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1、八年级英语1-3单元测试题及答案.选择正确答案1. do you surf the Intern et? Once a week.A. How B . How old C . How often D . How many times2. Can you ow often you do things?A. talk B . talk about C . speak D . tell of3 . You hardly know him,?A . are you B . aren' t you C . do you D . don' t you4 . Are you late for

2、 class?.A. Yes, n ever B . Yes, sometimes C . No, ever D . No, usually5 . homework, most stude nts do it every day.A. With B . For C . As D . As for6 . His mother wan ts him d food.A. eat B . to eat C . eati ng D . eats7 . He tries glish. And he practicesEn glish every day.A. to learn, to speak BC.

3、to lear n, speak ingD8 . It makes e.A. no differe nee to Blear ning, speak ing lear ning, to speak no differe nt toC. n ot differe nee from Dnot differe nt from10 .11.12 .Can you help meup the waste thi ngs?A . clea ningB . with clea nC . of clea ning D . to clea nit is rai ny today,works outside.A.

4、 Although, but BWhat is uA. matter with Bshe.But, although C . /, although,young man?.the matter withC. the matters with Dja headache? I thi nk she should see a doctor.Although, /.the matter toC . Does, got D . Has, haveA . Does, have B . Does, has13 . You should drink.A . hot tea of honey Bwith hon

5、ey14 . He shouldn ' t eat _A. someth ing B15 . How are you?I ' m not A . feel well B . feel good C16 . WhenheAbout half an hour ago.A . does, come B . did, come C . did, came D17 . Why are they nd an gry?A . stress B . stress out C . stress ing out18 . The doctor says I have .A . too many B

6、. many too C . too much D19 . He always helps other people.A . in his life B20 . It ' s easy to _A. stay health.hot honey teafor 24 hours. .nothingC . any thi ng.feeli ng well to our school?.on his life C.in his liveshot teas with honey D.many food.feeli ng gooddoes, came.stressed out.much too.o

7、n his lives.hot teakeep health D . have healthy21 . Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had .stay healthyC.A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily22. Would you please us your pictures take n in Europe?A. take B. bring C. show D. find23. What are we going to do on Sun day

8、? ”“ How about ?A. to go bike ridi ng B. going bike to rideC. going to bike ridi ng D. going bike ridi ng24. ” My father has bought a new car. ”“?”“ It ' s blue and beautiful.A. What do you like? B. What ' s it like? C. How is it like? D. how do you think of it?25. I had wan ted to go to En

9、gla nd for vacatio n, but at last I decided Can ada. toll postA. on B. over C. in D. about26. The doctors said that there was w rong with Jane ' s legs. she could dohelp her.A. someth ing; someth ing B. someth ing; nothingC. nothing; any thi ng D. everythi ng; someth ing27. a great party! delici

10、ous the food is!A . What ;How B. How, How C. What, What D. How ,What28. ” I ' m sorry I forgot the letter for you! ”“It doesn ' t matter, Iit myself. ”A. to post B. posti ng C. post D. posted29. We all fou ndA. that in terested in teresti ng30. The hospital isA. quiet B. quite31. Please tell

11、 usC. it in terest ingD. itto play the game.B. this in terest ingfar from the statio n.C. much D. more the Scie nee MuseumA. how can we reach B. how we can get C. how can we get D. how we can get to 32.They decided to the mountain.A. hiking B. on hike C. to hike D. not hiking33.She looks because she

12、 has a vacation.C. relaxed,relaxingD.A. relaxed , relaxed B. relaxing,relaxingrelax ing ,relaxed,34. I can ' t w ait the nice picture.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought35. Don ' t forget the pen him.A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returni ng, to D. returni ng, for36. -I have a headac

13、he.A. What's the matter, Judy? B. Where are you, Judy? C. Who are you? D. What are you doing, Judy?37. He ay at home and look after his mother yesterday.A. n eeded to B. must C. have to D. has to38. I think walk ing is lth.A. good at B. bad at C. well in D. good for39. We should not eatjunk food

14、.A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too40. -How is the young man? A. He is twelve. B. He's much better. C. He is a doctor. D. He's Alla n.41. It's importa nt to eat adiet.A. bala need B. bala neeC. bala ncing D. bala nces42. He often has sports._ _ football, basketball and ping-

15、pong.A. For an example B. For example C. For the example D. For a example43. You should not eat _ 24 hours.A. someth ing in B. no thi ng forC. anything in D. everythi ng at44. -My mother is ill_ -_A. Don't worry. B. No hurry. C. I'm sorry to hear that. D. OK.45. -I feel stressed out. I have

16、so much work to do every day.-You'd better not work too hard. It's good for you to take someI think.A. health B. exercise C. less on D. work46. I know there are many people there En glish.A. what B. who C. whose D. where47. do you visit here?A. How ofte n B. Whe n C. How long D. How ma ny48.

17、 Mr Smith likes to upper.A. take walks B. take walk C. carry walks D. bring walks49. -What's the matter with you, Peter? - A. rm going to leave here. B. I have a bad cold. C. I want to go shopping. D. rm taking an exam.50. -May I ask you ions? -Of course.A. that B. much C. some D. a little51. I&

18、#39;mthe sound.A. heari ng B. hears C. heard D. hear52. My un cle is a farmer. He lives in the.A. coun tryside B. family C. factory D. school53. There iswith the recorder.A. anything wrongB. wrong any thi ng C. someth ing wrong D. wrong somethi ng54. They e in Sha nghai.A. does n't B. did C. don

19、't D. do55. Susa n ofte n forgets n glish book.A. bring B. brought C. is bringing D. to bringIII.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. They( not have > any classes next week.2. Betty( write > to her pare nts tomorrow.3. Look at those clouds. It(rain >.4. He( read > an En glish book now.5. Look! Many gi

20、rls(dance> over there.6. They(come > to Chi na two mon ths ago.4. Where( be > she last week?8. The twins( be > at school this morning.9. he( tell > you a story last Sun day?10. We( not watch > TV last night.11. Let me( help > you.12. Liste n! Sue( sing > an En glish song.13.

21、I( help > my mother do housework tomorrow.14. Tom always( get > up at six o'clock in the morni ng.15. ( not close > the door.16. Alice likes<read ) books.17. They wantvcook ) real English food.18. Let me<help ) you<open) the window.19. The girls like dancing very much. They pra

22、ctice<danee) every day.20. Can you<play ) computer games?21. The Greens enjoy<live ) in China.22. She fi ni shed<write ) a letter.23. Mike pla ns<have ) an in terest ing vacati on.24. I<ask ) my teacher a question and she answered me.25. It ' s noon. The children <have) thei

23、r lunch.26. Mr Joh nson likes(watch> TV in the eve ning.27. He(go> fish ing yesterday.28. Whatyou(do> this weeke nd?29. Liste n! Someone(si ng> in the n ext room.30. They(pla n>(fish> tomorrow.IV.按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. They clean the classroom every day.( 用 tomorrow 代替 every day>They

24、the classroom tomorrow.2. Will the flowers come out soon?(作肯定回答 >J3. We'll go out for a walk with you.(改为否定句 >Weout for a walk with you.4. Tonghua will have a fine day.(改为一般疑问句 >Ton ghuaa fine day?5. The stude nts will work in the superma 提问 >the stude nts?6. My sister is ill. I must

25、 take care of her at home.<改为同义句)My sister is ill. I musther at home.7. Lin Tao often helps me with my Chin ese. <提问)does Lin Tao help you with your Chin ese?8. Tom goes to bed at ten in the eve ning. <否定句)Tomto bed at ten in the eve ning.9. They always see a film on Saturdays. <同义句)They

26、 alwayson Saturdays.10. I sleep nin e hours every ni ght. <提问)do you sleep every n ight?11. Mr More stays in Shan ghai for three days. ( 提问 >Mr Morein Sha nghai?12. They enjoyed themselves in the park.(同义句 >Theyin the park.13. Lin Tao did the housework at home last ni ght.<改为否定句)Lin Taot

27、he housework at home last ni ght.14. I sometimes watch TV in the eve nin g.<提问)do you watch TV in the eve ning?15. The twi ns are going to Hong Kong the day after tomorrow.<改为一般疑问句)the twinsHong Kong the day after tomorrow?16. Kate's father drives to work.(用 now改写 >Kate's fatherto w

28、ork now.17. John speaks English well. Kate speaks English well, too.(合并成一句 >Joh nKate speak Chin ese well.18. I want you to have supper this after noon with me.(改为同义句 >Iyou to have supper this after noon with me.19. The ani mal looks like a monkey. < 提问 > the an imal look like?20. His el

29、der brother works on a farm.(用 in a factory改为选择疑问句 >his elder brother work on a farmin a factory?21. How is the weather there? <同义句转换)there?22. She ' s babysitting her sister. <同义句转换)She' sher sister.23. Lin Tao ofte n go to the movies on Sun day. <用 n ext Sun day 改写)Lin Taon ext

30、 Sun day.24. Can you show me your photos whe n you come back? <改为祈使句)your photos whe n you come back.25. I ' m visiting my friend in Hong Kong. <改为一般疑问句)visitingfriend in Hong Kong?26. How about you? < 改为同义句) you?27. I like tak ing walks after supper. <改为同义句)I likeafter supper.28. Pi

31、erre Lambert thought about going to Italy. ( 对划线部分提问 >Pierre Lambertabout goi ng?29. We' re going to the Great Walltomorrow morning. < 对划线部分提问)going to the Great Wall?30. Lisa is stay ing in Suzhou for a month. < 提问)Lisain Suzhou?五完型Almost everyone_1_the meanings of Mr, Mrs and Miss. Mr

32、 is used before the family n ames of men. Mrs is for married( 结婚的 > women and Miss is for unmarried women. But_2 is Ms?Some bus in essme n(商人 > in the Un ited States_3_Ms before a woma n's n ame whe n they d o not know whether( 是否 > the woma n is married. Today, however, many wome n lik

33、e Ms bette r 4_Mrs or Miss.The word "_5_" does not tell us whether or not a man is married. Some women want t o be equal to( 和 平等 >_6_in this way. These wome n feel that it is not importa nt for people to know whether they are married or not.There are some problems with "Ms",

34、however. _7_women like it. Some like the older ways of doing thi ngs. Some find_8_difficult to read. Ms_9_miz. Young wome n like i t better tha n older wome n do. It is difficult to know whether Ms will be used by more A merica n wome n in the future. What do you think_10_it?(> 1. A. knows B. kno

35、wC. knew D. is knowingC. is soun ded likeD. is sound like(> 2. A. how(> 3. A. use to(> 4. A. to(> 5. A. Ms(> 6. A. men(> 7. A. No ne of(> 8. A. this(> 9. A. sou nds likeB.whatC.whoD.whichB.usingC. usesD.useB.forC.tha nD.asB.MrsC.MissD.MrB. girlsC.ladiesD.boysB.Not allC. AllD.Neither ofB.thatC.themD.itB.read like( > 10. A. atB. ofC. onD. to申明:所有资料为本人收集整理,仅限个人学习使用,勿做商业用途


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