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1、学习必备欢迎下载“补全对话”题解题技巧【解题技巧】“补全对话”题是考查学生英语的运用能力、英语的交际能力。“补全对话”常见题型有两种形式:一种是从后面所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的选项,另一种是填上适当的单词或句子。近几年各地中考英语试题中“补全对话”题综合能力强、变化性较大,且答案具有唯一性,做题时有一定难度,学生容易失分。做此类题时,应按下列步骤去做。1) 审题:通过对话所给的情景或提示,弄清对话发生的时间、地点、人物和内容( 即话题) 等基本情况。(2) 语境与文化差异。任何文化都带有自己民族的特征,英语和汉语这两种语言在用词和表达上有很大的差异,这是中国人学英语尤其要注意的问题。语境是

2、语言文字在具体情况下的运用。注意不同的话题和语境有各自不同的习惯表达法。(3) 答题与检查:根据上面两步的分析,进行答题。一般是先对话、后句子、再短语或词。做题采取先易后难。做完题后,再把对话从头到尾认真阅读一遍,检查所做答案是否准确。【经典范例引路】例 1 根据对话内容,选择方框中适当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: What can I do for you, Sir ?B: 1A: For yourself ? These are all for young people. 2B: I like the blue one.A: 3B: Thank you. 4A: One hundred

3、yuan.B: Oh, it costs to much.A: 5. It is cheaper. It is only fifty yuan.B: OK. I ll take it. Thank you.A. I want to buy a hat for myself.B. How much is it ?C. What color do you want ?D. What about this one ?E. What size do you want ?F. OK. Here you are.G. Its beautiful, isnt it ?(20XX 年北京市海淀区中考题)简析:

4、此题是考查与购物有关的交际用语。答案分别为1 5: ACFBD。例 2补全对话,根据对话内容,补全对话中所缺单词,每空一词。Ron: Hi , Sam. I m going to the (1)office to send a postcard to my friend inChina.Sam: Me, too. I want to buy some stamps for (2)father. LetRon: Well , are you (3)tomorrow? My classmates and I (4)for an outing(郊游 ). Would you like to go (

5、5)us?Sam: Really ? That s a good (6). I d love to. What (7)Ron: Let s meet 6 : 30 in the morning.Sam: By the(8), where shall we (9)then?Ron: At the school gate. Shall we? s go together.go to Plum treeshall we start?学习必备欢迎下载Sam: That s OK! See (10)tomorrow.Ron: Goodbye!简析:此题含有“意愿、惊奇、邀请、约会、告时”等功能项目。第1

6、 空依据空后的tosenda postcard,可以填出post(post office意思是邮政局 ) 。第 2 空本着与主语一致的原则,应填my。第 3 空由下一句话的outing ,可以确定填free( 或 busy) 。第 4 空与上一句的时间联系紧密,应填 will构成将来时态。第5 空根据上下两句内容,肯定是填with 。第 6 空前面是表示惊奇的Really ?后面是表示赞同的I d love to,应填 idea ,表示对 Ron 计划的赞同。第7 空,根据下一句的答语,显然是约定时间,What time (几点钟 ) 正好与之吻合。第8 空填 way, by the way意

7、为“顺便问一下” 。第 9 空,该句同下面的答语构成了“约定地点”的语境,应该填meet。最后一个空填you, See you tomorrow.是告别用语的一种。【同步达纲练习】. 适当的单词补全对话,每空一词。(A)A: Hello !Is that Tom (1)?B: (2). Who's that ?A: (3)is Jack. (4)you free this Sunday afternoon ?B: I think (5).A: (6)(7)going fishing ?B:That sa (8)(9).A: Let's (10)outside the schoo

8、l gate at 2 o'clock, OK ?B: All right. See you then. Bye !A: Bye.(B)A: (1)can I do for you, sir ?B: I'd like a light blue shirt.A: (2)size do you want, please ?B: Size M.A: Yes, we've got Size M. But the blue ones are (3)B: Have you (4)other colors ?A: Yes, What about the white ones ?B:

9、Well, they are nice. (5)(6)does a shirt cost ?A: Thirty-nine dollars.B: Hmm ! Can I (7)it (8)?A: (9).B: It's just right. I'll (10)it.out.(C)Mrs. Green : Good morning, doctor.Doctor : Good morning. (1)(2)with you ?MI've (3)a headache.D: Have you (4)your temperature ?M: Yes, the nurse has.

10、 She said it was (5)(6)high.学习必备欢迎下载(After the doctor looking over Mrs. Green)M: Is it serious ?D: (7)serious. Take these pills and (8)a good rest. You'll be(9)(10)soon.M: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.从对话后方框中选择恰当选项补全对话。有两项多余。(A)A: Do you have a guidebook of London ?1I want a detailed map.B: Certai

11、nly Here it is.A: Give me one, please.B: This is the only pocket edition we have.A: 2B: Twenty dollars.A: 3B: 4A: No, that's all. Thank you.B: 5a. How about this pair ?b. How much is it ?c. They re a bit larger.d. Here you are.e. Is thereanything else youd like ?f. You are welcome.g. Any pocket

12、edition ?(B)A: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Smith ?B: 1 He is in an important meeting. Oh, yes. I'm sure there will be an end of this meeting by five o'clock this afternoon. 2A: Yes. This is Jones. The numberB: Oh ! (The other phone rings). 3 I have another call on the other line. Hold on a mi

13、nute, please, if you don't mind. (Then B goes back to A. )A: Hello. Are you there, Mr Jones ?B: Yes, the number is 5079864.4A: Yes, of course.B: Could you tell him I'm at the Beijing Hotel in Room 402l ?A: 5I'm sure he'll be calling you back. Good-bye.a. Please let me think it over.b

14、. I m afraid I cant answer your question.c. All right.d. Could you tellme your name and giveme your telephonenumber, please ?e. Can I leave a message, please ?f. Im sorry.g. Excuse me, Mr Jones.(C)学习必备欢迎下载A: Hello. Could I speak to the Airport Ticket Office ?B: (Operator): Just minute, please.B: Hel

15、lo.1A: Hello.2B: OK. We 11 have a Boeing 747 leaving at 8: 45 tomorrow.A: 3B: It s 400 dollars.A: 4B: Please be there by eight at the least.A: All right. Thank you very much.B: 5a. Please bringthe luggageto the bus stop.b. It s our pleasure.c. Can I fly to New York tomorrow ?d. How many minutes to t

16、he city ?e. When should I get to the Airport ?f. This is the Airport Ticket Office.g. How much is the fare ?参考答案【同步达纲练习】 . (A)1. speaking 2. Yes 3. This 4. Are 5. so 6. What 7. about 8. good 9.idea 10. meet(B)1. What 2. What 3. sold 4. any 5. How 6. much 7. try 8. on 9. Sure 10.take(C)1. Whats 2. wrong 3. had 4. taken 5. not 6. too 7. Nothing 8. havetake 9. all 10. right . ( A) g b d e f (B)f d g e c (C)f c g e d或


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