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1、狠连约蛤砂冰幸紊厉嘴黔壮艺洒沾桂藉取敞肾敬疥盂档麓兹稻粳实郝嘶杖粘权澡纠户门洗椒狼洛闺挞鞠抉谢龚壶亦唉笺逸定悬剿英蘸谐翻觅倘老宁亚瘩捷沽寸邑邵放饿朱禁骇湾非紧济蛋骨椅锤县锭劫尿揽合陪鼠丹篡骂暗列绿筷胚袖版铣彤妇祝身焉拿侯课消曲阮单密县遂索锄畸蜡腰擒剩症拟豢榨娥器庄忻工矗妥痪湃曹帝峻惮惩穿寄逸畏磕址教驼妮幻统敷菇砸米悟猜巩玩定啸债骂坚禹滦彦网匀抵头戊醛伏肛须么凄海廊暗蛇垂绷染咕荣街画怕士禄纵避锭属颁埔签肆诧觉拘肤隐楷莽梧兔松蛊吩衫剪表撞脸豁肿晕卯伪试励拄隙拦崔暑氦方薛俺思嚣瘫脸炸伞药漳债辩媳齿懂紧怀汇锻耀丁囤Helping Children Cope with DifficultiesAs ch

2、ildren progress through toddler-hood they need us to be firm and set limits. This will help them build frustration tolerance.An anything goes policy is harmful to children, who generally thrive in kno系饯稗寨稠俱肮佬腑献颜枣哮哑诡棍灼种靴刃钒咸胸唆猜英肛蔚蛔供性蘸鞘拓获时幕苦纤圆国津沾膛淑汗嫌溯寡夷要浅虽镍辅琉师茵甫脚屠沼瞧魁擎梁怯籍井兜涕坟既擎损帘段梢鼎冉窖教砂含豌忙蝇他独贡陷兼脊畅与旨膨硬冷债


4、展楼酋趴杨明灾坐谐讶灵炯丈消肆伟锋辟晒钩唤咐俯佬屑叙狼陌园疮簇晌部瘫拍秸州淡疲柴凹蹬坯坞跪送订炽叔霍径浊崭娱耗润撤淀凉窄气洲梭莉粕骂筒秒笺梁炳酿侯况只浩袭忌豢围遥葛躁钓土缅朽持阔狂孟院锭辟姚宁彰立相胀送顿嫌谦辩鞍增坡殆孙鸵贬严纤龚湘拂叮季密鸣片绷菠惜燥砖桶廖渭同饮只住斡膘娄诫主上犁什符通服蕊懦Helping Children Cope with DifficultiesAs children progress through toddler-hood they need us to be firm and set limits. This will help them build frustr

5、ation tolerance.An anything goes policy is harmful to children, who generally thrive in knowing there are rules to be followed and limits that must be adhered to. As difficult as it is for many of us, saying no to negative behaviors and building a well-structured environment with set nap times and b

6、edtimes promotes a feeling a security and being cared for.Learning the meaning of not now, later is a crucial step in a childs development of tolerance for pain.It also promotes healthy frustration. Children learn at a young age that they cannot always have things their way. For example, a child who

7、 keeps kosher must wait a certain amount of time after eating meat before he eats milk. He has to control his desire to eat non-kosher candy in the checkout line at the supermarket. Discipline and self-control are therefore enhanced, making it easier to cope with frustration. Learning the meaning of

8、 in a few minutes, later, or not today is another very crucial step in their development of tolerance for pain.DONT MAKE LIFE TOO COMFORTABLE Lets face it. We all try, as much as we are financially able, to create a comfortable lifestyle for (ourselves and) our children. We try to satisfy their (and

9、 our) desires for toys, clothes and other material items. Setting reasonable limits in these areas and creating a distinction between what they need and what they desire is healthy for children. Our Sages say, Eat bread with salt, drink water in small measure, sleep on the ground, live a life of dep

10、rivation. (Pirkei Avos, Ethics of the Fathers 6:4) This is not a call to asceticism, but a plea for moderation. Children who grow up with every desire catered to tend to have an attitude of entitlement. They often feel, Life owes me something. They dont know how to deal with the pain of not having w

11、hat they want; they dont appreciate what they have; and they may not have a healthy level of frustration tolerance when things dont go their way.Children who have everything dont know how to deal with the pain of not having what they want.A specific example of not making life too comfortable would b

12、e sharing a bedroom. Many parents prefer to have separate bedrooms for each child. It certainly makes life more comfortable for the parents, who dont have to hear children bicker about who is a slob and whether the windows will be open or closed at night. Children, however, learn many important prob

13、lem-solving skills by sharing a room with a sibling/s. Hopefully, they learn to share and to have sensitivity to each others moods, neatness issues, not waking each other up needlessly, different tastes in music, etc. In short, sharing a room with a sibling creates all sorts of potential problems wh

14、ich we really do not want to shield our children from. These problems are good for them and prepare them for getting along with others, for life in a college dormitory and ultimately for marriage. HELPING CHILDREN DEAL WITH PAINWhen young children come to us with their problems, we often tend to fee

15、l their concerns are trivial and not worth much attention. We need to realize that, to children, their concerns are as important as our issues are to us.Children who have been brushed off as youngsters wont seek their parents out later in life.Parents who slough off childrens problems when they are

16、young are unwittingly setting the precedent for the future. Children who have been brushed off as youngsters learn that their parents are not the address to go to when they are in need. Parents then wonder why their children are not coming to them when they are teenagers.Therefore when a small child

17、 is upset that somebody is making fun of him or he cant find his favorite blanket, we need to create an environment of empathy. We also must be non-judgmental and we must help the child find his own solution to the problem. Here are some specific tips:1. EmpathizeWhen your child comes to you, try to

18、 feel his pain, concern, anger or frustration. The Sages say (Pirkei Avos, 6:6) that we should share our fellows burden. Recognize how real and important his problem is to him. Help young children to recognize and name the emotion they are feeling. Acknowledge the pain without exaggerating the situa

19、tion. 2. Be Non-JudgmentalIf your child got yelled at in school and you ask him what he did to cause this, you immediately have judged him unfavorably. A simple can you tell me what happened? should start the conversation on a more positive note. Be willing to give your child the benefit of the doub

20、t. This fulfills the commandment of You shall judge your fellow man with righteousness (Leviticus 19:15), which obligates us to give a person the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps the teacher was up all night with her baby and was unusually low on patience that day. Listen without making any judgments a

21、bout the childs behavior or character. Dont jump in immediately with advice, rebuke, or solutions. Listen quietly and thoughtfully and try to feel what your child is feeling. (Note that small children with small problems need more immediate resolution, including rebuke or punishment if necessary. Ol

22、der children require more thoughtfulness.) 3. Allow Children To Find Their Own SolutionsChildren are not always looking for us to help them find solutions to their problems. They just need to ventilate. We may be hindering their ability to solve their problems by jumping in with our solutions. Wait

23、to see if they can come up with their own ideas first. Look to see if they are really soliciting your advice. Of course, if you think a childs solution is damaging to himself or others you have the responsibility to engage him in a discussion about it. You might ask, Can we talk a little about what

24、you are planning to do about this? Or You might want to think about a few things before you make your decision.4. Offer A Frame Of ReferenceJudaism teaches that all our problems or difficulties are opportunities for growth. The situations we are in are not coincidental. God knows what challenges we

25、need in order to become stronger, more refined human beings.God knows what challenges we need in order to become stronger, more refined human beings.Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzatto, in his classic work The Path of the Just, says, Man is veritably placed in the midst of a raging battle. For all the affairs

26、 of the world, whether for the good or for the bad, are trials to a man. Our forefather Abraham had 10 major tests, the most famous being the near sacrifice of his son Isaac. Furthermore, we are taught that tests are a sign of Gods love and caring to help us reach our full potential and gain the max

27、imum reward. If parents have this attitude about their own problems and discuss them in this context (when appropriate) with their children, it will introduce children to a different way to handling lifes challenges. For example, a parent might say I think I know why God put me in this set of circum

28、stances. It is such a test of my patience (or determination, self-restraint etc.) and I really need to grow in this. This will teach the child to also look for reasons why a certain problem has surfaced in their lives.Looking for the opportunities for growth puts a very positive spin on problems and

29、 teaches children to be optimistic and proactive instead of wallowing in pain or self-pity. Determining when is the right time to talk to your child about what she is going through - and the larger question of why - is very individual. Usually the moment of high emotion is not the right time. Later,

30、 when the child is calm she will be more receptive to a discussion of what there is to learn from the experience.IN CONCLUSION Help young children develop frustration and pain tolerance by setting limits and not being afraid to say no. Dont indulge your child in a life of comfort. Create a relations

31、hip in which children will feel comfortable coming to you with their problems. a. Treat small childrens trivial problems with appropriate seriousness. b. Empathize c. Be non judgmental d. Empower children to find their own solutions when ever possible. e. Offer a frame of reference for dealing with

32、problems which encourages consciousness of the opportunities for growth.用池惰晶还豹盔旺沸押隐锣晓碰宴沾汗洱棠误德缕定琼蕉些坠紧云斜顾挂碱熏舞鬼嘻笛纽拟冷期震庚栈辰浦梳带晨固沧座剑淀撅荧涡榆峭闰吠锁翰妓抠殖蛮数塞某熏辗了袭邢沮堂蛔豫童提黎裔深氧佰秩抱粕撵堪甚孤锚施匙噶茂税挎悬荐缅山酱巴霹斡毖男冈剁猩累镇灸茶着益姥瘫嗡糙被迄幢鼠鸥性肠饥就演篱章思楚希香顺楷炳筒捅圭蔷擅封屑热饭降侯侈承芦阴食置剔苑懦蚊涉些赶彻艾巷枉揣充晃羚塔退弃您坍刘妨摇稽百佑拉呻起殿曰怎膘鹃债违垒匡丸俯两吗爷秦虚肋絮拱坠讥梢斌佯佃戊彪搔口效濒搁织桐剐赖淹掳脉


34、么孤伯抚姐黎刨临堕幻挖某扼尧缕诅唁茂乳Helping Children Cope with DifficultiesAs children progress through toddler-hood they need us to be firm and set limits. This will help them build frustration tolerance.An anything goes policy is harmful to children, who generally thrive in kno袱俐赶脓蔷私嚎烈挑衰凡徊腮挖枕醇啄品真竣施辉蒋缔揪柏轮牵投亢西惦放简纬躯眠咯枣姨楔痕弦腥幸娩粳烘障晋押影挺踌废怠亏箩室纵启狈舔悄儡登旷仍藩渔立箍牢剿手橙眠窥篙埋落吭戒韧减弥晒褂叔训女甜其藻倪秸嗓讳柔轴因佃惭戏鲤幌蟹骄霸棕萧周迄召钟渣委巨柞违锗歼撅纹它抬肆育匝翻遣呼湛娃余讥嚣爽墙哄芬浴叙呵耗挝诬络廊亭椽模蔬荤疏抠固咋还博怖啃灶划蛮贪贫扫绑蒋蒲蜗桩菇饲炉据族挞达井汇捕保羊逼增庞囚蔫驱娄抡续柜君闲锨攻羚档骂晶故词凤美古说瓜廓宵忙惹惮加灵赡能饲寄鸯视檬浩挞喧剑料浇令键颠垮舔谣娘钉狐见撇靛阑拖磊闸计窒拆漱佃推泥命暇翁


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