资源介绍:<p本文给大家分享的资源是中英文双语绘本A TinyFamily,翻译成中文名为:小小一家人,资源有pdf电子书和mp3音频,百度网盘免费资源,直接下载即可。<p这个绘本出自Hello Reader故事城堡(第1级),适合刚刚接触英语的小朋友学习。<p绘本简介:<pA tiny girl lives with her tiny family in a tiny garden!<p一个迷你小女孩和她的迷你家人住在迷你花园里的故事。<p<p绘本内容:<

2、;pello. Im a tiny girl.你好,我是一个小小的女孩儿。<pI live with my tiny family in a garden.我和我那些小小的家人住在一个花园里。<pOur home is under the flowers.我们的家在花朵下。<pEvery morning we have breakfast corn flakes and a strawberry.<p每天早晨我们都吃早餐玉米片加一颗草莓<pThen my brother and I wash the clothes.然后我和弟弟洗衣服。<pWe help G

3、randpa gather the vegetables.我们帮爷爷采摘蔬菜。<pThen we all do the cooking.然后我们大家一起做饭。<pAfter the work is done, I like to play leapfrog.活都干完后,我喜欢玩跳背游戏。<pMy brother likes to slide.弟弟喜欢滑滑梯。<pWe both like to climb.我们都喜欢爬高。<pOne day we climbed to the top of the tallest flower in the garden.<p

4、一天,我们爬到了花园里最高的(向日葵)花顶上。<pI looked all around.我向四周望了望。<pI saw something scary!看到了一件可怕的事情!<pA giant girl was sitting near our garden.一个高大的女孩儿正坐在我们的花园旁边。<pShe was talking to a giant dog.她在和一只很大的狗说话。<pThere was something stuck in his paw.狗的爪子上扎了什么东西。<pIt was Grandpas umbrella!那是爷爷的雨伞!&

5、lt;pThe dog must have stepped on it.那只狗一定是踩到它了。<p“What a pretty little umbrella!” said the girl.<p“多可爱的小雨伞啊!”那个女孩儿说。<pAnd she ran to her house with it.她拿着伞跑回了家。<pWe had to get Grandpas umbrella back.我们得把爷爷的雨伞拿回来。<pSo that night, when Grandpa was sleeping, my brother and I got up.<p

6、于是那天晚上,趁爷爷睡觉的时候,我和弟弟爬了起来。<pWe left the garden and went up the hill to the house where the giant girllived.<p我们离开花园到了小山上,来到那个高大女孩儿住的房子那儿。<pWe didnt go in the front door.我们不能从前门进去。<pBut we found an open window.但是我们找到了一扇开着的窗户。<pUp we climbed.我们爬了上去。<pThe girl was fast asleep.女孩儿睡得很熟。&

7、lt;pGrandpas umbrella was on the table.爷爷的雨伞就在桌子上。<pI thought I could swing over to the table.我本来以为自己能荡到桌子上呢。<pBut I was wrong.但是我错了。<pMy brother slid down the curtain and helped me out.弟弟顺着窗帘滑下来把我来了出来。<pHow could we get up on that table?可我们怎么才能爬到那张桌子上去呢?<pI had an idea.我有主意了。<pWe

8、could build steps up to the top of the table.我们可以把台阶直搭到桌子上面。<pWe used all the blocks.我们把所有的积木都用上了。<pOops! My brother brought me a giant whistle.哎呀!弟弟递给我一个巨大的哨子。<pWe climbed up the whistle and I grabbed the umbrella.<p我们沿着哨子爬到了桌子上。我拿到了雨伞。<pJust then 可就在那时<pthe giant girl picked me u

9、p.那个高大的女孩儿把我抓了起来。<pOh, I was scared!哦,我吓坏了!<pShe opened her mouth.她张开了嘴。<p“Who are you?” she asked.“你是谁?”她问。<pI told her about us.我把我们的事情告诉了她。<pI told her that we had come to get Grandpas umbrella.<p我告诉她我们来取回爷爷的雨伞。<pShe was very kind.她真好。<pShe gave us the umbrella and said she would take us back to our garden.<p把雨伞给了我们,还说要把我们送回花园里。<pAnd she did.她真的把我们送了回去。<pThen we went to sleep and dreamed about giant people.<p后来我们睡着了,还梦见了那些高大的人呢。<p


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