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1、英语模拟试题第 I 卷(选择题,共 90 分)二、单项选择 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21._ unusual music he is playing ! All of us are losing ourselves in it .A. How B. What an C. How a D. What22. We spend as much time as we can _ English.A. Read B. to read C. reading D. have read23. We dont know wh

2、en the meeting _ . When the meeting _, please tell me .A. is held , will be held B. will hold ,is heldC. will hold , holds D. will be held, is held24. Three _ the students in our school will graduate from school.A. hundred B. hundreds of C. hundred of D hundreds25. It was very hot the day before yes

3、terday._A. So it was B. It was so C. So was it D. So it is26. He asked me where during my stay in Tokyo.A.I had gone B. had I stayed C. did I have D. I had been27. The travelers arrived _ shanghai _ a sunny day .A. at ,in B. at ,on C. in , in D. in, on28. You may go to play football as soon as your

4、homework_A. will be finished B. has finished C. finishes D. is finished29.- Dont be late for class again, Mary,.- Sorry, I _.A. dont B, am not C. wont D wasnt30. Its _ hard problem for the twins that _ of them can work it out .A. so ,neither B. such a , none C. so a , neither D. such a ,neither31. T

5、he food mother cooked _ very delicious.A. is tasted B. tastes C. is being tasted D. to taste32.There _ anybody in the room .The door is locked.A. must not B. cant have C. cant be D. be cant33. Are you _ when someone looks at you in _?A. surprised, surprise B. surprise ,surprisedC. surprised, surpris

6、ed D. surprising ,surprise34. -Whatre you going to do in the future?-Id like to be a doctor _ you are.A. so B. as C. that D. when35. The covers of my books are newer than _ of _.A. ones ,yours B. those ,you C. those ,yours D. ones ,you三、完形填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共计 15 分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个

7、选项中,选出最佳 选项。I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally _ _36_ that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad1 / 9smile.“I m _37_ tomorrow,” he said.“I know.” My _38_ was almost a whisper. I was _39_ at myself for being

8、so weak, but I wasnt about to cry.“My _40_ is early, so there is still _41_ time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the _42_ look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I wont leave without saying goodbye.”I tried to say _43_ , but didn t. It s always _44_ to keep quiet if you re about to cr

9、y. “You promised you wouldnt cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to _45_.I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike. _46_ I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from _47_. I was happy with this, but he knew he couldnt hold me up all my life. He told m

10、e that one day he would have to let go.His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say _48_ to the person who taught me everything?The next morning I _49_ , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left _50_ ago. We never even said goodbye.Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may

11、 have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.36. A. forgetting B. realizing C. watching D. learning37. A. arriving B. living C. coming D. leaving38. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. word39. A. glad B. moved C. angry D. pleased40. A. ship B. flight C. train

12、D. bus41. A. enough B. little C. no D. busy42. A. surprised B. excited C. sad D. happy43. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing44. A. stranger B. better C. worse D. easier45. A. tears B. smiles C. words D. sadness46. A. At last B. Since C. At first D. So far47. A. riding B. running C. wa

13、lking D. falling48. A. goodbye B. hello C. yes D. sorry49. A. gave up B. stood up C. looked up D. woke up50. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks四、阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(A)The airport in Boswell is twenty-one miles from the city. The banks and business off

14、ices are in the center of the city. Read there notes from the diary of Mr. Reg SimpsonMarch 200415 MON Group of 35 Australian students visiting Boswell - want cheap holiday16 TUES Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant arriving from Sydney - need overnight stop at Boswell -leaving early on the 18thair17 WED Mr. Naga

15、shima, Tokyo, arriving for two days business trip 18 THURS 65 German students need two days in a cheap hotel19 FRI2 / 920 SAT Mr. and Mrs Johnson, from New York City, arriving by air21 SUN22 MON Mr. and Mrs F. Ray, small inexpensive (便宜的) hotel needed for two days 51. Mr. Reg Simpson is probably _ .

16、A. a headmaster B. a travel manager C. a traveler D. an engineer 52. Mr. Nagashima is from _.A. Australia B. Japan C. America D. Germany 53. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grant will leave Boswell on _.A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Friday54. How many travelers will Mr. Reg Simpson meet in just over a week

17、.A. 107 B. 65 C. 35 D. 131(B)(A) For Sale (B) Roommate WantedBicycle made in China Male(男)English native speakerGood condition(状况)wanted to share a 2- bedroom apartmentZhang Ying, 306, dormitory(寝室) 4 near campus(校园), washer, dryer, kitchenCall Li, 288-940605 any evening after 5(C) LostB lack briefc

18、ase (公 文包) with 3 books on physicsC all: John Smith 843-3160645( D) FoundBrown briefcase with some moneySee: Joseph Hofman in Chemistry Dept55. You can call Zhang Ying if you want to .A. buy a bike B. sell a bikeC. have your bike repaired D. borrow a bike56. One of the reasons why Li wants someone t

19、o share his room is that .A. he wants to live near the campusB. he wants to improve his EnglishC. he wants his washer, dryer and kitchen to be usedD. he wants someone to use his kitchen57. Joseph Hofman .A. found John Smiths briefcaseB. was a teacherC. found the briefcase with many booksD. found the

20、 brown briefcase with some money(C)When youre curious( 好奇的) about something, and want to know more about it, you can use the way of asking questions. Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries(发现) and find interesting answers. The steps below can guide you during the research(研究).Step1 O

21、n a notecard or piece of paper, write down the subject that you are interested in. Just get the main idea down. For example, you might write: Discover more about dinosaurs.3 / 9Step2 Next, stop and think for a moment about what you already know abut your subject. List what you already know like the

22、sentences below:(1) Dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared.(2) Dinosaurs lived on the earth for more than 150 million years.(3) Some dinosaurs fed on(吃) plants, some on meat.Step3 What can you do with what you want to learn? By asking questions. On your paper, start writing down questions

23、 about the dinosaurs as you think of them:(1) Whats the best weather for dinosaurs to live in?(1) How many kinds of dinosaurs are there?(2) Have dinosaurs really disappeared?Step4 Armed with your list of questions, you can now go to the nearest library or computer to begin your research. As you lear

24、n more about your subject, youll probably discover some new questions. For example, you might discover that dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million years ago. Why? What happened? Asking new questions can help you research your subject more widely.If you always find something interesting to research,

25、take time to organize(组织) your thinking by asking good questions. And remember learning more always brings more questions. 58. When you do some research, you should take the following steps:(1)list what you want to know (2) choose a research subject(3)list what you already know (4) discover new prob

26、lemsA. (4)(3)(2)(1) B. (1)(4)(3)(2) C.(2)(3)(1)(4) D.(3)(2)(4)(1)59. From the passage, we know .A. dinosaurs appeared after human beingsB. not all the dinosaurs fed on meatC. dinosaurs lived on the earth for 65 million yearsD. dinosaurs lived warm season60. What does “Armed with your list of questio

27、ns” mean?A. Putting your list of questions under your armB. Discussing your questions with your classmatesC. Writing down your list of questionsD. Taking your list of questions with you61. According to the passage, which one is true?A. You can find all the answers online(网络上)A. Learn more, and youll

28、 have no questionsA. Asking questions is the only way for researchB. During the research, you may keep finding new questions(D)Like all the planets in our solar system, Earth and Mars go around the sun. But Earth is closer to the sun, and therefore revolves along its orbit(轨道) more quickly. Earth ma

29、kes two trips around the sun in about the same amount of time that Mars takes to make one trip. So sometimes the two planets are on opposite sides of the sun, very far apart, and other times, Earth catches up with its neighbor and passes relatively close to it.4 / 9Since Mars and the sun appear on o

30、pposite sides of the sky, we say that Mars is in “opposition”. Mars oppositions happen about every 26 months. Every 15 or 17 years, opposition occurs within a few weeks of Mars perihelion(近日点).An opposition can occur anywhere along Mars' orbit. When it happens while the red planet is closest to

31、the sun (called “perihelic opposition”), Mars is particularly close to Earth. If Earth and Mars both had perfectly stable orbits, then each perihelic opposition would bring the two planets as close as they could be. So, with all these added factors, some bring us closer together than others. The 200

32、3 opposition was the closest approach in almost 60,000 years!Mars orbit is more elliptical( 椭圆的) than Earths, so the d ifference between perihelion and aphelion(远日点) is greater. Over the past centuries, Mars orbit has been getting more and more elongated, carrying the planet even nearer to the sun a

33、t perihelion and even farther away at aphelion. So future perihelic oppositions will bring Earth and Mars even closer. Our 2003 record will stand until August 28, 2287!62. The time Mars takes to go around the sun is _ that Earth needsA. as long as B. not so long asC. as about two times long as D. as

34、 about three times long as63. Which of the following statement is not right?A. When Mars is in “opposition”, Mars and the sun are opposite in the sky.B. Mars oppositions happen about every 15 or 17 years.C. An opposition can occur everywhere along Mars orbit.D. Mars oppositions happen about every 26

35、 months.64. In the sentence “ Mars orbit has been getting more and more elongated”,elongated means _.A. 伸长的 B. 拉长 C. 延长 D. (被拉得)细长的65. From the passage, we can know the next perihelic opposition _.A. is the closest approach in almost 60,000 yearsB. will bring Earth and Mars even fartherC. will happe

36、n on August 28, 2287D. is in 2003第 II 卷(非选择题,共 60 分)五、动词填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)用括号内动词的适当时态或语态填空。66. -Did you see the film last night?-Yes .Its wonderful, so I(see) it again if Im free.67. -Its time for supper. But where is Miss Wang?- Shes in the office. She wont leave till the work _ (finish).

37、68. -I havent seen Miss Yang for a long time ?-Dont you know he _ (send) to help the poor areas in the west last year? 69. -Do you know where Jim is?-He with Tom (clean) the windows.70. -Where is Helen leaving for tomorrow?5 / 9- I heard he (fly) to the USA for his holiday. 71. -Jack , can I use you

38、r bike?-I m sorry. I(lend ) it to Pingping.72. -When shall I finish my homework?-It _ (must do) as soon as you can.73. -Who _ he _ (chat) with at this time last night?-Who? His new e-friend!74. - Can Peter go to the Childrens Palace with me tomorrow?- If he _ ( feel )better tonight.75. -Have you rea

39、d the book written by Han Han?- Yes, the book (come) out last month.六、完成句子(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)A) 根据提示情景和要求,用英语写出相应的句子。76.如果你想知道一条裤子的价格是多少,你该怎么问?_77.你的朋友对你说他通过了驾驶的测试,你将对他说什么?_78.Its cold in the room. What will you say if you want to close the door?_79.Amy wants to cross the road when the traffic

40、 light is red, what will you say to her?_ B) 同义句改写80.The boss often makes the workers work at night._81.Will he come tomorrow? Do you know?_82.The factory opened three weeks ago._83.She found that her son was very clever._6 / 9C) 对画线部分提问84.The boy does his homework every day._85.Its five minutes wal

41、k from the hospital to the shop._86.There is a little bread on the plate._87.I felt terribly ill this morning._ D)完成句子88. Swimming _ (和.一样有趣) skating.89. We should _ (采取措施保护野生动物). 90.My uncle _ (过去在北京工作).七、选词填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)用方框内所给词或词组的适当形式完成下列句子。far possible feel bored belong to give seat

42、s to teach oneselfrun into make a decision put all ones effort into success91. Amy _ French on TV last year, now she is good at it.92. I _ a friend of mine on my way to school this morning.93. He had difficulty _ last week.94. They will get their _ education at the local college.95. Its _ for her to finish this task in such a short time.96. His speech was a little boring. So we all _.97. At last, he _ in working out the maths problem.98. Its polite for us _ the old on the bus.99. The beautiful garden _ my aunt two years ago.100. She wants to be a dancer .


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