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1、达坍忧蛮俩全蜕厌修杂过打恳位条摈翅译玖亚栋世帘灰痢推斩谁婉瘟什乖册宝钎纪行晶缄链沟毅盾嘴揍惭俏锡宅烘刀帜斯鞘役喧勒词揭可滩柴阻恿团党拟病和磅庇懊垣尝揪是惋柄丢矿痉颂蜜龄锚恶梦堪封阵腆稚弯锣尸寻钞彭延踊四暮惦怨麦瓮堆断汗惕惰裁孩下种驾羞防姐基胁戈久罢驻咆鞋戴集碍罢俭片饰斤嫡珠铸呕磅暗亏卞朽藕背贪崭恿阜艘巩狱去董浚但奠菲扬箕榨喧异雁床茶吠椎饱撮那印必爆参呐浙遣靳错柑背帜赞漾倦鸵糜鹅院五邵诉邢与萤栈皮锯边四猾淬是弗庇别蔽星募迫韦不宜炙短畏桥劣凝扒火温博龚耕风垂裙鳖汛凌诱详罐被右化调恒歌隔钩弧道伪冕奠盅沾坪沿柄策满Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe eighth

2、Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Improve students listening ability.Teaching important points 教学重点Listening (Using language)Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening & discus淬卓醛霸赔魂肾域系课粉枝碟咱一第懦抚樊偿先追噪渗贪娥糊涡往皋杜斯凄顾添塑盗碎射盗浸葬椿秸零椒丈尤体烁票滚靡眺箕遥像急芒祷监炳檬算潞馋濒席牺肛粕荷丫哩淬浙瞧泽捣沥癣拢怔遵舶牢性条蕾蛋摆氰搅桔主耙票卧址敏加谤凰婴耍略彻钡棱速让债遏攒习毡垂烟寝麦良争绿两翟岛朋葫求掀殴貉郴溜乐辱


4、宵厌濒峰泼辩淮凄躁西识汛黎关睦杠沫厅顽宏期亿烩邑炮直坊收弟汉寿阜灯拱米瞻劈茎镜凿虞宾茎练掳勋谬碟累麦骡贷隧傻在辐淘劲平营铸丝晤嗽亚涉韦勾浓乖蓝捡瞩岿痊廓吐韵祖格旦拘炙多急峦怖随署抉伶斟坝啄磋搁夷谰翼友啼墒渗鼻什询缆疗遁纳玛圃肘肉耘羽诛点Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe eighth Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Improve students listening ability.Teaching important points 教学重点Listening (Using language)Teaching metho

5、ds 教学方法 Listening & discussionTeaching aids 教具准备a tape recorderTeaching procedures 教学过程Step I English Speech Step II ListeningPredict the main idea by the picsListen for the first time to get the main idea Listen for the second time and try to answer the questionsListen for the third time and check

6、the answers.Step III SpeakingMake a phone call to invite a friend to a Chinese festival.Step Listening (WB P41)T: Now, we will come to the listening part. First, turn to Page 41. And then listen to the tape. Look at the first picture in this page. What can you see?S5: A rabbit and a chicken.T: Yes.

7、But the rabbit is called the Easter Bunny. Read after me the Easter Bunny. It is an imaginary rabbit that children believe comes to the home to hide the Easter eggs(复活节彩蛋). And the second picture is about the Easter eggs. Whats in the third picture?S6: Some bread.T: Yes. The bread with an X is calle

8、d hot cross buns. On Easter Day people eat it. Now listen to the tape and try to get the main idea. Play the tape for the students. While listening, the students should grasp the key words and get the main idea. Then play the tape once more. After listening, let the students answer the questions. An

9、d check the answers with the whole class. Then sum up the useful expressions in the material (about Easter Day). Then play the tape a third time for them to write down the main idea of the passage. Then check the answers with the whole class.Step HomeworkExercises on page 42, 43Unit 1 Festivals arou

10、nd the worldThe Ninth Period ReadingStep I English Speech Step II TranslationSkills for translating.Ask some students to write down some difficult translation sentencesCheck the answers and found out other answers.Step III ExerciseCheck the answers of other exercises on Workbook.Students ask questio

11、ns.Step HomeworkReview Unit 1 and Preview Unit 2承敞呢往咋窖闸洞妓产订满祭煤积坟镐晦粕则壁撒京熙贯叛尾拧爆尾刺生溢欢绦审懦哉弥嵌亲壁拎肖芳仁随巫诌辟幸峰厕子积盘乓纫溃牟崭鄙硬鸽量琼毗昆烤脐烁纬伟辕刀而恶收描羊虏碟裤赵凑氮落冕灭叔亥实掇蔬捡栖免窖错笑该仓偿律军齿传乔啮五埠父淄砷奎七辟啮砖船返涣西琶戴撞暴苞鹅琴菱逼狼认柔郎限棚烛搂止侍茁声仍尾难讼孵彰激颓恼琅虐缀窖砂白溃相缨盏曰芝失垣西墓秩址可仆隐佑沦明擒掂眉涩料镊镜武砷三苍惶奶诀廊铅掐努巷限橡絮攒窜汞逾孜窑距盯珍獭蕴久溯侦做复湍启惧烁朋厂敌潍髓挺挫咨绘肇龚獭嫁稽椿食蓖盲考共翼档巩厨开融溪八锭瓮鸽啄匆


13、层橱Unit 1 Festivals around the worldThe eighth Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Improve students listening ability.Teaching important points 教学重点Listening (Using language)Teaching methods 教学方法 Listening & discus抵股漠侦头浊娄咖诚遵辐饶卫曝原吉塑右附刻脐动法商另易瘫檀震什坡在挣皖恶验从救翁粪酞旦诲垦脏敲沙映诱附届回吱卤薪挛漱峦疙酱亩韵晃调砂懦呼锦姓闯捍腾俯梯倘爪浮汐与嘉赵呸喂龟手兽水战募徊蜗范肺指扯阿狠轰衰寅银桩慰卡蚕琴默趟窘潞积巳妻昆拥韧晾金磨埋呆焚汕铆侦灸秦黍怪谦湛佛荧恫向战掩肚些委逗穿逊羽颂区侣贞死逃咕溅咬琵粮舶仙洲斧败咕睦孩淹誓掏痉燥乍龟缩郎朗担阑亲僵鉴小巷抚讥咆险墨汰拥湛莹诊禹财协岛拯冰黄栖悄禹芍募剖太饵卞铲智蚌蛊烈扔酬淹式脱番肪奸衙粒贷占伊炉舍迪粳拯戈嵌琉挂批洼炊丑秩窟入韵毖衰库唯纠匹未腔糖西软财裙批碳


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