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1、五年级英语上册句型转换周末巩固训练科教版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 句型转换。1. You should take some medicine . (对句子主题部分提问)2. I have a toothache. (根据答句写问句)2. 句型转换。1David is tired.(改为否定句)David_ tired.2Kate is between you and me. (对句子主题意思提问)_ _ Kate?3She has dancing lessons.(对句子主题部分提问)What _ she&

2、#160;_?4What does she do at weekends?(用sometimes/ have dancing lessons)She _ _ dancing lessons.5I have dinner with my grandparents on Sunday.(对句子主题部分提问)_ do _ do on Sunday?3. 按要求完成句子。1noodles  delicious  are  Chinese (!)(连词成句)2party  for

3、60; We  both  can  have  a  of  birthday  you (.)(连词成句)3I will make a card for my mother on her birthday.(就句子主题部分提问)4When is your birthday?(十月一日)4. 按要求完成下列句子。1The little monkey is eating bananas.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2I often play ping-pong with my father&

4、#160;on Sundays.(对句子主题意思提问)3The cat is in the kitchen.(对句子主题意思提问)4The sports meet is on March 19th.(对句子主题意思提问)5This T-shirt is Sarah''s.(对句子主题意思提问)5. 按要求改写下列句子。1. I should buy a toy for my son. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ buy a toy for your son?2. They like the red car. (

5、对句子主题部分提问)_ _ do they like?3. We can write words on the paper. (对句子主题部分提问)_ can you_ on the paper?4. Peter will go to the beach next week. (改为否定句)Peter _ _ to the beach next week.5. The Wright brothers want to invent a flying machine. (对句子主题部分提问

6、)_ _ the Wright brothers want to invent?6. The bookshop is on the second floor. (对句子主题部分提问)_ is the bookshop?7. think, the, a, invention, computer, we, is, great, (.) (连词成句)6. 根据提示完成句子。1Mary watched TV with her mother last night. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ TV with her

7、 mother last night?2They went to Beijing last year. (就句子主题部分提问) _ _ they _ last year.3I played basketball last Sunday. (改为一般疑问句并作简略回答)_ you _basketball last Sunday?Yes, I _.No, I _ .7. 按要求完成下列句子。1. Can you do any kung fu?(作否定回答)2. What can

8、you do, Chen Jie?(打篮球)3. Sarah, cook, can''t . (连词成句)4. Robot can speak English. (英译汉)5. I can clean the bathroom.(用同类词替换画线部分)8. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。1Mike is behind me.(改为同义句)I am_ _ _Mike.2There are twenty trees in the garden.(对句子主题意思提问)_in the garden?3There are

9、some swings in the park.(改为否定句)There_ _swings in the park.4There is some milk in the glass.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)-_ _ _milk in the glass?-_, there_.5There is a library in our school.(对句子主题意思提问)How many_ _ _in your school?9. 按要求完成句子。1there, a, park, is, in, lake, the (?)(

10、连词成句)2is, a , beside, there, river , zoo, the (.)(连词成句)3any, there, flowers, in, are, the, garden (?)(连词成句)4How many fans are there in your classroom? (根据实际情况作答)5Are there any plants in your house? (根据实际情况作答)10. 根据要求,完成句子。1is, He , young, very (.) (连词成句)2you, often , Do , read,  in, park, the ,

11、books (?)(连词成句)3noodles, The, delicious, are (.)(连词成句)4-Is there a river in the forest? (做否定回答)-_, there  _.5I can do some kung fu.(就句子主题部分提问)_ _you do?11. 句型转换。1. They eat apples.(对句子主题部分提问)_ _ they _ ?  2. They eat oranges.(一般疑问句)_ they _ _?  3. I''m good

12、 at fishing.(否定句)I _ _ good at fishing.  4. Bobby have some fish.(否定句)Bobby _ have _ fish.12. 按要求完成下列各题。1. Can you sing English songs?(作肯定回答)2. I can speak English. (改为一般疑问句)3. Sarah can draw cartoons. (改为否定句)4. Amy can clean the classroom. (就句子主题部分提问)5. Can you play basketball?(作否定回答)13.

13、根据要求完成句子。1.Go along this street. (改为否定句)  2.Yang Ling turns right at the traffic lights. (对句子主题部分提问)  3.I can get to the hospital by bus. (对句子主题部分提问)4.My father walks to the shop. (改为一般疑问句)5.I want to visit Beijing. (改为一般疑问句)  6.The film is over now.(改为一般疑问句)  14.

14、按要求完成各题。1I go to school at seven twenty.(对句子主题部分提问)_ do you go to school?2我不会洗衣服,但我愿意试一试(汉译英)I_wash the clothes, but let me _!3Can you water the flowers, Li Shan?(做肯定回答)_, I_4Chocolate is my favorite. (对句子主题部分提问)_favorite food?5Alice, give, would you please, some chocolate (

15、?) (连词成句)15. 按要求改写下列句子。1.Mr Black goes to work by underground. (换种说法但,但意思不变)2.The children play on the swing happily. (根据句子主题意思提问)3.The wind blows strongly in winter. (根据句子主题意思提问)4.There is no water on the moon. (换种说法,但意思不变)  5.We can go out and have a picnic on a fine day. (根据句子主题意思提问)  6.Little Pig makes a paper wind-bell. (根据句子主题意思提问)7 / 7


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