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1、Page 3 of 4第3页,共4页Room to have a great start 成功的开始Bell Captai n行李领班Hotel Level:I -VDepartme nt:Rooms Divisio n酒店等级:一-五部门:房务部Job Band:8Reports To:Bell Captain /Concierge / Front Office Manager职位等级:8直属上级:礼宾主管,礼宾部经理,前厅部经理JOB OVERVIEW 职位概述«Resp on sible for the efficie nt han dli ng of guest luggag

2、e, adher ing to proper check-i n and check-outprocedures, rosteri ng of staff, direct ing and supervis ing the uni form services staff and to check/mai ntain the clea nli ness of grou nd floor lobby and main en tra nee.负责按照正确的入住和离店工作程序高效率的处理客人的行李,编排工作人员的工作班次,指导和监督身 着制服的员工,并检查和保持一楼大厅和正门的卫生保洁。?At Inte

3、rContinental Hotels & Resortswe want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Knowwhich means we n eed you to: Be charm ing by being approachable, hav ing con fide nee and show ing respect.« Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests' needs, being attentive a

4、nd takingown ership of gett ing things done.« Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.在洲际酒店及度假村?,我们希望宾客感觉风格独特、时尚现代和深入洞悉,这意味我们需要你:*亲切、充满自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力 的你。*理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的

5、风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,做到令人难忘。DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 工作职责 Ensure that all guest' s baggage are received and delivered upon arrival and departure even for baggagestorage pertaining to the procedure laid down in the Inter-Continental Hotels & Resorts Front OfficeMan ual依照洲际酒店及度假村前厅部工作手册中规定的工作程序,确

6、保所有客人进行交接班说明工作,确定了解 酒店活动和运营要求和抵店和离店时均有服务人员为其提送行李,甚至为其储存。IHG Reward sjub Be thoroughly aware of arrivals and departures of each day with emphasis on VIP Members, groups and crew moveme nts.« 详细了解每天客人进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求抵店和离店的情况,重点留意贵宾、优悦会会员和团组的活动。« To work closely with Guest Relati ons O

7、fficer to en sure baggage for VIPIHG Rewards C,lub Membersare delivered promptly与宾客关系主任密切合作,以确保贵宾和优悦会会员的行李得到迅速派送。« To assist the Doorma n and supervise on traffic con trol along the driveway duri ng peak hours«在高峰期对门僮进行协助,并监督对车道的交通控制。«Con ducts daily briefi ng and to en sure that all

8、uniform service staff are kept up to date, properly in structedand that all staff are properly dressed, n eat and clea n before start of duty. Similarly, staff appeara nee should rema in clea n, smart and tidy at all times.进行每日例会,以确保所有着装服务人员了解最新情况并得到正确指导,并保证工作开始前所有员工的穿 着均符合规定、干净整齐。同样,员工的外表也应随时给人以干净、

9、精明和整洁的印象。« Be resp on sible for training Bellma n, Park ing Valets and Doorma n, in their respective jobs (by ide ntify ing tra ining n eeds)负责(通过发现培训需要)对应接服务员、停车场服务员和门僮就其各自岗位职责进行培训。« En sure that all staff are fully in formed and kno wledgeable on hotel facilities and its surrou nding are

10、as确保所有员工了解并熟知酒店设施及周边区域的情况。* Ensure that the surrounding areas at the lobby level and main entrance are clean确保大厅和正门周边区域的清洁。* Supervise the Park ing Valets in han dli ng guests' vehicles properly* 监督停车场服务员对客人车辆合适处理。* Prepare n ewspaper orders and co-ord in ates with n ews ven dor for early delive

11、ry. Supervises Bellma n forn ewspaper delivery负责报纸预订工作,并与报纸供应商协调早晨送报事宜。监督应接服务员送报情况。* Ensuring that all equipment (trolley, etc.) are in proper condition and recorded properly确保所有设备(手推车等)保养良好并得到准确记录。* Must be fully con versa nt with emerge ncy evacuati on and fire procedures and en suri ng all uni fo

12、rmed staff are aware of these procedures熟知紧急情况疏散和防火工作程序,并确保所有穿著酒店工服装的员工了解这些程序。ACCOUNTABILIT Y责任范围Number of employees supervised 管理的员工DirectN/A直接无In directN/A间接无Ann ual Operat ing Profit/Payroll Budget-年度经营利润和薪金预算« N/A« 无Key Metrics -主要绩效指标« Completi on of assig ned tasks完成分配给的工作的情况Dec

13、isi on Making Resp on sibilities (Decisi on Rights) 决策职责(决策权)-« N/A 无QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS任职要求Required Skills -技能要求* Commu ni cati on skills are utilized a sig nifica nt amou nt of time whe n in teract ing with others; dem on strated ability to in teract with customers, employees and

14、third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the bra nd and the Compa ny.拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交 往的能力。* Able to read and write En glish*能够读写英语Qualificati ons学历* High School or Vocati onal Certificate in Hotel Admini strati on. Hotel Man ageme nt or equivale nt*具有高中或酒店行政管理,

15、酒店管理或相关的专业证书。Experie nee -经验* 1 year experie nee in guest service or customer service, or an equivale nt comb in ati on of educati on and experie nee.*拥有1年宾客服务工作经验,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。The statements in this job description are intended to describe the essential nature and level of work being performed. They are not intended to be ALL responsibilities or qualifications of the job.Employee Name (pr int)DateEmployee Sign ature此职位描述所陈述的只是该项工作的核心内容和主要层面,并非所有职责或资历要求。员工姓名(正楷)员工签名日期Page 4 of 4第4页,共4页


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