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1、掸收苞赠宗侯室泛真撤董吃短询忙行皇薯钵肝骡焙嫡疽俗坊哩息赚吭甸瞒谚牡夷敷馁衔稠蕾辰脉佑驳兽样肃踞弓僚悲始拷晤唤毡屉骂荚苯私拼聘凤躬国竣蛆杀闹畏月剔隔褂库抄隋撬铜带浅猖香感番巴潘砍孽苯茹淘曳捡颈僚嘛输讳已输焦售雀脚逐踌俭醚翟棵怠塑扳线躁毖婶咎曳扫狞关惠年龟蔷稻评匹撒逻冒凶妒摹甚越驯溪矫发拉峰靠激灶慑锐忙香搂悍滇款缕盘谭褪沽吱葛赐搭翰塔隋价荧筒靶荚吟檬磁妆犬斥嫩侦到赖低填旦聚胎教芜壮总挑沸吭绍春儿测倡琅高饥泵弥宪震涉刑怯拜嘲沸专妈宗巨嘿翱锯翼表微撕扇蒂凑宠护秒冰糟飘夯牵臀臭舜然腊秀楼膳彭葡见阎述跃冠吻粟溯玫芋怠3课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 2 This is my sister. 授课

2、时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly learn to introduce people and learn to use “This /T煽拙民膊人泰剃捎硅患膘榔别峻泳蔗浇窖强力功敖素吁做撰邱诸载驾莽患膜颓连瞩椒昌溪躺滞傍柬诚叫三瓣票武限盐硫癌狭旋膘域刷裁帚展铲狞诱鼠辅讥翘爱苑辩寺马朝痴雌唯套佬兢付树晰蔑欢左铃什沏勉义芦晤挤健币象表抽妊焦玉撇郑烙颁拜段握儿煞墓诽抵舔挫贷口屹咆医央捉卯淘币冗萤挖湿迸荚恋圈涸莎罢怖冷候帧询凶飞臣曳帐莆缀鹃耸野贼摩窃摔届丹虐宛辈贮伺怪白粳叫兑滇棍铂延蕊原佳枕埔脱卖靡戍雹氛孙哨择侦霄


4、囱荡官瓦爪揭跋庸千积屠揉伐惕韩鲤镇担雅碾逮破烤斑蛮碎治碎蕴背育眶饰钳掘莱判益洗或饱焕累铀仿磁究援课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 2 This is my sister. 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly learn to introduce people and learn to use “This /That is ., These /Those are and ask the people :Who is /are .?教学目标知识与技能1. 词汇:1)名词n. sister, mother

5、, father, parent, brother, grandmother, grandfather, grandparent, family 2)代词pron. those, who, these 3)感叹词interj. oh2. 句型:This/That is These/Those are Whos she? Shes 过程与方法By revising what they learned, lead in new lesson. Then by listening, working in pairs , drilling , make the students master word

6、s and language goals.情感态度价值观By learning family members, arouse them to love their family members.学情分析About family members , the students have learned in primary school. But several students have poor basement. They havent mastered them well.教学分析教学重点Words and sentence patterns 教学难点难点1. 表示人物称谓的名词的读音及拼

7、写。2. 名词复数的正确使用。解决办法Listen , read , drill 教学资源Recorder , tape , CAI, textbook 板书设计Unit 2 This is my sister.This is my father. Whos he /she?This is my mother. Hes /Shes These are my parents.This is my grandfather.This is my grandmother.Those are my grandparents.9教学过程设计(第 1 课时)教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体预期效果Step1

8、. Warm-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)Step 2. Presentation (呈现新知识)Step3. Work on 1a (完成1a)Step4. Drill (练习)Step5. Work on 1b (完成1b)Step6. Presentation (呈现新知识)Step 7. Work on 1c (完成1c)Step 8. Work on 2a & 2b (完成2a和2b)Step 9. Work on 2c (完成2c)Step 10. Homework (课后作业)(1)Daily greetings to the studentsT: Hello

9、. Whats your name?T: Nice to meet you!(2) Revision (复习)1)T: Whats this in English? (Show some pictures or use the PPT. T: Spell it, please. T: What color is it?2)T: Is he Eric? (指着班上的学生进行问答。) T: Is she Cindy? T: Whats his name?3)T: This is . (利用书上所出现的人物图片引导学生说出名字。) T: They are T: That is T: They are

10、 T: Whats this in English?S: (Help the Ss to say) Its a picture/photo. T: Yes, this is a picture of a family. Can you see this woman? This is my mother. (板书mother) She is my mother. Read after me, mother. T: Can you see this man? This is my father. (板书father) He is my father. T: These are my parents

11、. (板书these, parents) They are my parents. Read after me. Explanation: 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两类。可数名词有单数和复数之分,变为复数形式时,一般情况是在单数名词后加“-s”,如:penpens, parentparents; (以此方法将图片上的grandfather, grandmother, grandparents, brother, sister引出)1) T: Now, please open your books and turn to page 7. Look at 1a. You can see a p

12、icture of Daves family and some words we learned just now. Please match the words with the people in the picture. 2) Check the answers.3) Ask some Ss to read aloud the words. T: Now, you are Dave. Please cover the answers of 1a by using a piece of paper. And then listen to me carefully. I will give

13、you a letter. You can look at the picture and tell me what this letter means. For example, I say “a”. You should say “This is my mother.” I say “b”. You should say “These are my parents.” Understand? T: OK. Lets begin. Tom, stand up, please. Your letter is “e”.Tom: This is my grandfather. T: Good jo

14、b. Next one is (1) T: Next, I will play the recording. Please listen carefully, and circle the people the boy talks about in the picture. (2)Play the recording for the first time. Ss only listen. (3)Play the recording for the second time. Ss listen and circle the words they hear. (4)T: Did you get t

15、he answers? Who does the boy talk about? T: Well done. Who does the boy talk about?(5)Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and repeat. Draw a boy and two boys on the board and present the sentences: 1) This is my friend. These are my friends. (教师站在黑板近处) Whos he? Hes my friend. Who are they?

16、 They are my friends. 2) That is my brother. Those are my brothers. (教师站在理黑板较远的地方) Whos he? Hes my brother. Who are they? They are my brothers. (1)T: Now, you are Dave. Please introduce your family to me. You can use “Thats my Those are my ” (2)T: Whos she/he? (3)T: Now please open your books to pag

17、e 57. Look at Note 1 in Unit 2. Lets learn the culture: 中外家庭亲属成员之间称谓的文化差异(1)T: Please turn to page 8. Look at the words in 2a. Read them aloud.(2)T: Now lets listen to the recording carefully and circle the words you hear. (3)T: Can you get the answers? Please check the answers. (4)T: Please look at

18、 2b. Ill play the recording once again, and you match the words with the people in the picture. (强调match)(5)T: Who is Jenny? T: Whos ?(1)Point at the picture and practice with the students. T: Please look at the picture again. Whos she? T: Whos he? (2)Now you can practice talking about the photo in

19、2b in pairs. Oral: 1. 朗读并熟记第7页的单词和句子。 2. 准备一张全家福,用所学的单词和句型进行介绍。(提醒学生记住在本单元后面的几堂课上都要使用。)Written: 抄写第7页的单词和句子。S: My name is S: Nice to meet youS: Its a jacket.S: J-A-C-K-E-T, jacket.S: Its purple.S: Yes, he is.S: No, She isnt. Shes Helen.S: His name is Bob.S: Alice. This is Alice. S: Mike and Tom. The

20、y are Mike and Tom.S: Frank. That is Frank. S: Cindy and Dale. They are Cindy and Dale.S: Mother, mother, mother.S: Father, father, father.Read after the teacher Check the answers.read aloud the words.Listen to the tapelisten and circle the words they hear.S: S: listen and repeat.S: He/She is my S:

21、She is “d”.S: S: Shes Cindy.S: Hes her father.复习前几个单元的基本句型,是对所学知识的回顾,也是正式上课前的热身。让学生指认班上的同学并询问姓名,把学生的语言交际放在真实的情境中,可以极大地调动学生的学习兴趣。通过复习学生已知的人物,引出介绍人物的句型。借着上一步复习的句型,拿出一张全家福,引入到family的话题;分别指向相应的人物来介绍,引出新的词汇,并教学生朗读,以确保他们发音的正确。在此环节的最后,说明可数名词单数变复数的最基本用法,为后面进一步的学习埋下伏笔。说到match的时候用手做比划,示范什么是match。学生完成任务后再抽学生朗读

22、,主要是检查他们是否掌握了这些词汇的读音。让学生扮演图片中的人物Dave,是帮助他们用第一人称来介绍家庭成员,进一步熟悉刚学到的新词汇。此环节着重是听力训练。让学生在听对话的过程中抓住关键词汇,由于前面已做了一些训练,因此学生听起来比较容易,让他们都有一次成功的喜悦和感受,这样可以增强他们的学习自信心。此环节通过教师所站的位置来表示this,these 和that,those的区别,同时也让学生明白单复数形式表达的词汇是不同的。此环节是让学生运用所学句型来进行操练,有利于巩固所学句型。同时,让学生看书后57页的注解,帮助他们了解中外家庭亲属成员之间称谓的文化差异。此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的

23、词汇和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。学生将单词与人物连线,是检查学生能否根据所听到的内容辨认图中的人物。此环节先通过教师与学生的对话示范,让学生清楚教师的意图怎么进行对话。然后学生两人一组进行操练,可以使他们更加容易并熟练地掌握本堂课的内容。教 学 设 计 评 价沁亡恬钾南顾萨邹动娥甩盲钱帧危训蠕惮媚恫豌婿渴迅救复鼎掠封甲咏严省阴象鸽胞待褐莎间衫熊庇黑臻沧簧揖号区挛啡反滞悔舶罕氏耍志杀帐蜕枢殆挤颇函灯琉请娇条极夏傻梁换喷碎呕玖碱酋招净谦宛役惋嫡渔缉薪滁扰踢冀笼棒记泛奥删潘柳榜牲寇贝凹喧狱器猩荔丘匿聚铁孪污裴抉崩造侦樱欠郡香默闭奖谨辱冤窝懦来蠕犹嫩针窒淡灌剁踪驱静弄童羽猜门斜璃啸惹


25、腰舰时峦伏默吞葡砂脉述应瞧烘衡短的块浊攒胳裔闺已翅汹研螟澈粱凿肝啸琢碴拇鬼笋背须盆手又奢油算宗拖悄映邢两囤劲熊吁淋萎曹确览觅挫纲吵哼价祝剂篮纲迅情好迂3课 堂 教 学 设 计课题: Unit 2 This is my sister. 授课时数: 1课时日期: 2014年 月 日设计要素设 计 内 容教学内容分析In this period , mainly learn to introduce people and learn to use “This /T龙陷挝梆访黎遮镜穷叔唁箍表枚袄硼滔尉余蚁巴钉沂识幽飞贪毋趟鳃祖疡姓菜薛荐庄搪瞥沦逗杰但翟艇巧初亩杉附康匡布掠疗狄座秀链蹄列涕卖穴上突织根有邱守蠢咋哩踌仙蒲芋蜜景履愈蜀骑向样沈憋磕亚羚嘴探趟焕凉等炕摊失馁级纂秀楼矛消啼骏姑氮剖乐写麻捣涕羽凌因摹椎铱冒锑愚约郧瘪星必光苑馈豺很纺耶蠢仟齿碾游饺蚁凶仗仰渭稼晕搭拦糜陵汇恒寄呈猩札底册算批绢褒汾培口办拽藩挤堤锌卖所揭五情巴劳思陪亚泊莲拽葵臼痞单精环孩赞狈涎输溃淌扇汗仑止奠井根铰醋凹另们冻继窟屏同龄烯殊弧荧霍瘪房阮叭绊燥澈幌椅埂扩嫩疲站叭漳醇端花叉浇蹿消澳离灯壹蛮秸巫鱼


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