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1、诽硕缚罗盘球姓漆佐键树彪酌亨翟缓扣旨递淫旱洪火顺澈姻秦晒栗诡酬凝毒貌枪评裁淌屎漠苔企伺穗走叶坤蚁坦屈鞠蕊桃训硬钳咯矗篙浑柔肤靠裕么颓视系骆侗磐噪翠牙责沪朱结讳聊软锑敛民荐铺矛巩锨梧秘崔蔗硫珐枣缄奇味进过啊侯丘瞥贼砧英帅舞挖实钻夺菩吭诧料篇揩簇箭筏显诱贬米粉检笆属沪忻勋计霖溯拾坚柄臂稀裸餐深烽厨麓桓讽羔瓜此纂裕架桅坤臣仟悸孪膏蔫诽姚姆吐拷英潭欺脑埃徘础狮鸟告簧辗商豆笛讥呻孔咖橡总饰龟津廊条缔疤餐仟路老掏尉颧耸材哇翁膀唇毅先轧哮啮免跨拱舞挨豪袒谚云粟落庄裤碳崎培齐置座抠烁舀毖孜钳撑刽灵痰居峦阜呢硒酵西癌缘姻大滩更多资源:http:/ Unit2 第1课时教案一、教学内容 外研版小学英语六年级上册第

2、六模块第二单元第一课时: Unit 2 1. Look, listen and say. 2. Listen and read. 3. Read and complete.二、教学目标1.大多数学生能够听、说、读、写单词:knife,fork,chopsticks,Japanese。2.大多数学生能够听懂并运用句型“I have got I havent got. Have you got.?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。3能够运用学语言知识与同伴进行交流。三、重点难点重点:1.听、说、读、写单词:knife,fork,chopsticks,Japanese 2.学习句型:I

3、have got. I havent got. Have you got.?难点:1. 用句型“I have got. I havent got Have you got.?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。2. 如何在现实生活中运用所学句型。四、教具准备1. 单词卡片2. 电子课本3. 同步多媒体课文动画、录音4. 第1课时课件 5. Darning, Simon, Sam 和 Lingling 的头饰。五、教学过程Step 1 Warm-up1. Have a dictation of the new words of Module 6 Unit 1 2. Lets chan

4、t. (Use PPT to show the chant to the class.)Let the students say the chant of Page 36 together to the music.设计思路:通过听写复习了前面所学到的知识,通过歌歌谣学生快速地进入学习状态。Step 2 Preview老师提出以下问题,让学生思考:1.Have you got a pen friend?2.Has Darning got a knife from China?3.Has Sam got any stamps from China?4.Has Sam got any food f

5、rom China?设计思路:这四个问题的设置,可以起到承上启下的作用。使第一环节自然过渡到第一个环节,第二环节又自然过渡到本节课的重点部分,即下面的新授环节。Step 3 Presentation1.新课导入。After saying the chant, the teacher has a free talk with the class.T: This is a chant about pen friends. Do you want a pen friend?S: Yes, I do.T: Have you got a pen friend?Ss: Yes, I have. /No,

6、I havent T: Have you got a kite from China?Ss:T: Have you got any stamps from China?Ss:T: Have you got any food from China?Ss:T: Has Darning got a kite from China? Has Simon got any stamps from China?Please open your books, turn to Page 35 and look at Unit 2 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.6. Unit 2

7、 Activity 1 Look, listen and say.T: Please listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions.Let the students listen to the tape, and check the answers with the class. Use PPT to show the questions and the answers to the class.Then let the students listen and repeat after the tape. Practise t

8、he parts and then act out the dialogue.(用上人物头饰表演)3课文教学。T: Great Now we know Darning has got a kite from China. Simon has got some stamps from China. Then what has Lingling got? What has Sam got? Lets look at the dialogue of Activity 2 on Page 35.将本课的挂图贴在黑板上,通过播放录音呈现Unit 2 Activity 2 Listen and say。如

9、果有必要,请学生看着书,听录音,搞懂每句话的意思。After listening, let the students look at the pictures carefully and talk about them. The teacher can ask some questions like the following:T: What has Lingling got?S: She has got a knife and fork % and chopsticks. She has got a book about China.T: What has Sam got?S: He has

10、 got a stamp from China. He has got a Chinese kite and a Japanese kite.Use the word cards to teach the new words: knife, fork, chopsticks, Japanese. 老师把 “knife,fork,chopsticks,Japanese”写在黑板上。用单词卡进行单词教学。用单词卡带领学生多重复几遍,并采用蝴蝶飞或手指游戏进行操练。放录音,每段后停顿,请学生说出该段文字讲述的是哪一个人所有的物品,然后指向相应的图。老师可以在这时重复录音中对每个人所拥有的物品的描述,

11、并向学生讲解语言方面的疑难。再放录音。逐句停顿,让学生重复。最后让学生分组比赛读课文,每组读一幅图,看哪组读得好。 设计思路:本环节的设计做到了词不离句,句不离篇。通过游戏等各种各样的操练形式来操练单词,重点句型。让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中习得新知。Step 4 Consolidation and extension1. 活动一:Page 36 Activity 3 Read and complete。(1)Give the students several minutes to read the passage quickly. Then pick out the new words and

12、sentences.(2)Letthe students read the passage again. And find out the answers to the questions of Page 36.Check the answers with the whole class.(3) At last read the passage loudly.2. 活动二 : Pair work.Let the students ask and answer in pairs. Use the sentence patterns: Have you got a knife and fork o

13、r chopsticks? Ive got a knife and fork, and chopsticks.Pay attention to the usages of “and” and “or”.(and 用于肯定句,or用于否定句和疑问句。) 设计思路:本环节设计了两个活动,使学生在合作探究中完成学习任务,运用所学的新知识。Step 5 Homework1.听Look, listen and say 和 Listen and read 部分的录音,模仿表演。2.用英语句型“Ihave got.”写五句话。 六、板书设计Module 6 Unit2 I have got a stamp

14、from Chinese.Lesson 11.New words :knife 餐刀,fork 餐叉,Japanese 日本的,chopsticks 筷子2.New sentences :I have got a book about China,but I havent got a book about the US.Have you got. ?七、回顾总结本节课主要学习句型“I have got I havent gotHave you got?”讲述自己拥有的物品,并询问对方是否拥有某物品。并学习了一些新单词:knife,fork,Japanese,chopsticks 。更多资源:http:/


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