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1、Prognosis (knowing whM will conic)预d ; (yu hou) The progress and outcome of the dise ; Lse is Ilie prognosisGoodRar! Pm 即 wifkBenign 制牛的 QKing dw、Malignant 悲件的花 xing de)Low grade低介化的口把介加日cte)High grade 高分化的(gao fen hua deRadiosensitive发射纱逆感tfa sfte min pari)Radioresistant的(fa she xlan zu kangNo meta

2、stases W 移(伯八 zhuan yhMetastases(zhuan yiWell differentiated 易娴别的yi bian de)Poorly ditFerentiated 不易勃,另Iff; r bu yi biAn him de >In remissionjieiRelapse kAi <fu te)Surgically reAp&ctable可外科 F 术切除 99 (/ wffi ke shou shu qie cte>Inoperable不辽ffl ibu yr s/iw $肱血)Chemntherapeutic agents 化学疗法

3、 thus xue fiao fa)komycin I 博来霉嗪 1 (ftd l3fSg S-Chemothcrjipy 化学疔,Z (hija xue Aaa fa) hns the goal of killing or stopping rhe development nfrapidly dividing cells. Examples are Cisplatin, Carboplat in,fltinrncjrao 5 氟尿瞪喘(ft/ Hi AO m dfinfl), mrthotrExate 甲景媒时Jia 的 did /ioffk Vincristine fifr chun xJ

4、Tj/aA, Vinblastine 衣祚碱(chang chun ;ian. Taxol andTawiuvirtn .木戟题(SSfi ben 阳 ng 钠* Since the sank nicchanism (hat kilh malignant cdl or blocks de velapment of a malignant cell cm have similar effects on a nnrnuil, rap idly dividing celt any of LhcNt agents ciin haxrc btid side clfccts. Some terms of

5、cancer ircitLcd with chemcthera P、 may cjus,e ihe cancer (o "disappear far while ahhough nAt cured and the P atient may be sympiom free someiimA for nwnthA or years.放疗专业术语中英文对照表HF hyperfracti on ati on 超分害UHI relative dose homoge neity in dex 靶区剂量均匀性指数HR hyperthermia and radiati on 热疗加放疗HF hype

6、rfracti on ati on 超分害!HI relative dose homoge neity in dex 靶区剂量均匀性指数HR hyperthermia and radiati on 热疗加放疗HRC hyperthermia and radiochemotherapy 禁、疗力口放彳匕 疗HVL half value layer 半价层IC immu no cytoma免疫细胞瘤ICR in terval cytoreductive or in terve ning cy to reduct ion间隔细胞减灭术ICRU Intern ati onal Commissi on

7、on Radiati on un its andMeasureme nts国际辐射单位与测量委员会IGART image guided adaptive radiotherapy 影像学弓 | 导 的 适应性照射IGRT image guided radiotherapy影像学引导的放射治疗IM internal margin 内边界IMAT i nte nsity modulated arc therapy弧形调强技术IMRT i nte nsity modulated radiation therapy 调强放射治 疗 IM-WPRT in te nsity-modulated whole

8、 pelvic radiotherapy全盆调强放射治疗IPSID immun oproliferative small in testi nal disease 免疫 增值 性小肠病ISO intern ati onal Organi zatio n for Stan dardizati on 国际 标 准化组织ITV in ternal target volume 内靶区IV irradiation volume照射靶区KCs kerati no cytes表皮胶原细胞LCHART late-course hyperfract ion ated accelerated radiation

9、therapy后程加速超分割放疗LCs Lan gerha ns cells 朗罕氏细胞LD lethal damage 致死损伤LENT late effective normal tissues正常晚反应组织LET lin ear energy transfer 线T生能量传递LH local hyperthermia局部加温LI labeli ng in dex 标记指数LLS lin ear least squares 线性最小二乘法LQ linear quadratic model LQ模型或线性二次模型MCD mea n central dose 平均中心剂量MIMiC multi

10、vaa ne inten sity modulatio n compe nsator 多叶调强补偿器MLC multileaf collimator 多叶准直器MRI magn etic resonance imagi ng 磁共振成像MTD mi nimum target dose最小靶剂量MTH mild temperature hyperthermia温和加温MU mon itor unit 机器跳数NCCN Natio nal Comprehe nsive Ca ncer Network 美国综合癌症工作者NED no evide nee of disease无疾病证据NF n eur

11、ofibromatosis 神经纤维瘤病NHL non-Hodgkin Lymphoma非霍奇金淋巴瘤NSCLC non-small cell lu ng can cer 非小细胞肺癌NSD nomi nal sta ndard dose 名义标准剂量NSGCT non sem ino matous germ cell tumor 非精原 g 田胞性生殖细胞瘤NTCP no rmal tissue complicati on probability正常组织并发症概率OAR off axial ratio 离轴比OAR organ at risk 敏感器官OER oxyge n enhan ce

12、me nt ratio 氧增强比 Ol overdose volume in dex超剂量体积指数OPM ocult primary malig nancy 隐匿原发灶OUF output factor射野输出因子PCI propylactic era nial irradiation预防性全脑照射PCML primary cuta neous malig nant lymphoma 原发性 皮肤 恶性淋巴瘤PDD perce ntage depth dose 百分深度剂量PDRR pulsed dose rate brachytherapy脉冲剂量率近距离治疗PET positr on em

13、issi on tomography正电子发射断层扫描PF protection factor 防护系数PLD pote ntial lethal damage 潜在致死损伤PNAd peripheral n ode addressin外周淋巴结地址素PNET s primitive n euroectodermal tumor原始神经夕卜胚层肿瘤POA pan creatic on cofetal an tigen 胰腺癌胚抗原PSA prostate specific an tigen前列腺特异抗原PT precisi on radiotherapy 精确放疗PTC A percuta n

14、eous tran slu minal coronary an gioplasty经皮腔内冠状动脉成型术PTV pla nning target volume 计划靶区PUC probability of un complicated con trol 无并发症控制概率PUFA polyu nsaturated fatty acid多不饱和脂肪酸QA/QC quality assura nce/quality con trol 质量保证/质量控制QOL quality of life 生活质量QP quadratic program ming二次规划法RBE relative biologic

15、al effective ness相X寸生物效应RD reference dose 参考齐 U 量REV room ' s eye view 治疗室内视图 RH regionalhyperthermia区域加温SAD source axis dista nee 源轴 距SALT skin associated lymphoid tissue皮肤相关淋巴样组织SAR scatter air ratio 散射空气比SCHART split-course hyperfracti on ated accelerated radiation therapy分段加速超分割放疗SCLC small

16、cell lu ng can cer 小细胞肺癌SER sen sitizati on enhan ceme nt ratio 增敏比SI sum index加权综合指数SIB simulta neously in tegrated boost ing大野照射及小野追加剂量照射SIOP Intern ati onal Society for Paediatric On cology 国际 儿童肿瘤研究组织SIS skin immu ne system皮肤免疫系统SLD sublethal damage 亚致死损伤SLN sen ti net lymph n ode 哨位淋巴结SLNB sent

17、in el lymph n ode biopsy 哨位淋巴结活检技术 SMset-up margin摆位边界SMR scatter maximum ratio散射最大剂量比SOBP spread out Bragg peak扩展布拉格峰SPECT si ngle photo emmisio n computerized tomography 单 光子发射型计算机扫描SPR scatter pha ntom ratio散射体模比SRS stereotactic radiosurgery立体定向放射外科SRT stereotactic radiati on therapy立体定向放射治疗SSB s

18、i ngle stra nd break 单链断裂SSD source skin dista nee 源皮距 STD source tumor dista nee源瘤距SVCS superior vena cave syn drome上腔静脉综合征SVD sin gular value decomposition奇异值分角军法TAA tumor associated an tigen 肿瘤相关抗原TAE tran scatheter arterial embolizatio n经导管动脉栓塞术TAR tissue air ratio 组织空气比TCD tumor control dose 肿瘤

19、控制剂量TCP tumor control probability肿瘤控制概率TER thermal enhan ceme nt ratio 热增强比TGF therapeutic gain factor 治疗增益系数(因子)TLD thermo lumin esce nee dosimeters 热释光齐 U 量计TMR tissue maximum ratio组织最大剂量比Tpot potertial doubl ing time潜在倍增时间TPR tissue pha ntom ratio 组织体模比TPS treatme nt pla nning system 治疗计戈 U 系统TR

20、therapeutic ratio 治疗比TSE I total skin electro n irradiation电子线全身照射TV treatme nt volume 治疗靶区TVR treatme nt volume ratio 治疗体积比UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis 程序外 DNA 合成 UICC In ternatio nal Union Agai nst Ca ncer国际抗癌联盟VEGF vascular e ndothelial growth factor 血管内皮生长因子WBH whole body huperthermia 全身加温HRC h

21、yperthermia and radiochemotherapy 禁、疗力口放彳匕 疗HVL half value layer 半价层IC immu no cytoma免疫细胞瘤ICR in terval cytoreductive or in terve ning cytoreduct ion间隔细胞减灭术ICRU Intern ati onal Commissi on on Radiati on un its and Measureme nts国际辐射单位与测量委员会IGART image guided adaptive radiotherapy影像学弓 | 导的适应性照射IGRT im

22、age guided radiotherapy影像学引导的放射治疗IM internal margin 内边界IMAT in te nsity modulated arc therapy弧形调强技术IMRT i nte nsity modulated radiation therapy调强放射治疗IM-WPRT inten sity-modulated whole pelvicradiotherapy全盆调强放射治疗IPSID immuno proliferative small in test inal disease 免疫 增值 性小肠病ISO intern ati onal Organi

23、 zati on for Stan dardizati on 国际 标准化组织ITV in ternal target volume 内靶区IV irradiation volume 照射靶区KCs kerati nocytes表皮胶原细胞LCHART late-course hyperfract ion ated accelerated radiationtherapy后程加速超分割放疗LCs Lan gerha ns cells 朗罕氏细胞LD lethal damage 致死损伤LENT late effective normal tissues正常晚反应组织LET lin ear en

24、ergy transfer线T生能量传递LH local hyperthermia 局部加温LI labeli ng in dex 标记指数LLS lin ear least squares 线性最小二乘法LQ linear quadratic model LQ模型或线性二次模型MCD mea n central dose 平均中心剂量MIMiC multivaa ne inten sity modulatio n compe nsator 多叶调强补偿器MLC multileaf collimator多叶准直器MRI magn etic resonance imagi ng磁共振成像MTD

25、mi nimum target dose 最小靶剂量MTH mild temperature hyperthermia 温和加温MU mon itor un it 机器跳数NCCN Natio nal Comprehe nsive Ca ncer Network 美国 综合癌症工作者NED no evide nee of disease 无疾病证据NF n eurofibromatosis 神经纤维瘤病NHL non-Hodgkin Lymphoma非霍奇金淋巴瘤NSCLC non-small cell lu ng cancer 非小细胞肺癌NSD nomi nal sta ndard dos

26、e 名义标准剂量NSGCT non sem ino matous germ cell tumor 非精原2田胞 性生殖细胞瘤NTCP no rmal tissue complicati on probability 正常组织并 发症概率OAR off axial ratio 离轴比OAR organ at risk 敏感器官OER oxyge n enhan ceme nt ratio 氧增强比Ol overdose volume in dex 超剂量体积指数OPM ocult primary malig nancy 隐匿原发灶OUF output factor射野输出因子PCI propyl

27、actic era nial irradiation预防性全脑照射PCML primary cuta neous malig nant lymphoma 原发性 皮肤恶性淋巴瘤PDD perce ntage depth dose 百分深度剂量PDRR pulsed dose rate brachytherapy脉冲剂量率近距离治疗PET positr on emissi on tomography 正电子发射断层扫 描PF protection factor防护系数PLD pote ntial lethal damage 潜在致死损伤PNAd peripheral n ode addressi

28、n外周淋巴结地址素PNET s primitive n euroectodermal tumor原女台神经夕卜胚层肿瘤POA pan creatic on cofetal an tigen 胰腺癌胚抗原PSA prostate specific an tigen前列腺特异抗原PT precisi on radiotherapy 精确放疗PTC A percuta neous tran slu minal coronary an gioplasty 经皮腔内冠状动脉成型术PTV pla nning target volume计划靶区PUC probability of un complicate

29、d con trol无并发症控制概率PUFA polyu nsaturated fatty acid多不饱和脂肪酸QA/QC quality assura nce/quality con trol质量保证/质量控制QOL quality of life 生活质量QP quadratic program ming 二次规划法RBE relative biological effective ness相对生物效应RD reference dose 参考齐 U 量REV room ' s eye view治疗室内视图RH regional hyperthermia区域力口温SAD sourc

30、e axis dista nee 源轴是巨SALT skin associated lymphoid tissue皮肤相关淋巴样组织SAR scatter air ratio 散射空气比SCHART split-course hyperfract ion ated accelerated radiation therapy分段加速超分割放疗SCLC small cell lu ng cancer 小细胞肺癌SER sen sitizati on enhan ceme nt ratio 增敏比SI sum index加权综合指数SIB simulta neously in tegrated bo

31、ost ing大野照射及小野追加剂量照射SIOP Intern ati onal Society for Paediatric On cology 国际 儿 童肿瘤研究组织SIS skin immu ne system 皮肤免疫系统SLD sublethal damage亚致死损伤SLN sentin el lymph n ode 哨位淋巴结SLNB sen ti net lymph n ode biopsy 哨位淋巴结活检技术 SM set-up margin摆位边界SMR scatter maximum ratio散射最大剂量比SOBP spread out Bragg peak 扩展布拉

32、格峰 SPECT si ngle photo emmisio n computerized tomography 单光子发射型计算 机扫描SPR scatter pha ntom ratio 散射体模比SRS stereotactic radiosurgery立体定向放射外科SRT stereotactic radiati on therapy立体定向放射治疗SSB si ngle stra nd break 单链断裂SSD source skin dista nee 源皮距STD source tumor dista nee源瘤是巨SVCS superior vena cave syn dr

33、ome上腔静脉综合征SVD sin gular value decomposition奇异值分角军法TA A tumor associated an tigen肿瘤相关抗原TAE tran scatheter arterial embolizati on经导管动脉栓塞术TAR tissue air ratio 组织空气比TCD tumor control dose 肿瘤控制剂量TCP tumor control probability 肿瘤控制概率TER thermal en ha nceme nt ratio 热增强比TGF therapeutic gain factor治疗增益系数(因子)

34、TLD thermo lumin esce nee dosimeters 热释光齐 U 量计TMR tissue maximum ratio组织最大剂量比Tpot potertial doubt ing time潜在倍增时间TPR tissue pha ntom ratio 组织体模比TPS treatme nt pla nning system 治疗计划系统TR therapeutic ratio 治疗比TSEI total skin electro n irradiation电子线全身照射TV treatme nt volume 治疗靶区TVR treatme nt volume rati

35、o治疗体积比UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis程序夕卜 DNA 合成UICC In ternatio nal Union Agai nst Ca ncer 国际抗癌联盟VEGF vascular e ndothelial growth factor血管内皮生长因子WBH whole body huperthermia 全身加温放疗专业术语中英文对照表2009-09-25 17:14:19|分类:默认分类|字号大中小订阅HF hyperfract ion ati on 超分害(HI relative dose homoge neity in dex 靶区剂量均匀性指数HR

36、 hyperthermia and radiati on 热疗加放疗HRC hyperthermia and radiochemotherapy 热疗力口放化 疗HVL half value layer 半价层IC immu no cytoma免疫细胞瘤ICR in terval cytoreductive or in terve ning cytoreduct ion间隔细胞减灭术ICRU Intern ati onal Commissi on on Radiati on un its andMeasureme nts国际辐射单位与测量委员会IGART image guided adapti

37、ve radiotherapy 影像学弓 | 导 的 适应性照射IGRT image guided radiotherapy影像学引导的放射治疗IM internal margin 内边界IMAT i nte nsity modulated arc therapy 弧形调强技术 IMRT i nte nsity modulated radiation therapy调强放射台疗IM-WPRT in te nsity-modulated whole pelvic radiotherapy全盆调强放射治疗IPSID immun oproliferative small in testi nal d

38、isease 免疫 增值性小肠病ISO intern ati onal Organi zatio n for Stan dardizati on 国际标准化组织ITV in ternal target volume 内靶区IV irradiation volume 照射靶区KCs kerati no cytes表皮胶原细胞LCHART late-course hyperfract ion ated accelerated radiationtherapy后程加速超分割放疗LCs Lan gerha ns cells 朗罕氏细胞LD lethal damage 致死损伤LENT late eff

39、ective normal tissues正常晚反应组织LET lin ear energy transfer线,性能量传递LH local hyperthermia 局部加温LI labeli ng in dex 标记指数LLS lin ear least squares 线性最小二乘法LQ lin ear quadratic model LQ模型或线性二次模型MCD mea n central dose平均中心剂量MIMiC multivaa ne inten sity modulati on compe nsator 多 叶 调强补偿器MLC multileaf collimator多叶

40、准直器MRI magn etic resonance imag ing 磁共振成像MTD mi nimum target dose 最小靶剂量MTH mild temperature hyperthermia 温和加温MU mon itor un it 机器跳数NCCN Natio nal Comprehe nsive Ca ncer Network 美国综合癌症工作者NED no evide nee of disease无疾病证据NF n eurofibromatosis 神经纤维瘤病NHL non-Hodgkin Lymphoma非霍奇金淋巴瘤NSCLC non-small cell lu

41、 ng can cer 非小细胞肺癌NSD nomi nal sta ndard dose 名义标准剂量NSGCT non sem ino matous germ cell tumor 非精原2田胞性生殖细胞瘤NTCP no rmal tissue complicati on probability 正常组织并发症概率OAR off axial ratio 离轴比OAR organ at risk 敏感器官OER oxyge n enhan ceme nt ratio 氧增强比 01 overdose volume in dex超剂量体积指数OPM ocult primary malig na

42、ncy 隐匿原发灶OUF output factor射野输出因子PCI propylactic era nial irradiation预防性全脑照射PCML primary cuta neous malig nant lymphoma 原发性 皮肤恶性淋巴瘤PDD perce ntage depth dose百分深度剂量PDRR pulsed dose rate brachytherapy脉冲剂量率近距离治疗PET positr on emissi on tomography 正电子发射断层扫描PF protection factor 防护系数PLD pote ntial lethal da

43、mage 潜在致死损伤PNAd peripheral n ode addressin外周淋巴结地址素PNET s primitive n euroectodermal tumor 原女台神经夕卜胚 层肿 瘤POA pan creatic on cofetal an tigen 胰腺癌胚抗原PSA prostate specific an tigen前列腺特异抗原PT precisi on radiotherapy 精确放疗PTC A percuta neous tran slu minal coronary an gioplasty经皮腔内冠状动脉成型术PTV pla nning target

44、 volume 计划靶区PUC probability of un complicated con trol 无并发症控制概率PUFA polyu nsaturated fatty acid多不饱和脂肪酸QA/QC quality assura nce/quality con trol质量保证/质量控制QOL quality of life 生活质量QP quadratic program ming 二次规戈 U 法RBE relative biological effective ness相又寸生物效应RD ref ere nee dose 参考齐 U 量REV room 1 s eye v

45、iew治疗室内视图RH regional hyperthermia 区域力口温SAD source axis dista nee 源轴国巨SALT skin associated lymphoid tissue皮肤相关淋巴样组织SAR scatter air ratio 散射空气比SCHART split-course hyperfract ion ated acceleratedradiation therapy 分段加速超分割放疗 SCLC small cell lu ng can cer小细胞肺癌SER sen sitizati on enhan ceme nt ratio 增敏比SI

46、sum index加权综合指数SIB simulta neously in tegrated boost ing 大野照射及、野追加剂量照射SIOP Intern ati onal Society for Paediatric On cology 国际 儿 童肿瘤研究组织SIS skin immu ne system 皮肤免疫系统SLD sublethal damage亚致死损伤SLN sen ti nel lymph n ode 哨位淋巴结SLNB sentin el lymph n ode biopsy哨位淋巴结活检技术SM set-up margin 摆位边界SMR scatter ma

47、ximum ratio散射最大剂量比SOBP spread out Bragg peak扩展布拉格峰SPECT si ngle photo emmisio n computerized tomography 单 光子发射型计算机扫描SPR scatter pha ntom ratio 散射体模 比SRS stereotactic radiosurgery立体定向放射外科SRT stereotactic radiati on therapy立体定向放射治疗SSB si ngle stra nd break 单链断裂SSD source skin dista nee 源皮距 STD source tumor dist


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