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1、课内小词典1. residentialadj. suitable for living in;consisting of housesrather than factories of offices适合居住的 ,住宅的词根: residentn.&居民(的);住户(的)adj.residencyn.居住;定居;居留期典例: This is a quite residential area.这是一片安静的住宅区。2. districtthat has particular features地区 ,典例: You can see the city of London在这里你可以看到伦敦市的

2、金融区。n. an area of a country区域s financial district here.or town,especiallyone3. suburbn.an area where people live that is outside the centre ofa city郊区;城外派生词: suburbanadj.郊区的;城外的suburbaniten.郊区居民suburbian. 郊区及其居民的生活方式等典例: They live in the suburbs.他们住在城外。4. confessv.to admit, especially formally or to

3、 the police, that youhave done sth. wrong or illegal派生词: confessionn.供认 ,坦白供认 ,坦白confessionaln.告解室;忏悔室confessorn.听告解神父典例: She confessed to the murder.她供认犯了谋杀罪。He confessed that he had stolen the money.他承认他偷了那笔钱。5. assessmentn.an opinion or a judgement about sb. /sth. that hasbeen thought about very

4、carefully看法;评价词根: assessv.同根词: assessor评价,评定n. 顾问 ,估价员典例: What is your assessment of the situation?你对形式的看法如何?6. professionaln.a personwho does a jobthatneeds specialtrainingand a high level of educationadj.connectedwitha jobneeds a high qualificationsthat专门人员;专业人士needs specialtraining专业的;职业的or skill

5、,especiallyone that词根: professionn.行业;职业典例: If it s a legal matter you need to seek professional advice.如果这属于法律问题,你就需要专业咨询了。7. conservev.to use as little of sth. as possible so that it lasts along time 节省 ,保存派生词: conservationn.保护;节约conservativeadj.保守的;守旧的典例: Help to conserve energy by insulating you

6、r home.对房屋作隔热处理来帮助节约能源。8. estimate v. to form an ideaof the cost, size, value etc.of sth. , but without calculating it exactly估价 ,估算派生词: estimationn. 估计;评价典例: The satellite will cost an estimated 400 million.这颗卫星估计要耗资4 亿英镑。9. uninhibitedadj.behavingor expressingyourselffreelywithoutworrying about what other people think典例: You can see her uninhibited passion.你可以看到她奔放的热情。纵情的;无拘无束的;随心所欲的10. grandadj.impressive and large or important壮丽的;堂皇的;重大的派生词: grandlyadv.重大地;堂皇地grandnessn.壮丽;重大


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