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1、Sofa is a culture and Apursuit on the high quality life.The intelligentsofa,which is born in the mining value of sofa,meets the need forfunction upgrading,where you can get the maximum enjoyment when sittingor lying,沙发是一种文化,也是一种对高品质生活的追求。在挖掘沙发价值中诞生的智能沙发,满足了人们对沙发功能的提升,不再是单纯的坐着、躺着,坐卧之间让您得到最大限度的享受。At t

2、he same time of Creatinghumanized home,fusing the beauty of art into the creative design,providing an intellectual and self-confident harborfor you who eager to get the peace of mind.在打造人性家居的同时,殚精竭虑地将艺术之美融于无限创意的设计之中,为渴望获得心灵平静的您提供一处知性风采、彰显自信的港湾。Intelligentize means more modern,More saving and more en

3、vironmentally friendly,intelligentize makes life more convenient and we can enjoy healthier gree life.智能意味着更加现代、更加节约、更加环保,智能化让我们在便捷的生活中享受更健康的绿色生活。Warmth is the eternal theme of space,Embracing while sitting,elegant and simple style is flowing with the fashion style,softness from each other provokes

4、the pulse of warmth and happiness in your heart.温馨,是这个空间里永恒不变的主题,相拥而坐,优雅在简约的造型与时尚的格调中流淌,源自对方的温柔,挑起内心温暖欣慰的幸福脉动。Agility which is unable to Explain is jumping in the elegant simplicity,revealing the charm of intellectuality andgrace.Fashionable and classics design changes it into an elegant taste.雅致简朴中

5、跳跃着一种无法言喻的灵动,浑身散发出一种知性与端庄的气质,时尚经典的设计将其化为一种淡雅的品味。The home is filed with such Vitality and wisdom,that exists in our pursuit on every detail of life.家里洋益着如此的生命力,智慧无处不在,她存在于我们对生活细节的每一次追求之中。The humanized back can be Adjustable according to your need.The subtle changes of each arc the details design of h

6、ead reflect the humanized design.人性化靠头可以根据需要随意调节。每条弧线的细微变化,头枕的细节设计都反映了富丽人性化的设计理念。Elegant light color creates a relaxed experience,The home full ofelegance,romance and vivacity reveals the spiritual power of freedom and openness.淡雅的浅色创造出轻松愉悦的体验,真正体现出的是浪漫优雅而不失活泼的家居中透露出的自由和开放的精神力量。The concept of comfor

7、t design Focus more on the unity of art and function,every change of detail is quite humanized,gives your body natural,and comfortable personal feelings and brings and brings ultra-comfortable home life.舒适的设计概念更加注重艺术与功能的统一,每个细节的改变都相当人性化,给予人体自然舒适的贴身感受,带来超舒适的家居生活享受。Whether past or future, We always in

8、sist on the principle of fusing wisdom into performance,providing a more convenient lifestyle and a healthier life enjoyment with more sophisticated process improvement and more responsible attitude of life.This is a commitment to the future,but also to the home.无论是过去还是未来,我们始终坚持将睿智融入性能的原则,以更精湛的工艺改进和

9、更负责任的生活方式和更健康的生活享受。这是对未来的承诺,更是对家的承诺。Rigorous modeling,Rigorous technology and excellent quality highlight the masters charm of maturity.严谨的造型、严格的工艺、精良的品质凸现住人的沉稳气质。After a day of hard toil,Returning to warm family,sitting in such a comfortable sofa.as if back to childhood in mothers arms.The home is

10、full of elegance and charm,makes nature leave home forever to enjoy the beauty of life wisdom.经过一天的辛苦劳累后,回到温馨的家,坐在如此舒适的沙发,犹如回到小时候在妈妈的怀抱里 . 雅性十足,韵味悠长,让自然在家中永驻,尽享生活中的智慧之美。以一种睿智而富有前瞻力的视野,将现代休闲和功能实用主义完美融合,在艺术与功能的统一里引领一种智能设计潮流,成为时尚潮人的客厅新宠。Eusing modern leisure culture and pragmatism perfectly with a wisevision full of forward thinking,leading the intelligent design trend inthe unity of art and function,becoming a new favorite for the happeningperson.


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