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1、 Unit 4 Where is my car? 第二课时 43中 刘海芳【教学内容】Part A: Lets learnLets do【教学目标】1.能够听、说、认读介词on,in ,under以及单词chair,desk. 2.理解掌握句型:Where is the ruler? Its under the chair. 3.能听懂指示语,并能按指令做出相应的反应。 4,能在实际情境中熟练应用所学介词。【教学重点】1.理解掌握介词on ,in ,under并在实际情境中运用。 2.能听懂指令,并按指令做出相应的反应。【教学难点】 介词在实际情境中运用。 【教具准备】 1. 本课单词的单词卡

2、片。 2. 配套的教学课件。 3. 配套的教学录音带。 4. 准备椅子,尺子,笔,橡皮,文具盒,玩具狗,原木等。【教学过程】 课前歌声:歌曲串烧. Step 1:热身复习(Warm-up/Review) Greeting: T:Class begin! T:Good morning,boys and girls. T:Nice to meet you. T:OK!Sit down,please.Free talk: T: Do you like English? T: Do you like me? T: Would you like to sing a song for me to show

3、 your love? Ss: OK!Lets sing.-If you are happy.(教师展示ppt2)T: Are you happy?T: Im happy,too.Because yesterday was my birthday,and I received many gifts.Lets open the gifts together,OK?( T打开礼物,介绍礼物名称,并操练:log,dog,duck,truck,book,ruler) (教师展示ppt3-两幅礼物图片) T: Wow,whats this ? Ss: Its a dog. T:The dog is ve

4、ry cute,yes? Ss:Yes! T:And whats this? Ss:Its the log. T:OK!Now,I will put(T做put的动作,帮助Ss理解put)the dog on the log. T:Where is the dog? Ss:Its on the log. T:Where is the pen? Ss:Its in the pencil box.OK! Now,lets do a lets chant.(教师展示ppt4) Look at the cat. Its fat. (教具:玩具狗,一截木头) Look at the pig. Its b

5、ig. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. Its on the pear.(1) 、T第一次播放Lets chant,Ss仔细听,感知已学过的介词inon.T边放录音边做动作示范Ss边听边打节奏。(2) 、T第二次播放Lets chant,Ss读边有节奏的打节拍。(3) 、Ss边读边有节奏地打节拍。Step 2 :呈现新课 (Presentation)1,T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a log.(教师展示ppt5) T: Whats t

6、his ? Ss: Its a dog. T:Where is the dog? Ss:Its on the log. 操练介词:on (教师展示ppt6) A,升降调(录音) B,自然拼(强调元音字母o的发音) C,boys/girls/together E,举一反三:pot,cop(巡警) D,ppt展示the ball is on the box.2,T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a duck. (T展示ppt7) T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a truck. T: Where is the duck? Ss:Its in the truck. 操练

7、介词:in (教师展示ppt8) A,升降调(录音) B,自然拼(强调元音字母i的发音) C,one by one read E,举一反三:bin,pin D,ppt展示the ball is in the box.3,T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a ruler. (T展示ppt9) T: Where is the ruler? Ss:Its under the book. 操练介词:under (教师展示ppt10) A,升降调(录音) B,自然拼(强调元音字母u的发音) C,teem 1-3/4-6/together E,举一反三:up,cut D,ppt展示the b

8、all is under the box.4,T以“拳和掌”带动Ss动手操练介词on/in/under.(加速度) T: I will do ,and you guess on/in/under,OK? 5,T带动Ss以手中文具为操练对象,操练介词on/in/under. e.g. T:Show me your ruler. Show me your book. T:Put your ruler on your book.(T示范) T:Show me your eraser. Show me your pencil box. T:Put your eraser in your pencil

9、box.6,T: Where is the pen? Ss:Its under the book. T: Where is the pen? Ss:Its under the desk. 操练单词:desk (教师展示ppt11) A,升降调(录音) B,自然拼(强调元音字母e的发音) C,大小声 D,举一反三:beg,pet7,T: Where is the ruler? Ss:Its under the desk. T: Where is the ruler? Ss:Its under the chair. 操练单词:chair (教师展示ppt12) A,升降调(录音) B,自然拼(强调

10、字母组合ch,air的发音) C,boys/girls/together D,举一反三:hair,pair 8,T以一副卧室的图片,带动Ss操练desk,chair (教师展示ppt13) ppt展示房间:T:What can you see in the picture? E.g. Ss: I can see a pen . T: Where is the pen? Ss: Its on the desk. (Ss一问一答) (小组讨论)9,师生一起编一个chant,操练desk,chaire.g. T:Show me your pencil.Put your pencil on your

11、desk. Chant:Put your pencil on your head. (教师展示ppt14) Put your book under your desk. Put your eraser in your book. Put your ruler under your chair. * Ss一起边打节拍边诵读。(两遍) 小组活动:小组展示 (教师展示ppt15)Step 3 :操练 (Practice) Let s do热身. (教师展示ppt16) Clap your hands , clap your hands . Touch your head, touch your he

12、ad. Wave your arm, wave your arm. Shake your legs, shake your legs. Shake your body, shake your body. Stamp your foot, stamp your footT: Look at my foot,where is my foot? Ss: Its under your chair. (1)T第一次播放本节Lets do部分录音,Ss听。(教师展示ppt17) Put your foot under your chair. Put your hand on your chair. Put

13、 your arm in your desk. Put your hand under your desk. (2)T边说,边示范一遍,Ss看一遍。(3)小组讨论,边说边表演本部分。 (4)Ss有节奏的边打节拍边跟读。Step 4 :拓展(Expand)(教师展示ppt18-20)Lets guess,use the word in/on/under.Step 5 :本课总结(Summary)一,展示练习。 (教师展示ppt21)1,根据本节所学单词,补全下列单词。(教师展示ppt22)1,_nder 2, _n 3, ch_ 4, d_sk 5, _air 6, _n 2,看图,连线。 Th

14、e book is on the desk. The ruler is under the chair. The bag is on the desk. The eraser is in the pencil-case. The dog is on the ball.二,复习本节单词、句型。 (教师展示ppt23)Step 6 :家庭作业 (Homework) (教师展示ppt24)1,介词是不是只有on/in/under?课后查查看,还有哪些介词是我们还不知道的,比一比,看一看,哪个小朋友找的介词最多。2,回家后,把自己的文具放在桌子/椅子上,用介词介绍其方位,并且表演给家长看。 教学评价总

15、结 (class is over! Goodbye) 2013年 4月 26日 Unit 4 Where is my car? 第二课时学案【教学内容】Part A: Lets learnLets do【教学目标】1.能够听、说、认读介词on,in ,under以及单词desk,chair. 2.理解掌握句型:Where is the ruler? Its under the chair. 3.能听懂指示语,并能按指令做出相应的反应。 4.能在实际情境中熟练应用所学介词。【教学重点】1.理解掌握介词on,in ,under并在实际情境中运用。 2.能听懂指令,并按指令做出相应的反应。贷:本年利

16、润 500【教学难点】 介词在实际情境中运用。 练一练:一,根据本节所学单词,补全下列单词。1,_nder 2, _n 3, ch_ 4, d_sk 5, _air 6, _n 2、数据流图是描述 的主要工具。二,看图,连线。【解析】:【答案】The book is on the desk. 更正分录如下: 6甲公司20x4年度对A设备计提的折旧是( )。The ruler is under the chair. The bag is on the desk.20.妊娠末期的产科意外易诱发DIC,主要是由于:) The eraser is in the pencil-case.D筹资活动现金流出740万元 答案 CThe dog is on the ball.


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