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1、难句·剖析·拓展1. In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported thathuman beings are causing changes in the Earth s climate something previously seen as beyond our control.在过去的几十里 , 科学家一致认为 ,人类正在造成地球气候的变化这是一种原来被认为是超出我们控制能力的现象。剖析: 这是一个主从复合句, scientists have reached consen

2、sus and reported是主句 ,in the last few decades是时间状语 , that引导宾语从句human beings are causingchanges in the Earth s climate, something.是changes 的同位语。 previously seen是过去分词作定语 , 等于 that was previously seen, as“就像一样” , sth. beseenas“被作为看待”。 beyond our control “在我们的控制之外”。拓展:过去分词作定语相当于一个被动语态的定语从句, 前提是当从句的主语和主句的

3、主语相同时 , 才能把从句缩略为过去分词,如果主句的主语和从句主语不相同, 要用介词 with构成 with复合结构 with sth. done。2. Withoutthese naturallyoccurringgases, the suns rays wouldbounce back intospace leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如果没有这些自然产生的气体, 太阳的光线将会被反射回太空中去, 地球将处于寒冷之中 ,而不适合生命的存在。剖析: 这是一个含有现在分词的简单句, Without these naturall

4、y occurring gases是介词结构作状语 , the sun s rays would bounce back into space是句子的主体, leavingthe Earth cold and impossible to live on是现在分词短语作结果状语。拓展:1) 本句是一个与现在有关的虚拟语气, without 短语起到一个条件状语从句的作用, 等于 ifthere were not these naturally occurring gases“如果没有这些自然产生的气体”。从句中 , be的形式要用 were, 主句中谓语要用“ would + 动词原形”。2)

5、此处的leave 意为“使得某人或某物处于某种状态” , 常用的形式有:leave sb. /sth.+, leave sb. /sth. +介词短语 , leave sb. /sth. +doing, leave sb. /sth. +done。adj.3. Over the last 100 years, the global average temperature has increased by 1°Fand many expertsinsistthat theblame for this global warming can mostly be pinnedon human

6、 activities.在过去的100 里,全球的平均温度上升了1 华氏度 , 许多专家坚持认为,在很大程度上,人类的活动要对全球变暖负责。剖析:这是一个由 and 连接的并列复合句 ,第一个并列分句是 Over the last 100 years,theglobal average temperature has increased by 1°F, 第二个并列分句是many expertsinsist.,其中又包含一个宾语从句thatthe blame for this globalwarming can mostlybe pinned on human activities.拓

7、展:1) “介词 by+数词”表示动作发展的程度。2)insist作“坚持认为”讲时,后面的从句用陈述语气。如:The young man insistedthatwhat he had done was right.那个轻人坚持认为他做的事情是正确的。当 insist作“坚决要求”讲时,后面的从句用虚拟语气,谓语是“ should +do ”, should可以省略。如 :The young man insisted that what he had won should be sent to the poor pupils. 那个轻人坚决要求将他赢得的东西送给贫穷的学生。4. Given

8、thisdata,itseems thatthelinkbetween human activitiesand risingglobaltemperatures is not merely a coincidence.根据这一数据推断,人类活动与全球变暖之间的关系不仅仅是一个巧合。剖析: 这是一个主从复合句, Given thisdata 是过去分词作条件状语,相当于 Whenwe aregiven this data, it seems.是主句 , it是形式主语,真正的主语从句是that thelink.is not merely a coincidence, between human

9、activities and rising globaltemperatures是介词短语作定语。拓展: given 作“假设的 ,假使的”讲 , given短语用在句中可相当于一个被动语态的定语从句。如 : If we are given good weather, our ship will reach Shanghai on Monday evening.假如天气好 ,我们的船将于星期一晚上到达上海。I d come and see you in New York, given the chance.= I d come and see you in New York, if I am

10、given the chance.如果有机会 ,我就到纽约来看你。5. They suggest making small changes like taking public transport, recycling, using low-flow shower heads, and buying light bulbs that use less energy.专家们建议我们在生活上作一些小小的改变, 比如搭乘公共交通工具 ,循环使用 ,使用节水沐浴龙头 , 购买节能灯泡。剖析:这是一个含有动名词的简单句, they是主语 ,suggest是谓语 , making smallchanges

11、是动名词作宾语 , like是介词 ,后面接三个动名词作介词宾语, that use less energy是定语从句,修饰 light bulbs。拓展: 中学教材中常见的只能接动名词作宾语的动词有:avoid, admit, advise, regret,consider, delay, enjoy, finish,forbid,imagine,keep, mind, miss,practise,permit,resist, risk, suggest, stop等。 (stop后虽也能接不定式 ,但不定式是作状语。)只接动名词作宾语的一些常用特殊动词的口决:特殊动词接“动名” ,使用它们

12、要记清,“放弃”“享受”可“后悔”,“坚持”“练习”必“完成”,“延期”“避免”非“介意”,掌握它们今必行。6. Reduced rainfallhas affectedlarge areas ofAfricaforyears leaving irrigationcanals dry and many other zones are becoming drier.降雨量的减少已经影响了非洲大部分地区多, 使灌溉渠道干涸, 而许多其他地方则变得更加干旱。剖析: 这是一个由 and 连接的并列句 ,在第一个并列分句中, leaving irrigation canalsdry 是现在分词作结果状语

13、。在第二个并列分句many otherzones arebecoming drier 中 ,用了现在进行时和形容词的比较级,表示正在变化的动作。7. An even greaternumber ofpeoplelive at risk,to some degree,from earthquakeswhich have claimed more than 1. 6 million lives in the last hundred years.从某种程度上来说 ,有更多的人处在地震的危险中, 在过去的几百间地震已经夺去了160多万人的生命。剖析: 这是一个主从复合句, An even great

14、er number of people live at risk是主句。from earthquakes 是介词词组作定语修饰risk, which have claimed more than 1. 6 millionlivesinthelast hundredyears 是定语从句。 more than 1. 6 millionlives in the lasthundred years是 claimed的宾语从句 , more than “超过” ,修饰 1. 6 million, to somedegree 是插入语。拓展:插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。常见的插入语有形容词( 词

15、组 ) 、副词、不定式、现在分词短语、介词短语、 从句以及固定短语。插入语的位置 ,可放在句首、 句中或句末 ,一般用逗号或分号隔开。1)常见的介词短语有:to some degree(从某种程度上来说), in fact;in addition;in aword;ontheotherhand;inother words;inones opinion;inthatcase;bythe way;ofcourse;asa rule;toones surprise;forexample;on thecontrary (相反 );ina way( 在某点上、在某种程度上 );for one thing

16、;for another (thing)等。2)常见的形容词 ( 词组 ) 、副词作插入语的有:sure enough( 果然 );strange;worsestill(更糟糕的是);mostimportant(最重要的是 );honestly;obviously;however;otherwise;luckily;unfortunately;besides;first;second;especially;surprisingly等。3)常见的不定式作插入语的有:to先);to be sure(自然、当然、果然tellthe truth;tobe short(简单地 );tobegin);to

17、 be honest/frank;to make things worse;to makewith(首a long story short;to speak of(值得一提的是) 等。这些插入语表示说话人的态度,在句子中作独立成分。4)常见的现在分词短语作插入语的有from/by;talking of(谈到 );considering(:generally speaking;frankly speaking;judging考虑到 );putting it mildly(说得客气一点) 等。这些分词用来修饰全句。8. Most disaster experts believe there is

18、the potential that things could get a lot worse.大多数研究灾难的专家认为情况可能会变得更加严重。剖析: 这是一个主从复合句, Most disaster experts believe是主句 , there is thepotential是宾语从句 , that things could get a lot worse是同位语从句 , 进一步说明the potential的内容。拓展: 1)同位语对前面的名词起解释作用。同位语从句与定语从句在外形上非常相似。同位 语 从 句 的 先 行 词 多 为 fact,belief,news, idea,t

19、hought,question,reply,possibility, hope, problem, remark, report等名词 , 引导词常用 that 。2)同位语从句与定语从句的区别:从意义的角度来看 , 同位语从句与先行词之间存在的是同位或等同的关系。定语从句与先行词之间存在的是所属关系, 表示“的” , 起修饰限定作用。从语法角度来看 , 引导同位语从句的that是连词 , 只起语法作用 , 用来连接同位语从句 ,在从句中不充当任何成分。引导定语从句的that 是关系代词 , 它除了起引导从句的语法作用之外 ,还要在从句中充当句子成分,主要是作主语或宾语。从先行词的词性来看 , 同位语从句的先行词大都为抽象名词, 而定语从句的先行词可以是名词 ,也可以是代词或句子。


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