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1、_The Nobel Prize inquantum mechanics1932The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932 was awarded to Werner Heisenberg"for thecreation of quantum mechanics, the application of which has, inter alia, led tothe discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen".Werner Heisenberg received his Nobel Prize one y

2、ear later, in 1933. Duringthe selection process in 1932, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided thatnone of the year s nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of AlfredNobel. According to the NobelFoundation's statutes, the Nobel Prize can insuch a case be reserveduntil the followi

3、ngyear, and this statute was thenapplied. Werner Heisenberg therefore received his Nobel Prize for 1932 oneyear later, in 1933.德国物理学家沃纳·卡尔·海森堡( Werner Karl Heisenberg)因创建量子力学并导致氢的同位素异形体而获奖。1925 年 7 月 29 日被称为“量子力学诞生日“。1954TheNobelPrizeinPhysics1954wasdividedequallybetweenMaxBorn"for hi

4、s精品资料_fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially for his statistical interpretation ofthe wavefunction"and WaltherBothe"for the coincidence method and his discoveriesmade therewith" .英籍德国物理学家马科斯·波恩(Max Born )因在量子力学方面的基础研究,特别是波函数统计解释,德国物理学家瓦尔特·博特(Walther Bothe )因提出

5、符合计数法以及由此取得的发展而获奖。1964The Nobel Prize in Physics 1964 was divided, one half awarded to Charles Hard Townes,theotherhalfjointlytoNicolayGennadiyevichBasovandAleksandrMikhailovichProkhorov"for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which has led to theconstruction of oscillators an

6、d amplifiers based on the maser-laser principle".美国物理学家查尔斯·哈德·汤斯( Charles Hard Townes)和前苏联物理学家尼科莱·盖纳德耶维奇·巴索夫(NikolaiGennadievichBasov ) ,亚历山大·米海伊洛维奇·普罗霍若夫( Alexander Mikhandievich Prokhorov)因在量子电子学方面的基础性研究工作而获奖。1965The NobelPrizein Physics1965 wasawarded jointly to

7、 Sin-ItiroTomonaga, JulianSchwingerandRichard P.Feynman"fortheirfundamentalworkin quantumelectrodynamics,with deep-ploughingconsequencesforthe physicsof elementaryparticles" .美国物理学家理查德·菲利普·费因曼( Richard Phillips Feynman)朱利安·西摩·旅温格( JulianSeymour Schwinger)和日本物理学家朝永振一郎(Si

8、n-itiro Tomanaga)因在量子电动方面所做的对基础粒子物理学的研究具有深刻的基础性研究而获奖。精品资料_1985The Nobel Prize in Physics 1985 was awarded to Klaus von Klitzing"for the discovery ofthe quantized Hall effect" .德国物理学家克劳斯·冯·克利青( Klaus von Klitzing)因从金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管中发现量子霍尔效应而获奖。1998The NobelPrizein Physics1998wasawar

9、dedjointlyto RobertB. Laughlin,HorstL.St?rmerand DanielC. Tsui"for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid withfractionally charged excitations".美籍中国物理学家崔琦( Daniel C.Tsui )德国物理学家霍斯特· L ·斯特默尔(Horst l ·Stormer )和美国物理学家罗伯特· B ·劳林(RobertB·Laughlin )因发现分数量子霍

10、尔效应,以及对分数量子霍尔效应液体的研究在实验上和理论上的贡献而获奖。1999The Nobel Prize in Physics 1999 was awarded jointly to Gerardus 't Hooft and MartinusJ.G. Veltman"for elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics"荷兰物理学家马丁努斯·韦尔特曼 ( Martinus JG Veltman)和赫拉尔杜斯·霍夫特( Gerardus 

11、83;tHooft )因解释了物理学中的弱电相互作用的量子结构而获奖。2005The Nobel Prize in Physics 2005 was divided, one half awarded to Roy J. Glauber"for hiscontribution to the quantum theory of optical coherence", the other half jointly to John L.Hall and Theodor W. H?nsch "for their contributions to the developme

12、nt of laser-basedprecision spectroscopy, including the optical frequency comb technique".精品资料_美国物理学家奥伊·格拉布尔(Roy J Glauber)因光学相关量子理论方面取得的成就,美国科学家约翰·哈尔( John L Hall)和德国科学家特奥多尔·汉什(Theodor W Hansch)因包括光频滤波技术在内的激光精确波谱检查方面所取到的成就而获奖。2012The Nobel Prizein Physics2012was awardedjointlyto SergeHarocheand DavidJ.Wineland"forground-breakingexperimentalmethodsthatenablemeasuringandmanipulation of individual quantum systems"法国科学家塞尔日阿罗什 (SergeHaroche) 与美国科学家大卫维因兰德 (DavidWineland)获奖。获奖理由是“发现测量和操控单个量子系统的突破性实验方法”。参考文献:精品资料_Welcome ToDownload !欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!精品资料


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