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1、2015-2016学年度上学期海南省华侨中学人教版必修1第二单元随堂练    Section 1   VocabularyBuilding    一、根据句子意思和所给中文或首字母提示,写出单词的正确形式。    1. He was very thirsty, so he made a _ (要求) for some water.2. Growing vegetables looks easy, but _ (事实上) there is a lot to learn.3. Withou

2、t building up a large _ (词汇量) first, students cannot read easily.4. Go _ (径直地) ahead until you come to a bank. You wont miss it.5. Jane has lived in London for ten years, so she speaks with a London a_.6. Elisa is looking forward to the day she can return to her n_ country.7. Soldiers are usually ex

3、pected to obey all the c_ of their officers.8. Though I hadnt seen Lucy for a long time, I still r_ her.       二、根据句子意思,从方框中选出合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空(其中有两个为多余项)。        fluent, frequent, gradual, official, eastern, latter, identity, apartment,

4、     lorry, lightning, usage, expression1. A(n) _ in Britain is known as a truck in the US.2. In big cities, renting a(n) _ can be very expensive.3. As we all know, _ often comes out with thunder.4. There has been a(n) _ change in the environment around us.5. Although she is Chin

5、ese, she can speak English, French and German _.6. English is the _ language in a large number of countries.7. People in the _ part of the country have a better life than those in other parts.8. Words and _ reveal the social conditions under which they are formed.9. Police are trying to discover the

6、_ of a baby found outside their office.10. The two nations communicated _ and got on well with each other.       三、请从方框中选择适当的介词或副词填空(其中有两个为多余项)。     in, at, on, by, up, with, from, over1. _ the end of the show, the audience began standing up and chee

7、ring.2. People go to the cinema because they want to see something different _ everyday life.3. As languages develop, the meaning of words can change _ time.4. Come _ to the fire. You will feel much warmer.5. They must have finished the work _ now!6. People in that village live _ the same way as the

8、ir ancestors used to.         Section 2   Grammar Learning    一、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。     1. Mr. White told us _ run up and down the hall.        A. dont    B. di

9、dnt     C. not to     D. to not     2. Tony said that he _ to China to see the giant pandas the next week.        A. will go   B. would go   C. have gone   D. had gone &#

10、160;   3. The officer _ his soldiers to fight the enemy with all their effort.        A. commanded    B. asked    C. suggested     D. advised     4. Ben told me what a sunny day it was

11、and suggested _.        A. to have a picnic     B. having a picnic        C. had a picnic        D. have a picnic     5. Mark asked me _ the boss would bas

12、e his company in Beijing.        A. what    B. which    C. whether    D. that     二、在空白处填入适当的短语或分     句,完成下列直接引语与间接引语之间的转换。     1. "Bring me a cup of coffe

13、e, please," Emma said to the waiter.     Emma asked the waiter _ _.     2. "I have nothing to say to you," I said to her.     I told her that _.     3. "Lets go to see a film tonight," Li Hua sai

14、d to me.     Li Hua suggested that _.     4. "Dont play computer games all day," Mother told us.     Mother told us _ all day.     5. She said to the boys, "Be quiet; the baby is sleeping!"  

15、;   She told the boys _ because the baby _.     6. She asked me whether I would wait for her the next day.     "_?"she asked me.     7. She ordered the children not to draw pictures on the wall.     &

16、quot;_!"she ordered the children.     8. Henry said it was his hope that his parents would stay healthy.     Henry said, "It is _ stay healthy."     三、下列句子中各有一处错误,请指出并改正。     1. Harry asked me that whether

17、 I would leave by bus the next day.     2. My uncle said that he would come back from Shanghai next week.     3. My friend often asks me how long do I spend learning maths.     4. The head teacher now said that it was my turn to be on duty.

18、     5. Yesterday Ann told me that she had met Jim two days ago.     6. My father suggested that we would stay at home for a rest.        Section 3   Ability Enhancing      一、阅读课本里的短文"T

19、HE ROAD TO MODERN ENGLISH", 将合适的单词或短语填入下列空白处。     In general, languages change with culture and history. The English spoken in England between AD 450 and 1150 was quite 1_ from todays English. It was 2_ more on German than the English we speak 3_. Later on, it was enriched b

20、y Danish and French. One big change in English 4_ happened when The American Dictionary of the English Language 5_ , which gave American English its own 6_ . Now English is also spoken in many countries in Asia, 7_ India, Singapore and Malaysia. Today the number of people learning English in China i

21、s also increasing 8_ . I believe Chinese will enrich the English language, too.     二、根据中文提示完成下列英文句子。     1. 由于南方的大雪,高速公路被封了。     The highway was closed _ the deep snow in the south.     2. 老师建议我们充分利用每一个机会来说英语。 

22、0;   My teacher advised us _ every chance to speak English.     3. 即使明天下大雨,我们也要参加那个演讲会。     _ tomorrow, well still take part in the lecture.     4. 信不信由你,每个人都有一些想要隐藏的事。     _, everyone has things that they want

23、 to hide.     5. 他所有的观点都是基于事实且非常有价值的。     All of his opinions _ facts, and are very valuable.     6. 他儿时读的那些书在他以后的生活中发挥了重要的作用。     The books he read as a child _ his later life.       &

24、#160;  参考答案    Section 1     一、1. request 2. actually  3. vocabulary4. straight   5. accent6. native        7. commands   8. recognized     二、1. lorry 2. apartment  3. li

25、ghtning  4. gradual 5. fluently 6. official  7. eastern8. expressions   9. identity 10. frequently     三、1. At 2. from 3. over    4. up 5. by    6. in     Section 2     一、1-5 CBABC 

26、0;   二、1. to bring her a cup of coffee     2. I had nothing to say to her     3. we (should) go to see a film that night     4. not to play computer games     5. to be quiet; was sleeping    

27、; 6. Will you wait for me tomorrow     7. Dont draw pictures on the wall     8. my hope that my parents will     三、1. 去掉that   2. 在next 前加the    3. 去掉do    4. now then      &#

28、160;  5. ago before  6. would should或去掉would     Section 3     一、1. different    2. based     3. at present / now    4. spelling         5. came out  

29、  6. identity    7. such as    8. rapidly     二、1. because of    2. to make full use of   3. Even if it rains heavily         4. Believe it or not     5. are based on   6. played an important part in


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