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1、Module 2 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能询问和回答一日三餐;描述用餐的具体时间。语法全体学生能运用:what did she have for lunch? she had sandwiches. lunch is usually at half past twelve.词汇1全体学生能理解:sausage,sandwich,fish and chips,traditional,dish,delicious,chicken2全体学生能初步运用: chicken语音进一步强化语音语调,初步达到语调达意。语言技能目标听全体学生能听懂: what did she hav

2、e for lunch? she had sandwiches. lunch is usually at half past twelve.说1. 全体学生能说:what did she have for lunch? she had sandwiches. lunch is usually at half past twelve.读全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文。全体学生能写出2-3 个语句,说明一日三餐所持的食物和具体时间。写全体学生能运用已学语言询问和回答一日三餐。运用1. 全体学生能运用I like .来表达自己的喜好。2. 部分学生能运用“I like .”学习策略兴趣1. 对字母

3、歌充满兴趣。2. 乐意向别人表达自己的喜好。交际注意观察生活或媒体中出现的简单英语。文化意识知道英语国家中典型的食品名称。情感态度乐于接受外国文化,增强民族意识。任 务Unit 1:调查小组成员一日三餐的情况,选出各组的健康饮食小达人Unit 2:介绍各组的健康饮食小达人三餐情况,全班推选出一位健康饮食之星。教 学 内 容 分 析l 本模块的话题是询问和回答一日三餐所吃的食物以及描述用餐的具体时间。l 本模块继续巩固一般过去时的运用,教师可以引导学生进一步归纳、总结动词过去式的形式。l 教师在本模块也可以对食物名词进行归纳和总结,制作食物词汇图,帮助学生理解和记忆。l 本模块的任务是在小组内和

4、全班范围内调查学生的一日三餐的情况,选出健康饮食达人,这是一个非常有意义的活动,可以促使学生养成健康的生活态度和不挑食,不偏食的好习惯。 课题What did she have for lunch? (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标1、掌握目标语句:What did she have for breakfast / lunch/ dinner ? She had 2、学习新词:email,sausages, sandwich ,delicious  并能用目标语句练习说: She had eggs and sausages .  She had sandwiches. She

5、 had fish and chips. 3、 理解文章的内容,能将学到的生词都放进目标语句, 进行练习,能熟读重点句型,并有感情的表演对话。情感目标了解中外饮食的不同,学会珍惜粮食。通过小组活动,培养合作意识;和学生一起了解English  food,激发学生学习英语的积极性,  培养学生的文化意识,提高跨文化交际的能力。教学重点词汇:email,sausages, sandwich , delicious句型:What did she have for breakfast ? She had What did she have for lunch?&

6、#160;     She had What did she have for dinner?    She had 难点难点:如何熟练掌握本课的重点句型。如何用英国传统的食物回答别人的问题。如何熟练掌握本课的重点句型。课前准备点读机,字母卡片第一课时 总第6课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1.listen and spell the words (单词小比拼)2.read the text of unit2 in module 1学生很喜欢这个

7、形式,可以快速调动他们的注意力。Step2Presentation. 1.Listen and chant在此活动前,用闪卡和Magic Eye 的形式复习食物的单词。:What did you have for dinner?Bread, meat, and vegetables.What did you have for dinner?Fish, eggs, and vegetables.Ss listen to it for once, then say what they hear.Then watch the cartoon and get to know what it is.2.

8、game: what is the word?O o d f - food 引出delicious ,教读,(two by two.)3.利用单词表学习拼读单词,巩固单词以单数和复数对比的形式呈现单词,比如sausage sausages. 让学生见到复数形式,也不会觉得陌生。Sausage sandwich fish and chips traditional dish delicious chicken通过这个说唱的训练,引入比拼,调动学生的积极性。同时学完之后简单款速引入了今天的主要句型。Step 3Drills 1.CAI: T: What did you have for break

9、fast先进行GUESS 这项活动,让学会猜猜老师昨晚的晚餐,调动学生的积极性。从而自然的引出 What did you have for dinner yesterday?Ss look and say: I had T: have- had eat -ate (板书教读)2,。New words:Sausage - Sausages sandwich-sandwichesChips eggs and sausages 3.look and guess4.magic eyes5.dumplings_tranditional Chinese food .Which are traditiona

10、l English food? _hamburger are English food.6.区别分类:将图片词汇分为English food 和Chinese food.Rice hamburger noodles chips hot dog dumpling pizza moon cakessentence learning:what did she have for breakfast /lunch/ dinner?She had Ss ask and answer in pairs then show.通过各种方式的练习的来巩固单词,在谈论中逐步引出单词。在这个练习中,先提问 What

11、did you have for breakfast? 然后紧接着叫班里的其他同学,问 What did he /she have for breakfast? 一次依次接龙,在这个活动中 ,训练孩子的听力和注意力,也很自然的练习了本课重要句型。学生要正确的区别中英的不同,利于他们正确了解饮食文化。板书设计Unit2 what did she have for breakfast?Hamburger chips sausage eggs She had作业设计Listen and read unit1 for three times.Recite the words.第二课时 总第7课时教 学

12、 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1. Free talkT: Today you can ask me some questions. Please ask me some questions .Ss: How are you?  Whats the weather like in Dalian ?  Whats your favorite ?  以谈话的方式来创造轻松的课堂环境和融洽的师生关系。突破以前老师提问学生回答的固定模式,让学生先向老师提出问题,使学生主动参与到说英语的活动中。Step

13、2Presentation.T: Good, you know a lot about me now, can I ask you a question? Do you like games? Ss: YesT: Ok, here is a game. Please guess what word it is. (教师在大屏幕上展示出一张幻灯片,上面四有个字母o/o/f/d  请学生猜出一个单词来).S: Food.T:Right. Its food.(教师展示出:food )Today we are going to learn something about food.

14、  Lets read together(齐读课题)Ss: What did she have for lunch?T:“She” here is Lingling , she is in England now, yesterday , she had some English food. Do you want to know the food?  Ss: Yes .T: Ok , lets watch the CD ROM and know the details.    ( 引入今天的新课文)3. Text teaching(课文教学)

15、1) Listen and answer questions :T: Do you know some English food now? Ok, I have some questions for you. Please listen to the dialogue again and try to find the answers.(教师大屏幕展示三个问题)What did she have for breakfast?What did she have for lunch?    What did she have for dinner?

16、   2) Learn new words in the answers.S: (回答第一个问题):She had eggs and sausages.T: Yes, you are right. Do you know had here?(大屏幕展示) had -have                      ate -eat “Had” here means&

17、#160; “ate”, Its the past tense of “Have”.( 接着展示两个句子)I have hamburgers every day.I had a hamburger yesterday.T:Sausage .Look, here is the  sausage . 用同样的方法学习: sandwich  fish and chips.T: Do you like fish?S: No!T: Fish is good for your health.T:Are the food delicious?Ss: Yes.(练习 d

18、elicious)4. Practice the sentences.5. Look and read.(教师接着展示几句话, 这是书中的疑难点)Ive got an email from Lingling.Its about English food.Its a traditional English dinner.She says its delicious, but its very different.1) Ive got an E-mail from Lingling. 2) Its about English food在这加入了中国食物和英国食物的不同

19、之处。不仅仅是食物,还有用餐习惯和餐具的对比。.通过英语说This book is about English.来解释about .3) Its a traditional English dinner.和学生一起来说一说traditional things, 例如: Jiaozi is traditional Chinese food, erhu  is traditional Chinese instrument 等练习traditional.4) She says its delicious, but its very different.通过Snoopy和Mickey的比较说


21、3Drills Practise(巩固练习)1) Listen and read. 2) Look and do.3) Guessing game.大屏幕展示图片,What did she have for?请学生猜:She hadShe didnt have She had7. Task-fulfilling (任务完成)。Do a survey.T:Please ask your friends:What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?Go around the class and ask anybo

22、dy you meet.(请学生到教室里寻找合作伙伴完成问答,接着做汇报。)Ss:had for breakfast , had for lunch , had for dinner.   Name  breakfast  lunch   dinner  Sam eggs Sandwich chips            (学生听音读课文, 教师请全班分角色表演,检查一下对话的掌握情况

23、)教师先和学生做个示范, 请学生提问, 教师自己回答,然后让学生模仿做调查。板书设计What did she have for breakfast?What did she have for lunch?What did she have for dinner?作业设计Listen to the text three times and read fluently.Spell the words in this unit . 第三课时 总第8课时课题Unit 2 Lunch is usually at half past twelve. (活动课)教学目标知识技能目标描述饮食习惯教学重点和难点

24、词汇:email,sausages, sandwich ,delicious句型:Lunch is usually at half past twelve.难点:时间和三餐一起描述课前准备卡片,课件,磁带、录音机教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1. Revision1.Whats the time? Teacher shows some clocks on the blackboard or on t the ppt. 2:00, 7:30, 4:15, 6:45 3:25 9:20复习时间的表达方式,为后面的教学活动做好准备。Step2Text teaching.1.Th

25、e teacher shows the meals of a day.T:I usually have breakfast at half past six, have lunch at twelve oclock and have dinner at six oclock.2.Look at the pictures and listen to the tape.3.Listen to the tape again and underline the new words.4.Guess the meaning of the new words.5.Listen to the tape and

26、 read after the tape.6.Read the text and answer the questions.When do people have breakfast in England?When do they have lunch?When do they have dinner?What day is special in England?What do they do on that day?What do they eat?7Read the text在本课中,我先提了一个问题1. Which country does the text introuce(介绍) ?

27、然后让学生完成填空,寻找重要信息点。People usually have breakfast at _.Lunch is usually at _ .Dinner is usually at _ .先由老师介绍自己的饮食习惯。引出谈论的主题。本课是一篇小短文,在学习时要注意层层递进,让学生在完成每个任务的同时理解文章,并能正确朗读。通过听、读、回答回答等不同的活动形式,使学生充分熟悉和理解课文,最后达到掌握课文的目的。Step 3Drills. P12 part3 look, ask and answer1. Look at the pictures and answer “What tim

28、e”.Sam 7:00,12:30,6:30 Damming 7:30,12:00,7:002. Look at the pictures and make sentences.Sam has breakfast at seven.Sam has lunch at half past twelve.Sam has dinner at half past seven.Daming has breasfast at halp past seven.Daming has lunch at twelve.Daming has dinner at seven.3. Look at the picture

29、s and describe the food.sausage ,egg,hamburger, chicken,biscuit, noodles, rice fish, vegetable.4. Let the Ss spell these words on the blackboard.5. Look at the pictures and make sentences.Sam has sausages and eggs.Sam has hamburger.Sam has chicken.Daming has biscuits.Daming has noodles.Daming has ri

30、ce,fish,vegetables.6. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.7. Write down these sentences.8. Lets sing a song Listen to the tape. Read after the tape and read the words again. Listen to the tape and sing after the tape在拓展活动中,我提供了短文填空这样的题型,让学生自己来介绍自己三餐的时间和具体吃的食物。仿照课文来仿写。. Sing the song together.充分利用教

31、材提供的教学资源,将图片变换不同的活动形式,最后达到学生能够熟悉运用语言的目标。先让学生试着互问互答,然后请几组同学练习问答,全班一起检查判断正误,为了确保学生能正确问答,我们先从描述图中的食物入手,先掌握食物单词,然后正确认读时间,最后再进行句型操练继续听的时候 ,加大难度,问了以下几个问题。1.Which meal(餐、饭) do English families usually eat together on Sundays ?2.What do people usually eat for lunch on Sundays ?。作业设计1、熟读并背会第二模块的课文。2、背第二模块的单词

32、。 第四课时 总第9课时 课题 (练习课)完成活动手册教学目标知识技能目标巩固本单元知识,通过练习册的使用来查漏补缺。巩固反馈检查.通过练习册来进一步检查本模块的知识,从听说读写方面来训练。加强对知识的巩固。教学重点和难点能读懂文章,正确理解篇章,正确拼写单词。课前准备听写本、磁带、录音机教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1RevisionDictation:Rice hamburger noodles hot dog dumpling pizza moon cakesSausage sandwich fish and chips traditional delicious

33、chickenRevision 1.Greetings.2.Sing the song.3.Revise reciting the passage on page 8.4.Revise acting the dialogue on page 6. 通过朗读来复习课文。通过单词的听写巩固单词,督促学生背诵。仅凭课堂一周两三节课,单词的扎实掌握无法保证。Step2Do the exercise.Unit 11. read and answer:Q: *what is your favorite food? *what did you eat for breakfast yesterday? * w

34、hat did you eat for lunch yesterday?* what did you eat for dinner yesterday? 先指名答,再学生互问互答。2.listen and tick:3.make a survey:4:listen and match: read and complete:keys: eggs,lunch,fish and chips, different6:look,read and complete:Rice and eggs,sausages,sandwiches,fish and chips. Nuit21. listen and ch

35、oose:*look at the pictures and say the words.*ss fill in the blanks*check the answers.2.read and tick:此题正好检测学生对于课文的理解程度。3look and complete:4.read and tick:5.listen and complete:1. Read,tick and enjoy:Homework:1. recite the words of this module.preview module 3,listen 3 times,画出新词新句。此题难度不大,但需要学生能准确寻找

36、录音中的信息,对于阅读理解,学生还需要很长时间的训练,教师注意指导学生一些基本的做题技巧。重点在要真确写出单词及正确使用量词。作业设计复习第二课课文,并背会。预习第三模块。教学反思:本模块,我的教学目标是孩子们学会问答某人以前的职业。She was a driver before. What did she drive? She drove a bus.主要的句型围绕着过去,要孩子们运用过去式。针对教学目标和五年级孩子们的特点我在教学设计上采用了用中学,用中总结的思路。 1.复习启动,以旧导新。我在开课时就为学生设计了抢答动词过去式的小游戏,目的是让他们在兴趣盎然的活动中复习本节课所

37、要用到的过去式,为下一步的新授教学打下基础。 2.注重学生学法指导。 学生经过几年的英语学习,已经掌握了一定的英语学习方法,但一些学生,尤其是学困生还是缺少学习方法的指导,我在单词教学时能从发音规则,联想记忆等处帮学生记忆单词,同时鼓励学生用自己的方法记单词;我还注意培养学生的注意力,反应力,比如在游戏“看单词,写句子”中,就充分调动学生的手,眼,脑的协调运用,效果比较好。但本节课中还存在的问题:作为第一课时的新授听读课文应该至少3遍,而我的课堂实际只听了2遍,这样会使学生缺少一定的听力训练,进而影响朗读和表达。同时在课堂上的训练面还不够广,部分学生参与练习的机会不多。需要再想办法让更多的孩子参与进来。11


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