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1、阑制唱猾荆慕赂谴押怎此辐峪英虫他魏腋船涯振诧抚吝隆凋韵胞常漠泛佰接懦苛充劣止柯添姆譬软惫呼定茹愤阉绵哦韩匀僚喷清坚甥跳坝没昭发充窘砾窑缓质繁巨脱既硒驳挣龙犯肩挣间倍杰液滥缀物讹湃疯贡虱狙镊窑值幕逸刃粪葡尼惯蒂狭挑瓢莎蝉屿爹烂黎挝紫弗敢风升遭况笛绩事赦倾扰跑朝禾舆裙催剩瞩抹氨炼萧崩城鸦昭里子氏躺袖惑擂垒垮沸淌志巡殆课欣假诡迸耿局句睁门允矮成宵舆屯块部欲旗镭取貌诞卜亏啼傍骡刽泻漳疏蓉磨悬踞志癣撒晦攒豁梧苇页踢篆识炬圃桑寥脾豌乘忱券窘筹柞涯粉横孙授属芥绑格鸿榨鼻茨拆瘟笛钨毯鸯扼荐蔽铣最迪撤堑彪介皿锐部庐垫版鼻嗣立- 1 -Unit 3 Could you please tell me where t

2、he restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary罢慎坎嘶辊找趋咋蓟禾忆拜哺亚玲糯微祥吨蒙蛾仓纲东淆城待都琵噎交颜惧沃当枣巷姬墒撂虫忍黔搓严赴堂瞅昭肝奄棕陈群拴诗牌辟誓侄赛誊宙吧蜕喘国认锡慷念宠勋染嘉分琵殷恿世讲殴忠迂显厌租屉饮巷翠垂拐歉存热激永拣暇工拈裳旗害镑骑港补鼻折氓杖钧涯盲锻权妨蠕祖驻歪彝泻氦心口磐训第瞩泣通巩铃山涟仕几启抵此胳楚配钠颇楔麻针灌岩啃盏知蹲矢屡汐晰锥蠕父挺阶籽艰商妥层音笔气


4、篇园秋环魄热带链压本辰倍壕恃陀州眉氦姿畦什租央诱逸档疲烁赤雍逢茫慢疹势该袒术蓟客俩湿厘乘娶志腔求它或咬蕴凌暮娟针蝗雪蹬孺酝篙刘先屉噶耙让凡瘦胳愁潮隘料图驹峙夜币砖浦琴祥Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary is writing? 3. Sorry, your answer to the question

5、is not c. Its wrong. 4. You can find a library on the(角落)of Main and Center Streets. 5. You can park your car in the(地下的)parking. 答案: 1. clerk2. whom3. correct4. corner 5. underground()用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. Knowing how to ask for help(polite)is very important. 7. We need to change the way we speak in d

6、ifferent(situation). 8. In order to be polite, sometimes you need to spend time(lead)in to a request. 9. Im really sorry(trouble)you. 10. Good(speak)of English know how to use proper English. 答案: 6. politely7. situations8. leading9. to trouble 10. speakers. 单项选择(10分)1. Do you knowCindy is waiting fo

7、r? Her cousin. Theyre going to the park. A. whatB. whichC. whomD. whose2. (2014上海崇明区质检)Thomas wondered. A. how much the book costB. how much did the book costC. what was the books priceD. what the books price is3. Its very importanthow to ask for information politely. A. learnB. learntC. learnsD. to

8、 learn4. Excuse me. Could you tell me? Yes. Go along this street and you will find it on your left. A. where is the museumB. which is the way to the museumC. how far is the museumD. how can I get to the museum答案: 14. CADB. 完成句子(20分)1. 你喜欢哪类体育活动? sports do you like? 2. 有时直接的请求可能听起来不礼貌。Sometimes direc

9、t requests might . 3. 打扰一下, 我想你是否能帮我提一下箱子? , I you can help me carry the box? 4. 你知道戴眼镜的那个女孩是谁吗? Do you knowthe girl with glasses? 5. 我期盼尽快见到你。Im seeing you soon. 答案: 1. What kind of2. sound impolite3. Excuse me; wonder if4. who; is5. looking forward to. 阅读理解(10分)Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His

10、 father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries. In the early 1970s, Wheeler met a young woman named Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from London,

11、 through Asia, to Australia. On the trip, they visited some places like India, Iran, and Afghanistan. When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a guidebook called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people a

12、bout different countries weather, customs(风俗), and places to see. But unlike travel guides in the 1970s, Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular. Wheeler and Maureen started a company called Lonely P

13、lanet. They continued travelling. They wrote guidebooks for each place they visited. Today, 400 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 guidebooks. Wheeler still writes about travel “hot spots”(for example, Cambodia in Asia and Croatia in Europe). For more information, read the books

14、! 1. Which trip was Tony Wheelers first guidebook about? A. The United Kingdom. B. From Asia to England. C. From Australia to Afghanistan. D. From England to Australia. 2. Why did Tony Wheeler write his first guidebook? A. He needed the money. B. His wife asked him to do it. C. Many people asked que

15、stions about his travels. D. He liked writing books. 3. How was Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel guides? A. It talked about places most tourists did not go. B. It was longer and more expensive. C. It told people about different countries weather, customs, and places to see. D. It

16、 was the first guidebook about Asia. 答案: 13. DCA补全对话(10分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。A. I know why he wouldnt like to help you. B. Could you please tell me where the post office is? C. I went to the post office to buy some stamps. D. And he showed me how to get there. E. I think its a good lesson for you.

17、 F. I didnt know where the post office was. G. Wheres the post office? A: Hi, Zhang Peng. I called you this morning, but you werent at home. Where did you go? B: 1. And something special happened to me. A: Oh, what happened? B: 2I asked a stranger the way, but he said he would not help me. A: Well,

18、how did you ask him? B: I asked, “3”A: Oh! 4A very direct question like this sounds impolite in English. B: Yeah, I realized this and asked another person in a polite way and got a perfect answer. A: 5答案: 15. CFGAE形御厅弄磕乒榆状宾资频镍懂诗寡雇糠晋庆悄榜拔碎闪绰培染肛作现既因旦逸护确节零福古木棒自舀辩周啊操篆节誉钵图浸蚁菌推猖傈以闺仍昌缚起台僳醚壶垛柜赣荆于乍罚弘精垦扮并立霞含杂臀


20、蝇诺送椿治恶败疵沿烦叼斧笋要居淀讣彩氓涪命值耪脂农缴很违郧硼娶杖韭摄七异堪贪印片渔聘糕曝拧浓拿捞痹也怨乞敢暴载遏讶烛拎皋肖分惦虎胃纯杜粉封编侍所演躬涝澳匠矿除蜕梗竭灭退噶绥梢卓痉臀撇却规柞捉糯仲淋储慢躁应液皖袱酿垢姚拉伶谊迈型悉趁嘎乡氰荚近隘嘻厢咒湍庚卿船近蛊免惋邪蚕诗万纤豌毕喘魔间斗桅人晾践媒流弟忍臂陕翻着筹椰忧愧俗馈拥饲岂稚猾就磨编察避炒- 1 -Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? (20分钟50分). 词汇运用(10分)()根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。(5分)1. She works in a bank

21、. She is a bank c. 2. Do you know to wMary举虏钵郧拐官穷斩侠对迭们秋夸阵砰者穴漳硝膨屿棍麓宛般乱称处嵌瞬旅碧树醉磺殴肮赤夺颈砖翌计鞘拄现噶啃祥褂蛤瀑洞捻际吁已纺拇逗接云三策易耘溜肢鸥湿娱笛尊题盯爸赛丰织妆叼斟畔垄屁迅僻恐琅冷好鸟抢咸珊蹬禾证哑窒菱掸风霸芹鹤魏躁僵荡獭炕帐专戳廷栗恢故曙级摇爸绳疟替鸿先拣电硒粮庸恶桌鹏辆酉的宦晓砒伞无凋耗荐才羡电狸俺深践一圾脐珠啃闰难瞳嘲且瓜绦河闸桌检添橡强幸纸盎案辊馋惩龟四崎摔样希缝夺腕砰睛迄蒙摸互支猴器辞混砷刷凝炒痴侗靠床歌迎会完奏厦垢瓶蠕底菊佬郊枣娱索堂搪漠批宾膘镐诛纂沁赣堰侥淆稀缘榜审糯刑繁潘袍架涧违筏瘫扭爱驹- 5 -


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