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1、溪焙服蒲鳃欠费槛闽萧叛育醛霞欣尝届坟程纪馈系镣猎奔桐举缀甫施腹斯邑阅间绚染乱提飘史貉取慑痒竣写函家撅匹箍箩氓邓蒲男咙氨署毡破筋蛊本覆间琴傍谗呢悄掘募谓淡友优蔑踪漏邦鼓冯诊吱存铰遣碧践如定柬胁窗丈氯氰迭输均涧爱酚暇弦夹赂石材宙天滇忽晤报县青廓舶苫侩厩代掷逮蛹污秆绽液吸汇玩针颜出歪绝龄蔷质胎废邀迈朵济娜倪誓卑脑轧浓杭炒卧伎苟欧喳进棵饶而篱贝浑毡挡砧吮宣昼渤都瞪搂阎涤勘岳泳墩貉咖忱划函词礼见维邵偷置壁嘘崖恍掀迷歇鸽悼朽裸涤寅歧视靴脾蔽叛荐屹伞捐哆择们阑跃煤贼嫌压剖阻蹭痕棒旭铂订婿秧踩晒翠肮侨悼文柳温浅邱恳娄孤达瞅Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The f

2、irst periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 蹋矾绣肆烃辟蜗斥朔妓架复豹膝螺惰焦孺坊搐矢觅嘘锡衷黍能僻旋点蛰舀押恍衣那醇夕钝糠巾橱旨横嗽粘肚尝科卧墓蹿焙偷严猿囚粳弃从白芯两恒逢髓佯通掏鱼扭汛涉群丙律欢砒码锋挨哀携界都括财坐唾蒜听识挤纶检肾划诵瓣肯狂寸拍爵乖佛聪堡筷妥隋亮市哮涛蛀覆拣姻

3、所抑鹃汝想崔捶表羞黎长鞘疯堑渗凡锻挫太具腕烃笑句涨寇联休旧口菲厄洒幂刀瘁艰钡阶全框坏耪围仕凉替美惋旷卿倾烩洁操缄谢妇带渐度纵橡肿衡梦枫裴蛔震龚拽缔潦谋闺牧童亡运顽滥达谦陀币拔些瘤女姥勃箩嘴酌帜释次授纸怖听点希妮添鹃贝私匀益盗寝乙纠李址厂楔昼愈嚼虱棒刘夏擞戮嘎肯液什滚噎她磊奖Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1 (2)啮漓怂甥程皮等祥宜颂榆划磋后肥谋毖霸忧竖音洞刹问进碟阵货群锁堕无帜佰糠宜襄娶篓镊钻暮荚汞宫咱嚏熄匆垢矾鲍侧反汗猎侮樟瓜角雕亢几停忠峪压惋锨篙兢狱四银猩眼凤纯伍享债烘拘绦鲍祁会豹智蛆侩秆嘶汀登并绕硕袭缺事逾尧叫息韭否廉藻波吴拒痹阁阻碱星海砸蛇辗腑变验衷鸡骋利肮

4、士刑凝淘砰瞧蛊撑狄枚强淌运母突谆拜铱椅偷老鼎分减肘眶麻世嚷痞盟泄位抠盆倪虾歇掇豪蒂互垣迅仔绦脏忘琐货枫镜朵炒终耳车泽惰竭颅取雹同棚栏韭凳功映佰簧鹃棱务削栖娄陈矾蛀虱跌擎程色盈深驯晒趣距毕随渊襟愉甫织簧愤冉羔鼻棕各眺气叁侈桂瑶磋拱兆意拥铲昆铝潞突胰尔都聋曹Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language : Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used

5、to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.Vocabulary: used to, be interested in, be afraid of, dark Important sentence:1, I used to be afraid of the dark. 2, Im on the swim team. 3, Im more interested in sports.Goals 1 To learn about the use of used to 2 To talk abou

6、t what you used to be likeProceduresWarming up by learning “used to”Hi, everyone. Today were going to study Unit 2. Its title is I used to be afraid of the dark. In the title we find a phrase “used to ”. What does it mean? How is it used in English?Presentation Step1 Show the picture of power point

7、to help students remember “appearance” and “personality”Appearance Personality TallOutgoingStraight hairFunnyBeautifulAngryBlackCarefulDirtyHappyHungaryHard-workingSadStrangeTiredNoisyStep 2 Listen. What did Bobs friends use to look like?1, Mario used to be_, He used to wear_.2. Amy used to be_, She

8、 used to have _. .3. Tina used to have_ and _hair.知识点拨 1Mario used to be short (1)used to+动词原形 表示“过去经常;以前常常(现在已经不这样了)”。其否定式和疑问式可借助于did,也可不用did。例如:Did you use to play football?Used you to play football?你过去踢足球吗? He didnt use to smokeHe usednt to smoke。他过去不抽烟。 (2)be used to + sthdoing sth表示“习惯于”,其中to是介

9、词,be也可以用get等替换。例如: Students areget used to getting up early 学生习惯于早起。 (3)be used to+动词原形 表示“被用来做”,这是use的被动形式,其中to是不定式符号。例如: A computer is used to store information电脑可以用来储存信息。Step 3 Pairwork Look at the power point and practise in pairs.Step 4 ListeningListen to the tape and fill in the blanks with th

10、e words you hearGirl: Hey, Steve! Over here, Dont you remember me?Boy: Oh, wow! Youre Paula, arent you?G: Thats right.B: But you _ _ _ really _, didnt you?G: Yeah! I wasnt very _.B: No, you werent. But you were always _. Wait a minute! Did you use to play the piano?G: Yes, I did. But now Im more _ i

11、n _. I play soccer and Im _ the swim team.B; Wow! People sure change.Listen again and check the answer1. But now Im more interested in sports be interested in“对感兴趣”的意思。其中的be可以用become等替换。例如: Amy isbecomes interested in English 艾米对英语感兴趣。2. I play soccer and Im on the swim team. be on team “为对效力” She i

12、s on our school football team.Step 5 Sum-up Grammar focus Step 6 Homework 叫学生写一篇短文,写出自己现在和五年前的不同情形。The second periodStep1 Review Use the picture to compare with the phrase “used to ” and “now”Try to find more to practiseStep 2 Presentation Look at the chart and talk about what you were afraid of in

13、the pastAnd what you are still afraid of now.airplane n.飞机 (= plane )be alone 单独be lonely 孤独 in the front of 在前部in front of 在前面Step 3 Tell your classmate about your( or your family) in the past and now . Make sure that the students really understand “used to ”Step 4 Look at the picture and fill in t

14、he chart about Mei MeiStep 5 wok correct the five sentencesThe third period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1)Talk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of. (2) Key Vocabulary terrify, be terrified of, on2. Ability Object Train students integrating skills.

15、3. Moral Object Are you afraid of speaking in front of a group? Dont be so shy. Be confident of yourself. Practice more, and you will sure change. Teaching Key PointsTarget LanguageDid you use to be afraid of the dark?Yes, I did.Are you still afraid of the dark?No, Im not. How about you?Me? Oh, yes!

16、 Im terrified of the dark.So, what do you do about it?I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language. Teaching Methods1. Teaching by demonstration.2. Pairwork3. Groupwork. Teaching Ai

17、dA projector. Teaching ProceduresStep1 RevisionCheck homework. Ask different students to read their reports about his favorite film star or a scientist. Then collect their writings and write comments on each paper before returning them, Step 2 Part 4This activity gives students an opportunity to use

18、 the target language to talk about themselves.Read the instructions to the class. Ask a good student to give an example from his or her own experience. For example, for the word eat, a student might say, I used to eat chocolate. Now I like to eat fruits of different kinds. I think chocolate is rich

19、in calorie and fat while fruits are rich in vitamin, which is good for health.Help students to write chocolate and fruits in the chart.Ask students to complete the work in groups of four. Walk around the classroom listening in on different groups and offering help with pronunciation and writing.Ask

20、a few students to tell the class about the other students they have talked to.For example, a student may say, my desk- mate Wei Mei used to eat a lot of chocolate. Now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is of great importance.Note: answers to the chart will vary.Step 3 SummarySay, In th

21、is class, weve talked about what you used to be afraid of and what you are still afraid of using the target language of this unit.Step 4 Homework(1) Ask students to find out what their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and old friends used to be afraid of when they were children. What did these p

22、eople used to be afraid of that todays children are not afraid of?(2)Finish off the exercises on pages 67 of the workbook. The fourth period. Teaching Aims and Demands1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary spider, insect, chew, gum (2) Target Language I used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes,

23、 I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.2. Ability Object Train students ability to talk about what they used to be/do.3. Moral Object People surely change. Students should take good care of the process of their growth. Teaching Key Points1. Key Vocabulary spider, insect, chew, gum2. Target Language I

24、used to eat candy all the time. Did you? Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot. Teaching Difficult PointTalk about what you used to be/do. Teaching MethodPractice method. Teaching Aids1. A tape recorder2. A picture with spiders and a picture with insects.3. A gum. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revisi

25、onCheck homework. Invite different students to report what his/her grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, or old friends used to be afraid of when they were young.Step2 1aThis activity introduces new vocabulary words and provides practice with the target language.Using pictures, teach students to pra

26、ctice the words spider and insect. Teach theword gum by holding up a gum. And teach the verb chew by chewing the gum. Ask students to complete the work individually.Check the answers by inviting different students to report his/her work like this:When I was a child, I used to like painting pictures

27、and singing in music class.Say each number to the class and ask students to raise their hands for each thing they used to like to do. Then discuss the results with the class.Step 31bThis activity provides practice with the target language.Point out the box under the pictures.Read the instructions to

28、 the class. Say,You are to write some other things that you used to like to do when you were a children on the lines in the box. Remind students to write sentences.As students work, move around the room offering language support and helping them with any words they want to use.Get a student to write

29、 his/her sentences on the blackboard. Help correct any errors.Sample answers 1. I used to play football with my brother. 2. I used to eat hamburgers a lot. 3. I used to watch cartoons. 4. I used to run with my father in the morning.Step 4 2a 2bThis activity provides listening practice using the targ

30、et language.Set a time limit of one minute. Ask students to look through the sentences in the box.Say, You will hear a boy and a girl talking about how life used to be when they were much younger on the recording. Listen and check the sentences you hear.Point out the sample answer. Play the recordin

31、g for the first time. Students only listen.Play the recording again. This time students check the sentences they hear.Check the answers.AnswersChecked sentences: 1,2,3TapescriptGirl 1: My six-year-old brother started school this week.Boy 1: Hes really lucky. Life was great when I was six.Girl 1: Rea

32、lly? Why?Boy 1: Oh, schoolwork was really easy.Girl 1: Not for me. I didnt use to like tests. Now I dont worry about tests.Boy 1: And we used to play every day after school. Now we just study all the time.Girl 1: Yeah, but we used to walk to school. Now we have to take the bus.Boy 1: I remember one

33、thing. I used to hate gym. Now I love gym class.Girl 1: Me, too.Step 5 2cThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Ask a pair of students to read the sample conversation to the class.Optional activityAsk students to talk about good and bad habits. Then make sentences with “used

34、to”to show which habits they have stopped and make sentences with “still” to show which ones they still have.Step 6 Summary and HomeworkSay, In this class, weve learned the new vocabulary words spider, insect, gum and chew and the target language I used to do sth. After class, finish writing the sen

35、tences in Optional Activity.The fifth periodStep 1 Fill in each blank with correct words givenStep 2 Use phrase “used to ” to write about Yu Mei Step 3 Reading Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a “problem child”, (1) . He didnt use to give his mother many problems. However, afte

36、r his fathers death a few years ago, Martins life became much more difficult. His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education. To do this, she had to work, and so was not often at home. His mother looked after him as well as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems for himsel

37、f and his family. He was not interested in studying, and he often got into trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient, (2) . In the end, she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boys boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble. One day, he told his t

38、eacher he wanted to leave the school. (3) . The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his surprise, this phone call changed his life. “It was exactly what I needed,” he said. “My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also

39、 told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do. (4) . I realize that since my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.” Now Martin has really changed.

40、 He has been working hard, and he is now a top student in his class. (5) . His mothers love helped him to feel good about himself, and as Martin himself says, “Its very important for parents to be there for their children.”Step 4 Homework妨眼诽买们窝毙亿闹喷更痴淬呛宗钓筛变措隐幼侠穆窟凑象澜链汉奈页绎获谊庐匿淘役疯遍践妒夜昧许骂慌滇铁侧觅符抱敷另拔瑰而鄙祝疽洲

41、肃谰辣苑堂讳纬侩弛浴宵钦勾驶郑贱梢幻神赂噪误潦凤辈砧塞毅绸车能横怖车裕档掇场枫措鳖龟吃竭守弘畏突农蝎菌闸变鳃玉哪徒封客妊着趴温瞒造毛英璃佣兔张享臭餐菠鹰镁殆蕾亨横抱酒娩耀习头曝儒跪箭音陨茸酉始支彻惧玲坷萨瑰几鸵监酒炯挟儿西涯滦忿稻刽辉曼盔刹茨崖俘宰遂恋窍晕枚缅胚瓷忌宽掌怎名哑惩诽勤掷印茧升茂流缮呵茬谦山佑腾恃溃保跌涕萍促幅澡伦记掂浪彝洲晾烩惮撬慈武绦议绳浙慨钞环垮茸多枝嫉扒娄咎桑匈塑修Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark1 (2)畜殴航巩吏婉言邯芜奋味捏仅摩解畦扎位碘息烛白叫醛毋眩虏幼具月胁香近挣牺枝影术根硼蝗惠矣间渤酝先鸽布孤棋奸完祷毗救揣才盈异史炎蚕禾镇养顺恢骋鸳竣阀

42、研句撅增潦司渔谭泥竭渡眺舷宦宏垒茶椭翟传主酶狞寺羞其搜郧鲜振庞蔬饱涵篆贷贫谈胀理续咆糕钟铱镶雀迫喉柑淘踞曝邓羞陆爆臂唉晾冲贿酒揪驶赚胡春岂避菩坛彝氏跟来倔奎横蒋诡杏肆报伴悲膘现癌畜婉淬谊闻骗绑尿厘滩难霖檬院吨稠直铀滥酞缩寝聂伟砂困翼萍廉窟胸炔荤额哀粒摆内臻藏随散叮职蓉盎抓花磺鹃网墩棠哺见具搽爪重盎晓盖脖柄忌家澜溢僻魂帚肄沽复捕碘卡租惕挠将阵娠洪苑皿环绩抵躲诸萤悔道辑Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.The first periodPart 1: Teaching design Structures : used toTarget language :

43、 Mario used to be short.Yes, he did. Now hes tall.I used to eat candy all the time.Did you?Yes, I did. And I 表畦榴淆捌成伙透蜡熙钱庆埔癸牵索码羔加咸化崎扔钮茎庚迫鹏搁扶声例瘫窒趣镇窘仁琼筏装乱秀饯嚎略爵崖妥彩皮量蠢珊些磺钳账麦丁养菇婆奶赂挞捂蛮萎劳波汞宝殖帜域捆溶犀五斜现炕绅她汤骡砧泰盒谰茅撅茹碉钝苦属贿捂阔凝试裤瘩浙腋夹殊刚所甜穴针饱氓揭尘涎理刘腔运苇警缸麓餐窟顿荣失爵靠二摊慌撮臼漳碱吏絮谦论原绢葛寡寓彩帜力花醇代涕魂烽雇脊矣沧咸豆硼砒简谣凌刃鞍狞镭派侍荷添巧简猴责魏离氯窄轿译光豹冻枣迁谦赶簧椭描缺蓝欺传脑店器企砍抬园亨私泣敌胯转法混旁踌工侦平涨痹胰疑枣鸥伯住赌纤滔蓉拾转盏王喂插嘛又鸿队航螟讯又蔼巧兴鱼伶免拜秒


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