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1、五年级英语上学期单词拼写专项水平练习译林版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 默写单词。1. 赛跑_ 2. 第一_3. 第二_ 4. 第三_5. 喝_ 6.好_7.忙的_ 8.自豪的_9.跌倒_ 10.草_2. 根据首字母提示填空。Some students talk a_ their hobbies. Mike likes p_ basketball and football. He l_ drawing too. He usually d_ pictures w_ his brother Tim. Li

2、u Tao is g_ at football. He a_ likes p_ table tennis. Yang Ling likes r_ books. She h_ many books. W_ about  the twins? They b_ likes s_.3. 填空。1. loud (副词) _ 2. noisy (反义词) _3. far (反义词) _ 4. careful (副词) _5. should (否定词) _ 6. good (反义词) _7. health (形容词) _ 8.

3、read (现在分词) _4. 按要求写出适当形式。1. make (现在分词) _    2. long (反义词)_3. come (现在分词) _      4. mother(名词所有格)_5. have (单三形式) _    6. cut (现在分词)_7. three (序数词) _    8. they (宾格)_9. wash (单三形式) _    

4、;  10. smile(现在分词)_5. 按要求写词。              (1)have(第三人称单数)_   (2)like(第三人称单数)_(3)live(第三人称单数)_   (4)study(第三人称单数) _ (5)do(第三人称单数) _6. 按要求写单词。(1)come(反义词)_     (2)playing(原形)_    (3)doing

5、(原形)_     (4)do(过去式)_    (5)near(反义词)_   (6)play(现在分词)_    (7)do(现在分词)_     (8)that is(简略形式)_    (9)they are(简略形式)_   (10)real(副词形式)_ 7. 将下列字母组成单词。(1)e, q, t, u, i _     (2)t, i, p, e, o, l&

6、#160;_    (3)s, i, t, c, r, t  _    (4)l, f, h, e, u, p, l _    (5)h, s, y _     (6)v, e, c, r, l, e _    (7)t, s, o, g, r, n  _    (8)u, f, n, y, n_     8. 写出下列动词的现

7、在分词形式。(1)do_     (2)read_  (3)cook_  (4)make_  (5)fly_    (6)write_(7)swim_  (8)wash_9. 根据汉语意思写出正确的频率副词。_ _ _ _ _  10. 根据首字母提示完成句子。1. The school is f _ from the zoo. Let''s go by bus.2. The restaurant i

8、s n _ here. Let''s walk.3. Let''s go to the l_. I want to read books.4. I write with (用) my r _ hand.5. Please look at the traffic l _.11. 根据首字母提示填空。I am a girl. I like a_ very much, such as horses, monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like d_ bes

9、t. Why? Because they are very cute and friendly. I have a dog. H_ name is Bobo. She is a female(雌性的)dog. She comes f_ Beijing, China. She h_ two big eyes and a small m_. She wears white clothes. She often walks around at home. She has nothing to do. She likes e_ ice cream so much

10、. So do I. When I eat ice cream, she will look a_ the ice cream carefully(仔细地).So I will give her some to eat. I think Bobo is the cutest(最可爱的) dog i_ the world.12. 根据首字母填空。(1)The small kangroos are c joeys .(2)The geese are s in the pond .(3)Tiger cubs cant j through t

11、he ring .(4)She l music from Mr. Black .(5)Dont call it l that .(6)We often do e in science classes .(7)The queen of England has two p .(8)There are many cute animals in the c .(9)S we have meetings on Friday ?(10)The d are playing with their mother .13. 按要求写出下列各词。

12、1. can not(缩写形式)_   2. small(反义词)_3. sunny(名词)_   4. she(形容词性物主代词)_5. too(同音词)_   6. that(复数形式)_14. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. Look! That is my aunt. She is y_ and beautiful.2. Will Mr Black be o_ Chinese teacher?3. Im short but my brother Tony is t_.4. My grandpa often tells f_stories(故事) to me.5. My grandmother is very _(慈祥的) .15. 根据图示,将下列单词丢失的字母补充完整。4 / 4


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