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1、3 / 4 TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task 任务:Photo Library 图片库Code 序号: OH-SM-MC-A202Objectives目的:At the end of this session, each trainee will be able to fully understand how to manage the MarCom photo library. 在此培训结束后,每一个学员都将学会管理公关部图片库 。 Standard标准: See Attached S&P. 参见后附标准与程序。Resources培训器材: Wh

2、iteboard, Mark pen, Projector, Computer. 白板,马克笔、投影仪和电脑。Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间Lecture 讲座式Demonstration演示小组讨论Group DiscussionComputer Demo电脑展示Demo by trainee学员演示1. Why do we need to have a photo library?为什么我们需要有一个图片库?a. For advertisement 广告b. For collateral production 制作宣传品c. For newslette

3、r 新闻信件d. Upon corporate office request 总部要求2. A brief introduction of database简要介绍数据库a. When we handle a great number of items, we need a system to categorize them for easy reference, like we use Cardex for business cards, paper documents, albums for photos. 处理大批数据时需要一个系统分类以方便使用,就好象我们使用名片盒来装名片,用文件夹来

4、存储文件,用相册来装相片。b. The database is something that can help us with the library. 数据库就可以在处理大批数据时发挥作用。§ It is like Excel, with rows and columns. But it has different format, which is called FORM. 它就象是EXCEL,也有行列;但是可以做成不同的格式,称为表单。§ We input data into cell as we do in EXCEL. We can also define the

5、format of the data input. 我们可以在单元格里输入数据§ In this case, we can define in such a way that only number can be input and all letters will become capital letter even though they are not input so.在数据库里我们可以定义输入的数值只能是数字或是大写的字母。§ Demonstrate the FILM form, but without explaining further details. 打开

6、FILM表单但不讲解深入的细节。3. What are the components of our library?图片库的要素有哪 些?a. Film negatives 底片b. Photos: 5-inch & 7-inch ones 七寸和五寸相片c. Albums: 5-inch & 7-inch ones七寸和五寸相册d. Envelops 信封e. An Access Database that records all the library information数据库f. An digital image archive数码图片库 4. Introduce e

7、ach type of library one by one. 逐个介绍各种类型的图片库的管理方式。 Refer to Standard 4, 5, 6, 8 and procedures 1-65. Demonstrate the process of looking up a specific film. 演示查询胶卷和图片的过程。 If we want to find the negative of hotel superior room shot, what will you do? 如果想查找饭店宣传册上高级房的照片,应该如何做?a. Find out the month and y

8、ear in which the photo was taken. For example, September, 1999找出照片拍摄的年月,例如1999年9月b. Since it was used for brochure, it must be high quality photo and the code will be stored in SHOTS form. 既然是宣传册上的照片,就是高质量的相片 数据一定存在SHOTS表单里。c. Go to SHOTS form and sort by date and find the serial number i.e. COL9909

9、-01.在SHOTS表单里按日期排序,找到系列号为COL9909-01d. Go to the plastic folder labeled containing the negatives taken in 1999 and find the specific negative. 在存放1999年拍摄的底片的塑料文件夹里找到底片。 6. Questions 提问:a. How to assign a serial code to a film?如何为胶卷底片分配一个号码?b. What does the label number AE001 mean?标签号AE001代表什么意思?c. What resolution should a high quality image ? And why?高质量的图片的分辨率应为多少?为什么?7. Summary with emphasis on how to search film. 总结时将重点放在如何查找胶卷。8 min 8分钟15 min 15 分钟10 min 10 分钟20 min 20 分钟15 min 15 分钟20 min 20 分钟5 min 5 分钟科教兴国


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