高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period3 Grammar Pronunciation(Module1 life in the future) .doc

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《高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period3 Grammar Pronunciation(Module1 life in the future) .doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语新课标外研版必修4教案 Period3 Grammar Pronunciation(Module1 life in the future) .doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Period 3Grammar;PronunciationThe General Idea of This PeriodThe grammar in this module is the future continuous.The future continuous is formed with will be and the -ing form of the verb.Its function is to make predictions,ie.it describes a situation which will be in progress at a given moment in th

2、e future.To make the students clear about it the teacher had better give the students some exercises for a consolidation.The pronunciation in this module is stress.The teacher may choose a short paragraph from the passage and then ask them to find the stressed words themselves.After that you may pla

3、y the tape for the students to listen and check their answers.Teaching Important PointsEncourage the students to sum up grammatical rules.To make the students understand the stresses of English sentences.Teaching Difficult PointsTo make them know more about the future continuous.To train the student

4、s pronunciation.Teaching MethodsIndividual work and pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching AidsMultimedia,tape-recorder & a blackboardThree Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and SkillsMake the students learn to sum up grammatical rules themselves.Make sure the students master th

5、e grammatical items.Train the students pronunciation.Process and StrategiesMotivate the students enthusiasm in taking part in the class.Feelings and ValueThrough the study of this period the students will surely know more about the future continuous.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 RevisionGreet the studen

6、ts as usual and then ask a few good ones to read their articles about their future home.Step 2 GrammarT:Okay,so much for the check-up.This period we are going to talk about the future continuous.First please look at the following sentences from the interview and tick the true statements.(Show the fo

7、llowing sentences on the screen.)a.Where will we be living in twenty years time?b.We wont be living underground or in space.c.We will be living in houses and flats just as we do today.1.The future continuous is formed with will be and the -ing form of the verb.2.The negative form is wont be and the

8、-ing form of the verb.2 / 83.The future continuous describes a situation which will be in progress at a given moment in the future.4.The future continuous is used to refer to arrangements for the near future.5.The future continuous is used to make predictions.Suggested answers:1.true2.true3.true4.fa

9、lse5.trueT:To consolidate what we have learned,lets do more exercises.(Show the following on the screen.)Complete the following sentences from the interview in Listening and Speaking.1.We _probably_the kitchen more as a family room.2.We _more time in the bath.3.Everyone _hard to take care of the env

10、ironment.(You may play the tape for the students to listen and check.)Suggested answers:1.We will probably be using the kitchen more as a family room.2.We will be spending more time in the bath.3.Everyone will be trying hard to take care of the environment.(Show the following sentences on the screen

11、.)Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using the future continuous.1.At nine oclock tonight I _(do) my homework.2.Dont call me before seven.I _(get dressed).3.They _(not work) next Thursday.Its a public holiday.4.In the year 3000 a lot of people _(live) on space stations.5._you _(stay)

12、here next summer?6.This time next year I _(lie) on a beach.(Give the students a few minutes and then call back their answers.)Suggested answers:1.will be doing2.will be getting dressed3.wont be working4.will be living5.Will,be staying6.I will be lyingT:Just now we have learned the continuous future.

13、Now please talk about what you will be doing in a certain time with your partners.(The teacher may encourage the students to ask and answer what they will be doing during the following time.)(Show the following on the screen.)1.at six oclock this morning2.at half past seven this evening3.this time t

14、omorrow 4.this time next yearStep 3 Pronunciation T:So much for the grammar.Now lets come to the next partpronunciation.First please look at the following sentences and try to underline the stressed words in it.(Show the following sentence on the screen.)Twenty years isnt a long time.We wont be livi

15、ng underground or in space.We will be living houses and flats just as we do today.(The teacher may then ask the students to listen and follow so as to make them grasp the stressed words.You may pause it if necessary.)T:Okay.Now look at the following stressed words and predict what the passage says.(

16、Write the following words on the blackboard.)Kitchen-most important room-house.We-still-cooking,probably-using-kitchen more-family-room,bathrooms-biggerT:Now listen and check.(The teacher play the tape for the students to check their answers.)Step 4 Summary and homeworkT:Today we have learned the gr

17、ammar in this module,that is,the future continuous.Through our study we know that the future continuous is formed with will be and the -ing form of the verb.Its function is to make predictions,ie.it describe a situation which will be in progress at a given moment in the future.And we also practiced

18、our pronunciation.After class please do Exercise 3 and 4 in our workbook.So much for today.Good-bye,everyone!Ss:Good-bye,Sir!The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardModule 1Life in the FutureThe third periodKitchen-most important room-house.We-still-cooking,probably-using-kitchen more-family-room

19、,bathrooms-biggerRecord after Teaching_Activities and Research1.Learn to make predictions through the continuous future.2.Practise stressed words.Reference for TeachingGrammar将来进行时将来进行时的构成概念:表示将来某时进行的状态或动作,或按预测将来会发生的事情。是由”shall/will+be+现在分词”构成的如:Ill be meeting him sometime in the future.形式:(肯定,否定形式以

20、及一般疑问式)常用的时间状语:soon,tomorrow,this evening,on Sunday,by this time,tomorrow,in two days,tomorrow eveningBy this time tomorrow,Ill be lying on the beach.Dont phone me between 8:00 and 10:00.Well be having classes then.8点到10点之间不要给我打电话,我们那时正在上课。Will you be using your bicycle this evening?今晚你用自行车吗?She won

21、t be having a meeting in her office at 8:00 tomorrow.明天8点她不在办公室开会。将来进行时的用法1.将来进行时用来表示在将来的某一个时间正在进行的动作和按计划、安排,决定预料将要发生的事下个星期的这时候,我们将在那个工厂劳动。This time next week we shall be working in that factory.明天下午三点,我们将正在开会。Well be having a meeting at three oclock tomorrow afternoon.你将什么时候见怀特先生 (语气较委婉客气,下属对上司)Whe

22、n will you be seeing Mr.White?今天晚上七点,学生们将正在看电视。The students will be watching TV at seven this evening.2.将来进行时主要表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作,或表示要在将来某一时刻开始,并继续下去的动作,常用来表示礼貌的询问、请求等。例如:1)This time next day they will be sitting in the cinema.用法:强调在将来的某个具体时间正在发生的动作或事情。例:Dont worry,you wont miss her.She will be wearing

23、 a red T-shirt and a white skirt at that time.别担心,你不会认不出她的。她到时会穿一件红色的T恤衫和一条白色的短裙。例:This time tomorrow you _there doing some more exercises.A)will sitB)will be sittingC)sitD)shall sit答案是B。因为this time tomorrow是个很具体的将来时间。将来进行时与现在进行时态的区别现在进行时表示一种经过考虑的,将来要进行的动作,而将来进行时通常表示正常过程中会发生的动作,因此将来进行时不如现在进行时那样肯定,比后

24、者偶然性要大一些:I am seeing Tom tomorrow.明天我要和汤姆见面。Ill be seeing Tom tomorrow.明天我会见到汤姆。第一句意指汤姆或说话人已经特意安排了这次会面,而第二句则意指汤姆和说话人将在通常进程中见面(也许他们在一起工作)。不过这种差别并不是在任何情况下都很重要,而且常常两者都可以使用。现在进行时用于表示最近将来的动作时,必须有确定的时间,而将来进行时可以和确定的时间状语连用,也可以不连用。它既可以表示最近将来的动作,也可以表示较远将来的动作。可以说:I am meeting him tomorrow.我明天和他会面。但是说:Ill be me

25、eting him tomorrow/next year/some time.我明天/明年/某时将与他会面。将来进行时与一般将来时态的区别将来进行时通常表示的是对将来事实的简单陈述。而will+v.(一般将来时)除表示时间概念外,还带有感情色彩。e.g.汤姆明天将正在割草。Tom will be cutting grass tomorrow.汤姆明天愿意割草。Tom will cut the grass tomorrow.将来进行时与will +动词原形的比较A.will+动词原形和将来进行时之间的差别与will+动词原形和现在进行时之间的差别基本上相同。will+动词原形表示将来的意图。将来

26、进行时表示未经过考虑将来便要进行的动作:Ill write to Mr Pitt and tell him about Toms new house.我要写信告诉皮特先生关于汤姆的新房子的事。在这个例句中动词表示意图,说话人根据自己的意愿宣布一个经过考虑的、将来要进行的动作。但在下面这句中:Ill be writing to Mr Pitt and Ill tell him about Toms new house.我会写信给皮特先生并告诉他关于汤姆的新房子的事。黑体的动词并不表示意图,仅仅是对事实的陈述,意味着写这封信给皮特先生是例行公事,或者这信是因与汤姆的新房子无关的原因而写的。类似的情

27、况有:Tom wont cut the grass意指汤姆拒绝割草。而Tom wont be cutting the grass(汤姆不会去割草)仅陈述这一事实,并未说明汤姆的想法。也许汤姆已外出,或者生病了,或者要做其他工作。B.will+动词原形可以表示邀请:Will you have a cigarette?请抽烟。或表示有礼貌的请求:Will you help me to lift the piano?请你帮我抬一下钢琴,好吗? 或者发出命令:You will work in this room.你在这个房间里工作。而将来进行时则无上述这些含义:Will you please brin

28、g the piano in here?Yes,sir.OK.请你把钢琴搬进这里来,好吗?好,先生。好的。但 Will you be bringing the piano in here?(你会不会把钢琴搬到这里来?)仅是关于将来的动作的问句,不含请求或命令的意思。Yes,I think I will.No,I think Ill put it upstairs.是的,我想是的。不,我想把它放在楼上。You will work in this office.你在这个办公室工作。(命令)但是说:You will be working here.你将在这里工作。(仅陈述一件事实)和前面一样,这里也可以用现在进行时而不用将来进行时,但必须加上一个确指将来时间的状语。 希望对大家有所帮助,多谢您的浏览!


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