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1、学习必备欢迎下载中考英语专题训练一名词考点:、名 词的种类、名词的单复数、名词所有格 单项填空1._ are going to Australia for a holiday.A. The Mr. SmithsB. Mr. SmithsC. The SmithsD. The Smith s2.We must save water, or the last _ will be the tear of ours.A. pieceB. dropC. oneD. line3.Could you show me the way to the _ shop?-OK, Go along this stree

2、t and turn right at the second crossing.You ll find it in front of you.A. shoeB. shoesC. shoesD. shoes4.I met two _ on the way to the post office.A. GermanB. AustralianC. CanadianD. Japanese5.Some _ saw several _ on the hill.A. children, sheepsB. childs, sheepC. children, sheepD. childrens, sheep6.C

3、an you see any _ in the two _?A. potatos, photoesB. potatoes, photosC. potatos, photosD. potatoes, photoes7.My school is about twenty _ walk from here.A. minute sB. minutes C. minuteD. minutes8.This shop sells _ clothing.A . children s and womensB. child s and womansC. children s and womenD. childre

4、n and womens9.There used to be three _ in our clinic.A. women doctorB. woman doctorsC. women doctorsD. woman doctor10. I m afraid there isnt any _ for you in my car.A. placeB. roomC. sitD. seat11. Dalian has _ of about 6 million.A. the populationB. populationC. a populationD. populations12. _ it is

5、to watch the funny play!A. How funB. How a funC. What a funD. What fun13. She is a _ child, that is, she is a child of _A. four-year-old, four year old.B. four-years-old, four years old.C. four-years-old, four year old.D. four-year-old, four years old.14 _ little water is not enough for _ many peopl

6、e.学习必备欢迎下载A. Such, soB. So, soC. Such, suchD. So, such15. Help yourselves to some _, dear children!A. fishB. fishesC. fishsD. the fish16. My grandpa likes _ very much, so he grows some in his _ garden every year.A. vegetable, vegetablesB. vegetable, vegetableC. vegetables, vegetableD. vegetables, ve

7、getables17 . There is only a little _ in the fridge. Thats not enough for break -fast.A. cakesB. breadC. eggsD. sandwiches18.There are five _ on the table.A. tomatoesB. pianosC. radioesD. photos19.My parents went to the supermarket and bought _ for me last Sunday.A. two shoesB. a pair of shoesC. a s

8、et of shoesD. a group of shoes20.There are a lot of _ down there but hardly any _A. sheep, peopleB. sheeps, peopleC. sheep, peoplesD. sheeps, peoples21._ went to Canada to take part in the 2004 NEPCS.A. A friend of my fatherB. One of my father friendsC. A friend of my fathersD. Another my fathers fr

9、iend22. Can you read the English _ on the medicine bottle for me? -All right. Let me try.A. photosB. instructionsC. documentsD. meaning23. Sam has got an“A” in the examination.- That s a good _ He ll surely win a second.A. resultB. ideaC. newsD. start24. Look! Who is the man in the field?- It s _A.

10、John s uncleB. John unclesC. John s uncle sD. John uncle25.Hundred of man-made satellites have been sent up into _.A. spaceB. starsC. moonD. universe26.It is reported that most Chinese people are sure of _.A. China s futureB. Chinese futureC. China futureD. the future of Chinese27.He said he had nev

11、er seen _ in his life.A. a such beautiful picture.B. such a strong elephantC. such small a pigD. such exiting film28.Shanghai is larger than _ in Britain.A. any other cityB. any other citiesC. any cityD. any cities29. May I help you, Madam? -I d like _A. two breadsB. twohamburger学习必备欢迎下载C. twohotdog

12、sD. two sandwichs30. I think _ is the best place for a get-together.A. SallyB. Sallys C. the SallysD. Sallys 单词拼写1.There used to be lots of(烟囱 )in the northern part of the city,but we can t see any now.2.People love Christmas because of the spirit of(慷慨 )3.Yesterday the( 航班 ) to Washington D.C was p

13、ut off because of thebad weather.4.“I think youll feel better( 今晚) . ”Said DR. Smith.5.It s a(高兴 ) to work with my group.6.Children over 1.2m in( 高度 ) can be taken into the concert hall.7.Last year(干旱 ) happenedin NorthChina. But(洪灾 )appears in the southern part.8.It s a little painful to get an(注射

14、).9.Jims grandpa wrote a lot about his(体验 ) as a county doctor.10.Thoughheis rich,he decided to buy a usedcar. His(决定)surprised us all.11.Most( 德国人 ) speak English as a second language, so do(瑞典 )people.12.Do you have(自信 ) in 100-metre(接力 ) race.13.Look! What expensive tooth(刷) you re got!14.Wed bet

15、ter learn to deal with the coming(挑战 ) after China enteredWTO.15.Whose car is that over there?- Maybe it s the( 图书管理 员).16.Youll soon find the( 知识 ) very useful after you leave school.17.The(公众) care for the price of food very much.18.(交通 ) in large cities is truly a big problem we are facing.19.Mr.

16、 Green loves books very much. He has( 架子 ) of good books.20.The( 奥林匹克 ) Games will be held in Beijing in 3 years.21.The sports club is only open to(会员 ) only.22.The old scientist- Mr . Yuan Long Ping has done a great(贡献 ) to theworld.23.I live in a happy home(环境 ). Several stores, banks, post office

17、 can befound in the(近邻 ).24.30,000(美元 ) is a large amount of money, but its far less thanwe need.25.I was asked to write down the names of the(校长) on the paper.26.I like travelling in my spare time, I often lose myself in the natural(风景 ).27.Dalian has a(人口 ) of 5,900,000.28. Is this digital( 照相机 )

18、yours?- NO, It s our teachers学习必备欢迎下载29. This pan is special because it isnt made of( 金属 ), its made of _(竹子 ).30.Morethanthree( 四分之一 )ofthe(信息 )on theInternet is in English.31.Look! He is in( 危险). He has climbed so high.32. Whats the strange thing covered with(羽毛 ).33.In a few( 年 ) time, Dalian wil

19、l be famous in the world.34.Dalianisfamousforherbeautiful(广场 ). XingHai(广场),one of them, is the largest one in Asia.35.Jackson,( 队长 ) of the football team, scored the first goal.36.The(士兵 ) shot at the birds on the tree, but they shot none.37. How you even seen a film about(偷窃).-Yes, I like( 侦探) fil

20、m.38.Mother has got several(项链 ) from dear father this year lone.39. I can t decide which(节目 ) to watch. Do you have any ideas?-I think watch TALK SHOW is a good choice. It must be on(频道) 540.“Thanks to the beautiful sunshineand enough rain, we can have a good fruit(收获 ) this year.” Says Mr. Smith.4

21、1. Excuseme,couldyoutell uswhich(座位)areours?-This way, please.42.Six thousand(英镑 ) is a large sum(金额 ) of money to the old lady.43.This pair of( 剪刀 ) is made in Hangzhou. How sharp they are!44.Three(百 ) old people died of cold last winter in the country. 45.TheChinese teacher asked us to write a _ (

22、两千字 ) composition.46.There should be a _ (桥 ) of understanding between teachers and students.47.Chinese people will remember that happiest day when Yang Liwei reached the_ ( 空间 ) forever.48. Wed better read the(说明 ) carefully before taking medicine.49.Nowwecanreceivetelevisionand radioprogrammeby(卫星

23、)easily every day.50.Large numbers of plastic bags are used in Wal-Mart(超市 ).51.The advertisements(出现 ) always made kids excited.52. Each person will have three or four(平方 ) metres of room to live inon the earth.53.The computer is one of the most useful and wonderful( 发明) inthe 20 thcentury.54.Could

24、youtellme more(信息 )about thehighschoolentranceexam?55.The world population has reached seven( 十亿 ) at the beginning of21 st century.学习必备欢迎下载参考答案 1.C2. B3. A4. D5. C6.B7.B8.A9.C 10.B11.C12.D13.D14.B15.A16.C17.B18.D19.B20.A 21.C22.B23.D24.C25.A26.A27.B28.C29.C 30.B 1.chimneys;2.generosity;3.flight;4.t


26、cenery;27.population;28.camera;29.metal;bamboo;30.quarters;information;31.danger;32.feathers;33.years ;34.squares;Squares;35.captain;36.soldier;37.stealing;detective;38.necklaces;39.programme;Channel;40.harvest;41.seats;42.pounds;43.scissors;44.hundred;45.two-thousand-word; 46.bridge; 47.space;48.instructions;49.satellite;50.Supermarket;51.appearance;52.square;53.inventions;54.information;55.billion


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