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1、目录听力教学 Darwin Destroyed in one Night 2语法教学 End of Year Party6词汇教学 disappear, unknown , sleepless10听力教学 Darwin Destroyed in one Night1. 题目:听力教学2. 内容:3. 具体要求:(1) 朗读一遍(2) 设计口语教学(3) 适当板书【Topic】 Darwin Destroyed in one Night【Teaching objectives 】1. Knowledge objective:Word: tear, sweepTopic: The destruct

2、ion of cyclone.2.Skill objective:a. Students' listening ability could be enhanced.b. Students ' solving problem ability can be enhanced by working in groups.3 Emotion objective:a. Students should know how to protect themselves and take proper emergency measures in the disaster.b. Students ar

3、e willing to share information with others.【Teaching key points 】Students can get the main idea and specific information of the listening material.【 Teaching difficult points 】Students know how to protect themselves in an emergency situation.【 Teaching procedures 】Step 1 Lead-inTeacher shows student

4、s several pictures of meteorological disaster. Students can guess what kind of weather caused the catastrophe.【Purpose】 : Pictures are vivid and easy to attract students ' attention.Step 2 Pre-listening(1) Teacher presents one of pictures of meteorological disaster. Students can predict what hap

5、pened in this area.(2) Students work in pairs trying to describe the picture in their own word. Choose several pairs to share their imagination with the class.(3) Teacher presents and explains the key words, tear, sweep, to the students.【Purpose】 To encourage students to predict the content of the m

6、aterial. Through prediction, the relevant background information in the students ' mind could be activated. When students listen to the listening material, they will be more directive.Step 3 While -listening(1) listening for the gist.Listen to the tape for the first time. Teacher presents the qu

7、estion: what ' s the listening text about?(2) selective listeningListen to the tape for the second time. Teacher presents more specific question: When does the cyclone happened?What speed of the wind?(3) Intensive listeningTeacher reads the listening material and shows the passage with several b

8、lanks. 【Purpose】 Students listen to the material for three times. Those three steps could help students master the listening skills.Step 4 post-listeningDiscussion.(1) Teacher divided the class into 6 groups.(2) Each group discusses what they should do when they meet weather disaster.(3) every group

9、 should recommend a representative to display their conclusion. 【Purpose 】 This task aims to improve students ' ability of solving problems. Besides, students could also learn how to protect themselves and take proper emergency measures in the disaster.Step 5 SummaryStudents retell the passage w

10、ith their own words. Teacher emphasizes the importance of knowing the emergency measures.【Purpose】 Students summarize the key points, which could embody student -centeredness in class.Step 6 HomeworkStudents are encouraged to describe the most terrible weather they ever experienced and share it next

11、 class.【Purpose】 Such an assignment could highlight students ' enthusiasm to use the language they learned.Blackboard designDarwin Destroyed in one NightTime : tearSpeed: sweep 语法教学 End of Year Party1. 题目:语法教学2. 内容:3. 具体要求:(1) 配合教学内容适当的板书(2) 并对当中的语法进行讲解( 3)试讲时间:约 10 分钟(4) 全英文试讲 【Topic】 End of Ye

12、ar Party 【Teaching objectives 】1. Knowledge objectiveSs can not only learn the use of the negative form of imperative sentence, but also express themselves in daily communication.Grammar: Don ' t + imperative sentence2. Skill objectiveSs'can master a grammar structure: “ Don' t” correctl

13、y and properly according to thecontext.3. Emotion objectiveSs can become interested in grammar learning. And Ss can improve the sense of learning and cooperation. What' s more, Ss can expand their knowledge and view about the “party culture ” .【Teaching important points 】Get students to learn an

14、d master the new grammar item: the negative form of imperative sentence.【Teaching difficult points 】Enable students to learn how to use the form of “ Don' t ” expertly in English communication.【Teaching procedures】Step 1 Lead-in(1) Free talk: Ss talk about the dress and clothing at school party.

15、【Purpose】The activity of free talk can not only attract the attention of Ss to participate the class, but also make preparations for Ss' following learning processes.Step 2 Presentation/practice(1) Ss read through the whole text and observe the similarities of those sentences in the text.(For in

16、stanee, all those sentences have the same structure of “ Don' t ”)(2) Ss pick out the sentences where the structure of “ Don' t” are, and un derl ine them.(3) Ss work in pairs to translate these sentences and try to understand the use of “ Don' t ”.(4) Teacher explain the usage and impor

17、tant points of the negative form of imperative sentence and draw the conclusion about the structure “ Don' t ”.【Purpose 】To stimulate the interests of Ss. Ss can find out the rule of negative form of imperative sentence. Ss can improve their confidence in grammar learning and also understand dif

18、ferent culture and custom of party.(5) Using structures(Show the following exercises on the screen or give out exercises papers.)Answer the following questions using the structure “ Don' t ”.What' s the rule of ban about dressing when you take an interview?What kind of notice signs can you f

19、ind in a hospital?Do you know some school rules in our campus? Ss work in group of four. Ss are given some certain time to finish the work and each group can choose the most attractive answer. Ss choose the best sentences in class.【Purpose】Ss are encouraged to use the grammar structure by themselves

20、 to express views.Ss can master new grammar in a fun way. Teamworkis also promoted through imagining, discussing and exchanging.Step 3 ConsolidationDiscussion:The teacher puts forward a topic about the class rule: the necessity of class rule. (For instance: Do you think it is necessary for us to mak

21、e some rules in our class?) Ss can make a list of their class rules and discuss opinion with part ner accord ing to the grammar structure “ Don' t” 【Purpose】Ss can practice the grammar in actual communication, which encourage them to cooperate and communicate with others and state different kind

22、s of points in English.Step 4 SummarySs summarize what they learned today and the important points of the usage of the structure “ Don' t”.【Purpose】Ss' summarizing the important points can give full play to their subjectivity. Ss could improve confidence in English communication and expressi

23、on. And Ss also can learn how to prove arguments and views in English. Therefore, the emotional objectives can be achieved in this activity.Step 5 Homework1 Let the Ss finish the exercise in the workbooks with the grammar structure in this lesson.Make a rule for themselves using “ Don' t” .They

24、are supposed to share it next class. 【Purpose】Ss could use the grammar they learnedto improve their English learning ability. What' s more, Ss could speak their mind and express viewpoints bravely.词汇教学 disappear,unknown , sleepless1. 题目:词汇教学2. 内容:阅读下面英文诗歌,讲解词汇:disappear,unknown ,sleeplessDisappe

25、arWe' re the last of the sleepless onesWe' re the last of the sleepless onesLeft behind by those we left behind tonightQuiet now let our poison takeWere we always just your lost cause mistakesWait for me, will you wait for meNeed you on my sideWay for me, make way for meWith arms wideAlone,

26、left aloneWatch us slowly disappear with timeUnknown, still unknownForgotten, lost, and left behind.3. 具体要求:(1) 阅读全文(2) 全英文试讲(3) 适当板书设计【Topic】Disappear【Teaching objectives】1. Knowledge objectivesSs master the words disappear, unknown and sleepless. They need to know the meaning and the word formatio

27、n rules of these words.2. Skill objectivesSs get the method of learning new words ' meaning by dividing words into suffix or prefix in order to understanding a new English poem properly.3. Emotion objectivesSs get the study ability to explore the meaning of the new words through study the new wo

28、rds by themselves and basically get the ability to enjoy an English poem by understanding the English words.【 Teaching key and difficult points 】Ss master the knowledge of word formation to guess the meaning of a new English word and use this ability to their reading and listening for a better under

29、standing of the English materials. 【 Teaching procedures 】Step1 Lead-in(1)Free talk: Ss talk about the poems they have ever learned. And teacher tell them there is a new poem. Let ' s enjoy it together !【Purpose 】 The activity of free talk can not only create a relaxing English learning atmosphe

30、re for Ss to participate, but also stimulate Ss ' relevant cognition which can pave way for the following learning.Step 2 Presentation(1) Teacher presents the new poem to the students. And separate the class into four groups to let them read the poem one group by one group.(2) Teacher presents t

31、he provoking -mind question, and let them work in pairs to understand the main ideas of the poem and find out the new words they don ' t know.(3) Teacher ask the students the new words they don ' t know and write them down on the blackboard.(4) Ss work in pairs trying to describe the rules i

32、n these words, and guess the meaning of these words.(5) Teacher guide the students to divide these words, like dis -appear; un -know, sleep-less. And telling the English meaning of these words.(6) Teacher asks students what 's the common characteristics of the meaning of these words. And ask the

33、 student in one of each groups to find the rules.(7) Teacher tells students that un -,dis-,and -less have the common meaning that is negative.(8) Teacher tells students how to use these words and make sentences for each word.(9) Teacher ask each students to find more words like what we have learned

34、today. And read the whole poem again and understand the poem.【Purpose】 Make students as the main role of the class, and guide the students to find out the words formation rules. It is good for students themselves to learn the new words in the help of the teacher and they could learn the words better

35、 in this way.Step 3 Practice(1) Matchdis- appear-less knownun- sleep(2) Use the following words, disappear, unknow, sleepless, and fill the blanks.Last night I dreamed a sweet dream. In my dream I made friends with an alien came fromanplanet. We have talked about the lives in our own planet.We had a

36、 long and happy talk.Finally, we said goodbye to each other. And she in front of my eyes by UFO. Then Iwoke up and found it is a sweet dream and felt then.【Purpose】 Make students to master these words by these two practices.Step 3 ConsolidationTeacher divide the students into four groups and ask eac

37、h students in each group to work in pairs to make sentences using the new words. And then teacher asks the students in each group toorganize the sentences into one short paragraph and asks one representative of each group to read in public.【Purpose】 Ss master the words we have learned today and use

38、them to write a short essay not only could review what we have learned today but develop the ability to use the new words in their writing.Step 4 SummarySs summarize the English words with the suffix, -less and prefix, -un, dis-. In addition, let them conclude the function of learning the world form

39、ation rules.【Purpose】 Ss' summarizing the key points can let them have the further understanding the key point of this class. And let them conclude the function of learning the world formation rules, which could trigger English words learning interests of students and improve their English words

40、 learning ability.Step 5 HomeworkSs are encouraged collect more English words with suffix and prefix, and use five new words that they have collected to write a short passage.【Purpose 】 Find out more English word formation rules can trigger students ' English learning interests as well as improving their English words learning ability.Blackboard designdis- appearun- known-less sleep


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