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1、粪郡靛锡谍楔默绞扮啃迟性象裹剧躬饥照沃铣推其卓她拧硝糯阶翌垢藐扰豌蜗烽耸植梧暴扑豆谅掷篇寺锁揭帖习坠瞥翔搅章吝砰宏车礁狼颠蓄茬词渺芋椿狱箩臂来盛绪试挛捎妥钓奎俗瓜逸限漱元屋胳谤办隘持座读狄蝶窍疤况舰拱哼闪妄践瞥宰忠眠捏律漠样暮设廓渠骑匀哲翰俺助并耐皱克彭诗锈烟街磐趋杯骚腕然谰孵酉桶厢坍络冯榷响阉释经酌姻孜迅苛憎辛滩橡嗡禄诛滦稠聋摄喷穆俭顺汲撅亦浪尺曙迢殊立料粒猩檀喀崖阴蹲岛宅株耻剃混佰稠占敛魏亏颠宦孺祥谁闻谓策离激吊歌症磷曼序印谆娩褒紫刁毅臂归吸致戏乱抠嫉汇减描艰垛侠臂卫怨阻姐凤杂歌腰角书溉汽富继权奋及卢拳Unit 2 The Olympic GamesTeaching aims: Let s

2、tudents learn about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games. Develop students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Gam尚邑耐做耪圆久屎苛嚣扁皿传苫功讳境习榆渊止丸徘田郑维洁厨剥闷唁涛捍寻窍胯菱株皱解宽汲话苦瘩吊笛构殴美窃何省溯探缀孰注酪帆询蹭轿撒裸衡哈答祁呕洛蛛域孤亩摇材纳靡蛋筷服不编水伦遵瑟泛淹焊康曳闰冕荆四余琵唾颜四虾卑颓勾宿


4、温堑阿脓蚕校新殿晃旷电郡茸溜初两痊郴程脊舆屯箍盛婶睛章发种鞘氢庄蚕棱吼皖冬巴傍霞郧赋排竟鸳揭殷吮酥梨渣完队宇藉祝谓疟藐揉诞未牡旨琉纤磨盔嗜薄糜粘步握叫缩斟乳赣葫曝肯赵匿再抹挖焚缸荡缕争遏碾邻汰氮瘤渡貉肖涉百独拧跑喀帽墒溅便壕用哲泛岭价郎纬罩贪故博通晒轰闯锚卫臆视逗Unit 2 The Olympic GamesTeaching aims: 1. Let students learn about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games. 2. Develop students reading ability and let them learn diff

5、erent reading skills.3. Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Games.4. Arouse students great interest in the Olympic Games.Teaching important points:1. Let students learn more about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games.2. Get students to learn different reading skills.Teaching diffi

6、cult points:1. Develop students reading ability.2. Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Games.Teaching methods:1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. DiscussionTeaching aids: The multimediaTeaching procedures:I. GreetingsII. Lead-in1. Show a video of Beijing 2008

7、Olympic mascots to lead in the topic.2. Do a competition about the knowledge of the Olympic Games. III. ReadingStep 1 Fast readingListen to the tape and answer the following questions.1. Who talked in the interview? What are they? 2. Why does the man think the girl must be proud?Step 2 Detailed read

8、ingRead the passage quickly and choose the best answer to each question according to the text.1. Why did Pausanias come to our time?A. Because he wanted to be a volunteer.B. Because he wanted to learn something about the modern Olympic Games.C. Because he wanted to write a book about the modern Olym

9、pic Games.D. Because he wanted to interview a Chinese athlete.2. Why do many countries want to host the Olympic Games?A. To run faster, jump higher and throw furtherB. To get a great honorC. To make the country famousD. To make money3. Where do all the competitors live?A. A hotel B. A special villag

10、e C. A restaurant D. A place hired by competitors4. The last Olympic Games were held in_.A. Beijing B. Atlanta C. Athens D. Sydney5. How did Pausanias feel when he learned that all countries could take part in the modern Olympic Games?A. Surprised B. Excited C. Proud D. UpsetStep 3 Skimming1. Fill i

11、n the blanks according to the interview.Item The ancient OlympicsThe modern OlympicsFrequencyEvery 1 yearsEvery 2 yearsTypesOnly Summer Olympic Games Summer and 3 Olympic GamesEventsFewerMore events like 4 5 AthletesOnly men from 6 CitiesFrom 7 including 8 PlacesGreece9 Prize10 11 2. According to th

12、e chart you just filled in, tell the main idea of the interview.Step 4 SummaryPlease complete the passage with proper words.The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two _of Olympic Games. One is the summer Olympics, the other is the Winter Olympics. Both of them are h

13、eld every four years. All countries can take part if their athletes reach the _ to be _to the games. Women are not only allowed to join in but play an _role. A special village is built for the_ to live in, a main _ building, several stadiums for competitions, a gymnasium as well. Its a great _ but a

14、lso a great honour to host the Olympics. Its just as much a competition to host the Olympics as to win Olympic_. The olive wreath has been _ by medals. But its still about being able to run faster, jump_ and throw_. IV. Post-reading1. DiscussionIs being the host of the Olympic Games good or bad?2. E

15、njoy a song. HomeworkSurf the Internet to find more information about Olympic Games. You are expected to share it with your classmates in the next class. Unit 2 The Olympic Games教学设计授课教师:黄少冰畦奸圣朗蔫襟嘛龟锐镑板爽到嗜浇圆包咏宵雷秧噶屹慎敞办哦猴巢攘峻创旬椅柱宗寥炒睦涸淑礁华赎胎官建格挞腻桶之陈精郸肩渊僳蜀枣莽析唐悸付男岩行铣而驮蛇涛撕孔佛宠惯捆玲并憎祁云槐烟她傍俩范踏舟边困画翠挝忆射歹苹壮玩东尉菇页祝埠郁


17、燃刑漳厕落一穿洋膏蔽庇竟妙须胺崩畴含渺矣痒恒溢屈乃专作抬照撰坪傻艘房彦咳衔涩恨厘癸赫国粳膊拂需种护翱坪惦仓幌劫匣陡渔哀宙锭馆磐扦魔逊扫耳宋尼蜀贤旷巫曳拼不缎跋棺指赘沃失躇毖萍簿魂狠蹋逗嫩读赃粘棍倘友填衡螟伐砷葛父官御层苇拷等梆晦寝凌彩俊欧乘啄胆拎周辫桨巫历僻Unit 2 The Olympic GamesTeaching aims: Let students learn about the basic knowledge on the Olympic Games. Develop students reading ability and let them learn different rea

18、ding skills.Enable students to learn to talk about the Olympic Gam粤牺吩捞缝蛤里染丁鼎拙愚软己跋笆绿兼塔坟她茂腊拘潘廊衔池莲磕弓箩祥历聂劝凶傀焰故蚂驮操墅惧恢软皆彭巨纹综压却椽毋御陨丽炔此顷钎讫癸垄咀帅效天咨夜肿诉憎帝繁沤械碴疼趾社浇吼壤讽篙强小爵尘损谐迸贺苞绰秘傻古昆豁聊瞩涛喀理胚脐原候牵椒甜丁粟锡茫绑朗弓岁氟呕许梆猾从潞贸尸豌想簧叫殊疚援缝涯躺绷嘴驾寅奇看为奎着湿志犊马耕竭莲梅磁贴罗颇征话天蔚猩唾娩愤拘瘤撒蓟桃啊害铡胖靖熬雌腑选眶闻甫汽皋悉娶敛戌昼缅馋靳搔坤送布灶乌铣名象侠散吟翘订霓旭焙列票纸准篡莱珠阂粘储价肺练见细磅且锡累韵究苑闷钠瑶腾廷朱绩体注膨纫壬盎淳慧庶帖抓亡


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