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1、三年级下册英语试题 C(时间20 分钟满分 50颗)学校班级姓名一、单词记忆:根据提示,找出下列单词(共15 颗)。1.friend () 2.man ()3.grandpa() 4.and ()5.twelve () 6.twenty () 7.thanks()8.apple ()9.banana () 10.jeep ()二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共15 颗)。( ) 1. How many chairs can you see? A. I like it very much.() 2.What s in the book?B. No, I don t

2、.() 3. Where are you from?C.Eleven.() 4.Who s thawoman?D.The same to you!() 5.Do you like lamps?E. Thanks.() 6.Happy May Day!F. I m twelve.() 7.This gift is for you!G. America.() 8.How are you?H. A ruler.() 9.Can I have a pear?I. Sorry, you can t.()10. What about bread?J. She s my new teacher.三、火眼金睛

3、:读一读,选一选(共8 颗)。Chen Jie:Wu Yifan: Yes,I do. What about you?Chen Jie: I like oranges. Mike:Sarah: No,thanks.Mike: Certainly. Here you are.John: Do you like hamburgers?Amy:I like hot dogs.A. Can I have a peach?B. No, I don t.C. Do you like grapes?D. Have some Coke,please.四、情景对话:读一读,排排序并判断正误“T”(F共” 12 颗)。()1. Look, it s here, under your book.()2. Here you are.()3. Where is my pencil?()4. Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil?()5. Thank you.()6. No problem.判断正误 “T”(F”每小题两颗) .1. The pencil is under the chair.()2. Amy wants to use the pencil.()3. Amy has a pencil.()


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