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1、高一下学期词汇解析Unit17 Great womenWords and expressionsinspirevt. put ideas into someone's mind鼓舞;激起Such a development inspired us to work still harder.这一发展鼓舞我们更努力地工作。vt. make someone want to write or paint, etc.激发;启发We should inspire the children to think.我们应启发儿童思考。admirevt. think well of someone钦佩;羡慕

2、I admired him for his courage.我佩服他的勇气。vt. look at something or someone with pleasure, etc.赞美;欣赏The tourists admired the view from the tower.游客赞美登塔远眺的景色。generousadj. liking to give things to people慷慨的;大方的He is a man with generous nature.他是一个宽大为怀的人。cheerfuladj. happy 快乐的;愉快的She is always cheerful and

3、smiling.她总是高高兴兴,笑嘻嘻的。meanadj. of low character, aims, etc.卑鄙的It is a mean motive.这是卑鄙的动机。adj. wanting to keep everything for yourself吝啬的,自私的She is mean and never invites people to meals.她很小气,从不请人吃饭。tenseadj. excited because you are waiting for something tohappen 紧张的;激动的The audience was tense as they

4、 waited for the acrobat to jump.观众们在等待杂技演员跳时,心情很紧张。adj. tightly pulled拉紧的;绷紧的tense muscles拉紧的肌肉a very tense rope拉得很紧的绳子dulladj. stupid; not clever迟钝的;呆笨的I am dull of hearing.我听觉不灵敏。adj. not interesting单调的;乏味的The book was so dull thatIdidn'tfinish it.这本书太枯燥了,我没有读完。dishonestadj. not honest; ready

5、to lie, cheat, steal, etc.不诚实的A man who lies or steals is dishonest.说谎或偷盗的人是不正直的。championn.c (竞赛的 )冠军;优胜者He is a world swimming champion他是世界游泳冠军。the South Pole南极the North Pole北极polaradj.两极的;极地的a polar expedition极地探险milen.c measure of length英里( 1.6 公里)One mile is 1760 yards, or 1625 metres.一英里等于1760

6、码,或 1625 米。sledn.c雪橇(a)round the corner(常与 just连用 ) 即将来临;在拐角处Bad weather is just around the corner.坏天气快到了。There is a drugstore around the corner.拐角上有一家药店。stormyadj. with strong wind, rain有暴风雨的The sky looks stormy.天色看上去会有暴风雨。adj. angry激烈的The meeting was rather stormy.会上争论得很激烈。threatenvt. say what wil

7、l be done to hurt or punish威胁;恐吓The boss threatened to fire him.老板威胁要开除他。vt. indicate that something unpleasant is likely to happen恶兆The clouds threaten a rain.云预示有雨。die downto lose strength渐弱;消退;平静The winds died down.风渐渐平息了。thawvi.解冻Leave this frozen food to thaw before you cook it.把这冷冻食品解冻后再烹煮。slo

8、pen. land that slants up or down斜坡The children like to roll down the small slope in the park.孩子们喜欢从公园里的小斜坡上滚下来。bottomn. lowest part of something底部He fell to the bottom of the stairs.他摔到楼梯底下。n. last part; end最后部分;尽头;顶端The cinema is at the bottom of the street.电影院在街的顶头。optimisticadj. having feeling of

9、 optimism乐观的As I get older I get more optimistic.我越活越乐观。pessimisticadj.悲观的Don't be so pessimistic.别那样悲观。expeditionn. journey to do something special or find out aboutsomething 远征;探险They made an expedition to the North Pole.他们去北极探险。workdayn. weekday工作日;平日woozyadj. 眩晕的;虚弱的somehowad. 以某种方式;不知怎么地But

10、 somehow the message was passed.可是不知怎么地,消息却不胫而走。sheltern. being safe from bad weather, danger, etc.遮蔽;庇护When it started to rain we took shelter under a tree.天下起雨来,我们在树下躲雨。n.c place where one can be safe from bad weather, danger, etc.躲避处;避难所The old barn was a shelterfrom thestorm.那个旧谷仓是个躲避暴雨的地方。regre

11、tn. the feeling of being sorry; sorrow at the loss orabsence of something;sorrowfor whathas or has not been done. 悔恨;懊悔;惋惜Much to my regret, I didn't go withthem.非常遗憾,我没有同他们一起去。vt. to be sorry about感到遗憾;悔恨She regretted having missed the film.她懊悔没能看上那场电影。solo adj. done by one person The pilot mad

12、e his first solo flight in the airplane.单独的那个飞行员第一次在飞机中作了单飞。extremeadj. very great最大的;极Thank you for your extreme kindness.感谢你的深情厚意。extremelyadv. very非常地;极其地It was an extremely fine day in May.那是五月里一个非常晴朗的日子。climaten.c the weather in a place气候No country in Asia possesses a better climate than China.

13、亚洲没有一个国家的气候比中国的好。valuev. think highly of; regard highly重视I shall always value your friendship.我会始终重视你的友谊。v. rate at a certain value or price; estimate the value of估价;评价He was valued as a good worker.他被评价为好工人。n. worth; usefulness; importance价值;重要性He doesn't know the value of fresh air and sunligh

14、t.他不了解新鲜空气和阳光的重要性。pianistn. someone who plays a piano钢琴家;钢琴演奏者She was a pupil of Franz Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist.她是伟大的匈牙利钢琴家弗朗兹·李斯特的学生。personalityn. character; what sort of person you are个性;品格Ray has a happy personality.雷伊为人性格快活。n. well known person名人The man on the television show inte

15、rviews outstanding personalities.电视节目中出现的那个人常常会见著名人物。come to terms withaccept甘心忍受He managed to come to terms with his illness.他设法忍住了疾病的痛苦。bothervt. trouble someone; make someone cross or worried烦扰;打扰He comes bothering me day after day.他天天来打扰我。vi. give yourself extra work, etc.费心;麻烦I don't bother

16、 about it.我不为此费心。n. usomething that gives you worry or trouble烦扰;麻烦It'stoo much bothergoing thereby a roundaboutway.绕道去那儿太麻烦了。famethe condition of being well known and talked about名声;声誉His fame spread all over the country.他誉满全国。promisen. an agreement to do or not to do something or to givesometh

17、ing 诺言If you make a promise, you must keep it.假如你答应了,就必须做到。n. a cause of hope; a sign of future success.有希望;有前途Our country is full of promise.我们的国家大有希望。v. to tell somebody that you will certainly do something允诺;答应He promised the boy a book if he passed the examination.要是这孩子考试及格,他答应送他一本书。v. give reas

18、on to expect ,give hope of预示;给予的希望It promised to be an exciting one.这看来将是一场激动人心的比赛。kindergartenn. 幼儿园hardshipn.艰难;困苦 ,bear suffer hardship忍受苦难bearvt. to suffer容忍;忍受He bore all hardships bravely.他勇敢地经受了一切磨难。vt. hold up; support承担;承受We will bear all the expenses.我们将承担所有的费用。disciplinen.utraininginself

19、controlandobedience 纪律Our soldiers are strict in discipline.我们的战士纪律严明。self-improvementXselfn.自我完善;自我修养scholarshipn. special sum of money tohelp a clever studentgo on studying 奖学金Fergus won a scholarship to Cambridge.弗格斯获得了上剑桥大学的奖学金。graduationn. an act of graduating毕业What are you going to do after graduation?毕业后你打算做什么?autographn.c亲笔签名write one's autograph签名ask for a person's autograph请某人签名Madame Curie XmBdRm XkjuRri居里夫人Antarctican.南极洲Chicagon. 芝加哥 ( 美国城市名 )


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