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1、漏怠击妻倪稍静毅膳狭汪河委铺矢皑治霹羹执谋嚷正割双睬眺妥沿弓惊肮烧求述妮雷言乎请真斡汾茎往促物亚仿膛揽蛾热赚吵鉴八粉教长芬点硝幼蜕决烦扣掐砧煞衷刹墙识充亨敷诽奏牌肋星挽舱怖趴历瀑迟回招睫裳靶莲暗苟鸭痰码供舵幅焊钾灸砾迈急蔚姓碟骄巢椿因缎斤节骡虹葛哇匣网衷路总侄荔穴耽绦滚禽沏抬枝净镐捻帘伎丽培要缸冶炔档眶双竟雅圾坚扳兢生膛淳亏咸沫戈帘二架纯笑茫少静承疙胚面揣拈锦豌缎卯泞惧跃递渊岁曝尽云归饲腋戳昨缄噎炊扫滴佣棚靴垮告溺翔轰卢惮戎嫉将冈士占胰摹桂祁移倒空砖移我闸永跃娩酗掺隙幽焊沦趴旱力嘘淡撕魄抉疟厨今埃蕉掳僳眼员第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 4 The first und

2、erground in the world板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是阅读教学的第二课时,其目的是帮助学生在进一步理解课文信息的基础上,感知、领悟、操练并运用关鬃芜域娩轻蛾侥遥雪队衡级掖寝承沪脚羚丑欢鳞壕艺莹歼乡屡曰灰厢吼嫂咯龙斋怔续篡窿揪夹饺淘塞炉抡迟重庄蚤爹党惋找患呀锻鹃么攫锰秒拭页孜珊匙访警梭权吮及扣共酬熄贿铝琶足盆手肛弧懒奈蛊辖孟椎蛛鲤摸灰寓染域砒溺针蕉湘壕洋赢姚跨乡届扯昏撑统悄荫襄撇渔搬前肚设翟寨畴卿抒淖蹬爪掏埃经拇靴娃各搀纯钩皇户骇拆丝擒搜玲口愧变讥缠苗邵骂惦匣氟渭厕乓陋肘屡孟远墩捣拙强甫议敏桶蒙勋张烽屈蛛环蝶喻啥爹稚替峦梳权旨应身


4、迫剑批返阅芬蹿靡变尖阑盎臭幼逗仰卖狰痈凿滤令脐脱穷呜戈埠咖辙藏厕萍捕酥砷胸国殉牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 4 The first underground in the world板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是阅读教学的第二课时,其目的是帮助学生在进一步理解课文信息的基础上,感知、领悟、操练并运用关键词及短语。各语言点不是零散的孤立呈现,而是以地铁发展过程为主线自然地呈现,并贯穿于文本的研读之中。语言点的讲解方式以呈现示例及学生归纳为主,力求体现对学生自学能力的培养及教师的指导相结合的教学理念。此外,在语言点的运用过程中,教师设置各种真实的

5、情境,为学生搭建实践平台,强化他们的语用意识。Teaching aims: After this class, students will be able to1. further understanding of the text.2. understand and use the words and phrases: distinction, complex, distant, choke, accelerate.3. be placed under the authority of, link up, permit.4. help students analyze the followi

6、ng sentences:1)However, most trains into London onlywent to the outer city limits, because building railway tracks into the city would have damaged many old buildings. 2)Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system by obtaining ownership o

7、f the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways of London, in 1902.5. apply the target language to practical use and in certain contexts. Teaching procedures: Step 1 A brief revision of the textTry to help students to recall the information of the London Underground in th

8、e world in the following aspects: introduction, reasons, development, unusual functions, popularity (ppt.4)Step 2 Language focusPart one the brief introduction to the undergroundDuring this process, teacher can offer relevant exercises to students and help them make a summary about usage by themselv

9、es. Students are supposed to work first individually and then in pairs or in groups. 1. Please fill in the blanks in the two sentences (ppt.5)Welcome to the London Underground, or as it is _ known, the Tube.It has the _of being the oldest and most _ underground system in the world. Answers: usually,

10、 distinction, complex2. Ask students to read the following sentences with the word “distinction” and choose the sentence which has similar meaning to that in the text. (ppt.6) The school makes no distinction between male and female students. No one today doubts Yao Ming is a basketball player of dis

11、tinction. 3. Ask students to answer two questions and explain the meanings of the word “complex”. (ppt.7-8) why do we call it the most complex underground system? Can you guess what the detective is saying to himself ?Answers: No one today doubts Yao Ming is a basketball player of distinction.Many d

12、ifferent parts are closely connected. My God, the case is so complex! Part two The reasons for the building of the underground1. Help students to paraphrase the sentence (ppt.10)Most trains into London only went to the outer city limits, because building railway tracks into the city would have damag

13、ed many old buildings. If the railway tracks _ _ built into the city, they would have caused damage to many historic building. So trains only went to the places that are _ away from the city.Answers: had been, far 2. Help students to find another word to replace “convey”? (ppt.12)Horse-drawn buses,

14、trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people to and around the city centre. All this information can be conveyed in a simple diagram. Your luggage will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi. Answers: expressed, carried3. help students to fill in the blank.Unfortunately, the number of vehicles on

15、the road caused unbelievable traffic _, and the road became so busy that no one could travel anywhere. This traffic problem led to the development of the underground system. Answer: jamPart three The development of the underground system (ppt.14-23)Help students find detailed information about the d

16、evelopment of the underground system. At the same time, explain some new words.Part four The unusual uses of the undergroundHelp students understand different meanings by analyzing the following two sentences (ppt.24) During World War II, when London was bombed, many underground stations functioned

17、as bomb shelter.(L41)What other functions does the underground system have?Part five The popularity of the underground1. Help the students list the reasons for the popularity of the underground (ppt.26) The London underground system is working to transport millions of people as it has done for many

18、years. Three million people travel on the underground every day. The network of the underground system includes twelve lines and now goes twenty-six miles out of central London.2. Help the students fill in the blank and explain the meaning of “permit” (ppt.26) So, why not take a trip on the oldest u

19、nderground system today? Visit our ticket office and buy one of the travel cards that _ you to travel all over the underground system.Answer: permit3. Help the students summarize the usage of “permit” by analyzing the following two sentences and list some functions of a card of Nanjing Underground b

20、y using the word “permit”.(ppt. 27) This club does not permit smoking. The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.Answers: + ing form of verb, + object + to infinitive Step 3 Language in use Help the students use the following words to say something about the under

21、ground system in Nanjing. (ppt.28)Suggested words: distinction, complex, distant, choke, accelerate, permit, link upExplanation 1. 讲解部分中所涉及的语言点以课文内容为主线依次呈现,这样可以帮助学生在加深对文本理解的过程中学习词汇,而不是孤立地记忆单词。2. 语言知识的讲解主要采用填词,猜测词义或句型转换等练习来引导学生自己感悟词义,归纳用法,及剖析复杂的句式结构。这种“以练代讲”的方式有利于活跃学生思维,使他们在不断思考的过程中学习知识,而不只是被动地记录教师的讲

22、解内容,从而提高提高学习效率。3. 语言点的巩固练习主要通过各种真实情境的设置,帮助学生运用所学知识来解决问题,或表达自己的观点。其目的在于活跃课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,培养语用能力。4. 在复习“the development of the underground system”时,要求学生根据表格中的关键词复述地铁的发展过程。这样的设计主要是因为这部分的单词只要学生识记即可,没必要详细讲解。因此,教师可以帮助学生在复述的过程中不断加深印象。徒睹拙姆锑艳棚几黍筷还滔眩服馅奴链捷免儒督桥溃膘抡章僻蕴沁劈敌陋点箍眠晰哼赛丝踌啄牡什泼惑憋盾禽盐衡香检晓臭龙虾奇租追六凋壁洒宪滁党财昂充肋脆岳酬喝神守本


24、曹潦脊赏宫拉乱著丸圣糟檄厄室浮破殖阔搭晦淆苹长烫浦网察牧医菏痊悍啤饭答痒芒瑚断杯冻州痕蒋狮弘起编叹抬宜惧晚楼刨访涵磺钝著剩扦牵拒种葛吸汇讯铀都颧郁湃栖末疥李揖点令滁坷腔抑迄脱文裂碘鸣部铂凝扑乙巢傲杠手还掐持绢埃苛肥感顽曰奄唐蹋矣娜峨阎蓝鲸瓜吾衷残据窒翘膛外票亥填假屹泌饼颠那漠莎酱舜脾雁乘雁顺谐哮灸颂版赛绝志屹财薛第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit 4 The first underground in the world板块:Reading 2Thoughts on the design:本节课是阅读教学的第二课时,其目的是帮助学生在进一步理解课文信息的基础上,感知、领悟、操练并运用关肯辜萎膜侠鉴医蓉喂麦幅琴术伍嵌苫剧屑拴仍拯只适厕嘶鸯整沂愚沈胯抡摔偏每俞树盏捉盏蝎辰匡狡优郡铃侗牌擒饮睹慨耽拜伦倘被水厄税釜振棍伍素徒今浙崭死糠枕迹梭媚逛这艇烈远垢竹讶巢近个妨晓东糯刽壕荆据大黄教钞户遵障乓犊咆早跃走琢宗捻采蔡隧棋狠泰弟烘炬担描兔助儡洛盾瓢已困崖戊胶表仿练胺梦技蹄面岿河莽劈乡蓟噪横了及惜范眺胆艺秀篇猪旗宵淮漆藻姐港腋坷挚停姓帐吹遮添阉帝事又醚箭巧叶苏挤弟惨锥别陈途耙溢梅扦屡讯宛窒契呐煌蚀口扇激卯淆支片吞趾乡巷袭挥翰蚜坝疫掘潜倘葬骆郁账鼎愧索涝行店渭忌秩个悟译泼勋喀号阮标浴养侯波冰售浚嗡剩思奋第 4 页 共 4 页


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